The room was a murmur of chaos as each specialist person shouted their opinion and view at her. Her long black hair swaying behind her delicate body as she shouted at them, her eyes alive with fire and her face flushed with a light pink from frustration and trying. To her left she smiled gently at the elderly man who had remained quiet for the entire argument, whilst her people of money, time, power, buildings, health etc argued amongst themselves loudly this man of war and peace had kept to himself. Obviously he had view on what should be done but he seemed to be the only one proper enough to stand up and speak to her with polite patience and not yell and shout above everyone else.

She hadn't been queen very long, eighteen, nineteen months at most and yet she was already feeling the strain. Her father had conquered this land almost three years ago and with all the trouble it had caused he had decided to place his one and only child in charge of the island. It was a beautiful island and the plan had worked. The people of the land soon got back to farming and trading as they had once before, so now she was left with bringing a ruined landscape back to its feet. Restoring the buildings that had been destroyed, mending relationships between towns that had crumbled and giving the people hope.

In fact every person in this room had played a part in giving them a hope. Each and every one of them was a native asked to come here and become the person in charge of that area. The man who was concerned with buildings made sure things were re-built and that standards were met, the man for education and health made sure schools and hospitals, doctors and nurseries were set up and all to a health and safety record that he saw fit, power was watching over relations with other countries and trying to make them better, money was obviously in charge of the national treasury and lastly the man of war and peace was in charge of war and peace but not only that he also had to build and sustain an army, train them and make sure that the relations with other countries did not need to result in war and if it did that it was sorted as quick and nicely as possible.

Right now she sat listening to his view on the problem; her small onyx eye sparkled with respect for the old mad as she listened to every word he said, glaring at anyone who dared butt in. In the south people were starving, the crops had been destroyed and their homes burned and the question was: do they give up all the extra efforts to bring the county onto its feet money and social wise and then help this small group of people or help them first. Obviously she wanted to help them but of course as things work she had to address the court first.

"My dear Queen each and every person of this kingdom is vital to us. No matter how small or insignificant they still play a part. Now we have enough money to sustain the country for the few months that it will take them to get back on their feet. And I will have members of the army carry this out, this way it will be done properly and with discipline." The elder was small, a small green army hat sat gently upon his greying head and a large but friendly moustache under his nose. He had a gentle voice, one of age and wisdom as he directed her. He seemed kind and caring, respecting each person he met and those he hadn't.

"I like that plan! Thank you very much General Gohan and I wish you take this plan out as soon as possible. Now I have other affairs to see to. I bid you all a good day." With that she stood, every person bowing to her as she left the room and down the corridor.

His feet hit the floor soundly, the heel of his boot contacting the floor with a perfect and symmetrical rhythm. His green uniform was straight and perfect, the tall, metal gun that sat on his shoulder rocking slightly as his body did. The thick, mid-night black hair on his head sprayed over his scalp as he marched. Nodding he addressed the other soldiers that walked down the corridor. Kami he hated duty, hated having the gun upon his shoulder when he was sure he didn't need it but most of all he hated the boredom.

It wasn't fun having your grandfather as the leading general either; you were expected to set an even bigger example than was expected of everyone else. If you didn't you got in more trouble. Hence why he was walking to the general's office now, Sergeant Son Goku, once again in trouble and sent to see his grandfather. But he wasn't treated differently, no, he got warnings and he got punishment but it seemed only the punishments were bending and that was for the worst.

Knocking Goku cringed at the deep and angry voice of his grandfather, opening the door slowly and finding the man hunched over the desk with a pen.

"You called Grandfather?" Goku kept his head low, this made him look ashamed and sorry for his misbehaviour but in truth it was so he didn't have to look at his angry grandpa. It was more a fear than a humiliation.

