Disclaimer: The GX characters are not mine.

Author's Note: This is a drabble so expect it to be short. It is set during Chronos's duel with Camilla. Chronos needs more fanfiction where he is not bashed, na no nae.




Chronos, having just lost his duel with the second member of the Seven Stars, was sprawled on all fours on the dirty ground. He had tried his best but his best had, apparantly, not been good enough. What sort of example was he setting for his students? He would not let Dark Games exist! He could not! Yet, he had taken part in one and failed.

However, this would not be the end!

Chronos smiled. His students were his pride and joy. Maybe he did not show it, but he cared about their welfare. Even that of the drop-out boy from Osiris Red.

As long as they, the students, survived, then all his work had not been for nothing. They were his light in the darkness.

In dark times, what one needed most of all was hope.