"Yes Goku. Now I know you can be rebellious and that you sometimes have trouble doing what you're told. Just like everyone else. But when you defy my rules, the same rule more than once I know that is not pure occasion but ignorance and rudeness. Not only does a soldier not do this but neither should my grandson. I am disappointed in you as my grandson and as my soldier. Now this is your last chance Goku, if you misbehave this way one more time you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?" Goku cleared his throat and lowered his head more.

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again Sir." Looking up he was met with a blank face, and a knock at the door.

"Come in. Well my boy you just make sure you mean that this time. If I had a penny for every time you have said that I would be the richest man in the world by now….Ah your majesty what a pleasant surprise! What brings your radiance to this dark part of the palace?"

Smiling and chuckling lightly she forced her overly sized dress through the door, grunting slightly as the cage inside that held its shape ran sharply against her legs. Walking forward with a straight back and high head, her eyes soon met the young sergeants. His eyes were the colour of the deepest and darkest ocean, their depth mimicking that also. Goku snapping out of his trance bowed to her and addressed her with full honour. His grandfather pleased that for once he had not shown him up.

"And who is this?" Chichi's eyes never left the young man before him as he bowed down and then back up again, his face was handsome and his body built like an Ox. He was stood tall and proud, his head held high and his uniform perfect beyond words. Goku himself continued to watch her, her beauty radiating like that of a goddesses, her eyes a sparkling black like an onyx stone, her lips full and round, so red the rose would envy her.

"This majesty is young Sergeant Son. I'm afraid the boy is in a bit of trouble for misbehaviour" Gohan glared at Goku, the boy loosing his disciple allowed his straight and well presented stance to drop as he angrily pouted his lips and crossed his arms. Chichi giggled and looked back at the general.

"Oh well now we can't be having that can we Sergeant Son. I hope you've learnt your lesson. Now General is it just a coincidence or is Son a family name." Smiling she looked back up to the tall soldier before her, her heart skipping and her body a fire of something for this man.

"I'm afraid it is a family name, this majesty is my Grandson. He has a long journey to go before he will learn though my dear." Gohan poked Goku in the arm, a sign that he was once again not being proper and to straighten up.

"Oh is his father in the army as well."

"No majesty I do not know my parents. Grandpa found me abandoned in the mountains" The mans voice was like angels, perfect. Not too deep and not too high, his wonderful lips moved in pattern as he spoke and she smiled sympathetically at him. A hint of something else there as Goku became confused.

"Oh I'm sorry but it obviously hasn't done you any harm. Anyway General I came to ask you how the south is coming along. I'm sorry Sergeant I would love you to stay but this is political business would it be ok if you left and came to talk to your grandfather later." Goku nodded enthusiastically as Chichi really did not want the young soldier to leave her side, all the stress seemed to wash away from her when he was there. Hopefully she would see him later.

"Of course your majesty, if that is what you desire it is done. Please have a good day." Bowing he then saluted her, pleased at the smile he received and the small, not so great salute he had returned. She needed to practice that. "See you later Grandpa." Gohan rolled his eyes and waved at his always cheery grandson, smiling as the boy ran out of the room and back to his duties.

Angrily she slammed her hand on the buzzer; the idea of this was that if she needed help anyone in the vicinity would come in and help. No matter whom they were but it was obvious either no one was coming and hence they were ignoring her or no one was in the area and she needed more soldiers. Her fist was getting tired from all the pressing and finally she gave up, growling in annoyance as someone finally knocked on her door and entered. Her angry scowl fell and a large, unexpected smile appeared on her face as the man walked towards her.

"Well Mr. Son what a wonderful surprise, you heard my buzzer then which is good. I hope you didn't get into too much more trouble earlier. Now would you be so kind as to reach up there and grab me that box. It's very heavy so please watch your back." Goku bowed at her and smiled at her caring nature. He liked this girl; she was a beauty beyond words, simple in her demands and caring. It seemed that every person in her land meant something to her, from the tiniest baby to the eldest man. He liked that, the way she made his body tingle with some strange feeling and how she smiled at him. How her eyes seemed bright and relaxed as in turn she looked at him as he placed the heavy box in front of her.

Chichi watched the young man reach up and balance the box on his hands, leaning down quickly and placing it upon the floor in front if her. The sergeant really was a wonderful man, although he was obviously a bit rebellious he seemed cheerful and bright, he seemed kind and understanding and most of all she loved the sparkle in his eyes, the way his face just lit up when she spoke to him. Walking forward she thanked him, asking him to stay so he could put it back but also because she longed for something from him.

And so leaning up she placed her hands upon his cheeks and kissed him, it wasn't a forced kiss and it wasn't rushed. Instead it was gentle and exploring as she moved her lips on his, her small hands caressing the soft skin of his cheeks and moving her closer to him. Stepping back she fell forward and onto him, his large arms catching the now panting and confused royal that slouched below him. He wanted to join in, he wanted to show her the desire she seemed to awaken in him. The feelings he did not understand but still felt.

"My Queen I cannot, I am not worthy of such actions from you" She stood up and straightened her dress, staring shyly and sadly up at the man before her. At least he had the stance and the strength to stand up and defy her actions.

"Of course you are worthy. Why would I kiss you if you weren't? Sergeant please it is your duty to obey me and I demand you to admit your feelings. I can see it; I know you want this so just take it. I give you that permission." With this she jumped forward, knocking the young soldier to the floor as she passionately kissed him. Her small tongue mixing with his as they fought for power, a bubbling sensation arising inside her as his hands took over her body. She caressed him, the well defined muscle coming into view as she removed his uniform.

Goku panted and moaned as she assaulted his flesh, each kiss a deeper sensation, a hotter flame. With wide eyes he tried to argue with her, knowing he could not and should not do this with her as she removed her clothes. Admittedly it took a long time, her slim and well toned body sliding out of her dress and onto his half-naked body. With passion she ground against him, smiling at the glaze of lust that filled his eyes and the deep throaty groan that came through his sweet lips.

Moaning her self she directed his hands upon her body, happy with him as he massaged the bare breast that she had placed it upon. Gleeful as the man before her gave into himself and loved her. Kissing him roughly she slipped her hands down his body and into his boxers, taking the semi-hard member into her hands and rubbing gently. His mouth opened as he groaned loudly in shock, her tongue slipping inside and pleasuring him more. His hands squeezed her breast more tightly with each thrust of her hand.

With one swift action he was inside her, her tight walls clamping around him and his eyes wide and worried as she gritted her teeth in a slight pain. He still couldn't believe he was doing this but it still felt so right, so perfect that it must be his destiny. With a few minutes passed she moved on him, his head rolling back like hers and both moaned in unison. She thrust him harder, moved upon him faster as she fell forward and onto his large and strong chest for support. Loud and sensual moans continued to slip from her throat along with his, their bodies hot and sweaty as he held her hips and moved harder.

It felt like eternity, like heaven and paradise to them as they moved together, each supporting the other. And she could feel it, that longing inside her for fulfilment, which craves for full satisfaction for her lust and that yearning for him to love her. Her eyes closed tightly as she screamed above him, clutching him tightly within as she climaxed. His groans loud and long as she felt the hot liquid spill inside her.

Sated and tired she fell onto him, his now soft manhood still sat lovingly inside her as he lay upon her floor breathing heavily into her sweet smelling hair. Her eyes met his closed ones, pleased at the large smile that was on his face.

"What is your name Sergeant?" Her voice was soft and tired, her small gentle hands stroking his hair as he purred,

"Goku my Queen" Giggling she moved so he slipped from within her, her tired body searching for the warmth of his.

"Well Goku please call me Chichi" Smiling he nodded and drifted into sleep, her door locking as she clapped her hands and slept upon his chest.


Lol another story I know but I was lying down after studying and splat this hit me in the face, lol I couldn't not write it cos I would forget it otherwise. But please R&R and tell me what you think. I hope the lemon wasn't too graphic I think it's the most descriptive one I've written yet loll.