:A Sohma-Kitty-10-14 Production:

:The sequel to Red and White; ladies, gentlemen...androgynous bishounen of all ages...I give you:

VAN HALEN! Oh, er, wait...

THE WRATH OF THE ZODIAC! It's been a while, but thanks to the encouragement of my reviewers and some much needed constructive criticism, I'm back with the follow-up to my first HaruKyo fanfiction. This is for all of the yaoi fans in the house - put your hands in the air if that's you, baby! Yeah! -raises both hands- I'm a self-titled yaoi otaku!

This fanfiction is dedicated to:

DarkWings199, manganimequeen37, queen of sadism-sama, Sohma Memi-sensei, counting down the days, ShadowFireFoxRayu, Isilme, animefreak121, tonu278406, Divina14, yukiislikesnow, red-rose-priestess, Dark Zidane, PsychoDemonSisters, Prozacfairy, Kia1983-2003, demo2005, and Jiirosensei, along with any new fans of the original Red and White! Thanks for all your reviews and support; I'd be nothing without you guys!

Disclaimer: Honestly, this is lame. I don't own Furuba. I might own this fanfiction's plotline, but for the love of God, the key word there is fanfiction! You think I'd be doing this if I wrote Furuba? FUCK NO! I'd be putting all the shmexy bishounen together and making them have hot kinky mansex. You guys should know me well enough by now!

Warnings: This chapter is borderline lemon - originally it contained sex, but I cut that out (damnit) - but is lime. It also contains mild cursing, and a pretty good dosage of fluff. And some of you may find it pretty boring, and for this I'm very sorry. It'll pick up after this chapter, I promise.

Everyone kick back, relax, and enjoy the show!

Much love from your favorite evil yaoi fanatic authoress,


"Kyo-niisan! Kyo-niisan!" A young boy of about seven or eight years burst into the house of Kyo and Haru Sohma. Bright orange hair stuck out from his head. "Kyooo-niisaaaaan!"

"What's going on you damn brat!" yelled Kyo, walking out. Though he seemed rough, the spark in his eyes told the younger boy he was curious and meant no harm.

"You have to come outside! And bring Haru-niisan too! We're playing hide and seek!" he said excitedly. Kyo ruffled the boy's hair and grinned.

"We'll be there in a little while, 'kay squirt? We just woke up."

The boy scampered off just as Hatsuharu walked in, yawning loudly and stretching his arms upward. He looked over at Kyo and smiled softly.

"Koneko-chan?" he whispered. Kyo turned around and blushed slightly. Even though they'd been together for almost three years, the sight of his boyfriend without a shirt made him want to drool incessantly. Haru, noticing his lover's slight embarrassment, walked over and kissed his cheek.

"Don't be shy, kitten," he said, pulling Kyo protectively against his chest. He smiled and lifted Kyo into his waiting arms, kissing his cheeks gently and gazing into his fiery crimson eyes. Kyo smiled back at him and let out a giggle.

"Koishii," he said softly. Haru carried him back to bed and pounced beside him, attacking his neck with nips and light kisses.

"Haru, what the hell's gotten into you?" Kyo laughed. Haru shrugged and grinned at him, but he didn't stop his kisses. "Haru, come on –,"

His lover cut him off with a small kiss on the lips. He pulled away for a moment and looked into Kyo's eyes. When he saw no signs of fear or apprehension, he leaned forward and kissed him again, licking Kyo's soft lips and nibbling oh so lightly on his tongue.

"…Haru," Kyo said softly, his voice sending shivers up Haru's spine. "Make love to me…I need you…"

"Patience, love," Haru murmured, removing his shirt. He smiled a little bit and pressed his lips softly against Kyo's neck, trailing hot, wet kisses across his chest.

"Nnh..." Kyo let out a gasp when he felt a tongue gliding across his nipple.The familiar rush of heat to his face once again appeared, and when Haru noticed that his boyfriend was blushing like mad, he laughed slightly.

"Nnh? What's funny?" Kyo asked. Haru smiled at him.

"You are," he giggled. He cupped his boyfriend's chin in his hands and gazed deep into his eyes. "We've been together for almost three years, Kyon-kichi, and you still get the cutest little blush when we make love. It's adorable…" He kissed Kyo's forehead ­and unbuttoned his shirt, still amazed by the flawlessly tanned skin that practically begged to be touched and kissed. Kyo moaned loudly and arched his back, letting Haru explore even more of his body; every day, Haru would somehow find a new place on Kyo's body that would drive him insane with need when it was kissed or nipped at.

"Mnh," he moaned softly. "My kitten…mine…" He lapped up a few beads of sweat that trailed down Kyo's toned chest; Kyo thrust his hips up slightly, but Haru held them down. He cupped Kyo's chin in his palms and stroked his lips with his thumb until they parted, leaving just enough room for Haru's tongue to explore every inch of his kitten's mouth.

"You," he continued, pinning Kyo's hands above his head, "are my kitten, and mine alone..." He ran his fingernails down Kyo's chest, leaving behind faint trails of red. Kyo shivered slightly, and he knew they were in dangerous territory - any minute now, his lover could go from tender and slow to over the edge and into Black Haru...which made for loud, hardcore, and (very) rough sex. Not that Kyo minded; he just didn't see that side too often.

A sudden tingling on his left hip jolted Kyo from his thoughts, and he looked down to see Haru kissing downwards into a certain...unspeakable area. Kyo let out a loud moan, but realized his mistake too late - the noise had been enough to push Haru into Black mode. His lover looked up at him with a familiar gleam in his eye and winked seductively.

"Does kitty like it when I do that?" he asked.

"Baby, don't tease me," Kyo whined.

"Too late," Haru said, leaning over him. He reached down and unzipped Kyo's pants. "I think someone should be able to tame such a fiesty kitten..." With Kyo lying beneath him, red-faced, panting, and almost naked, Haru lowered his head and softly licked his chest, savoring the droplets of sweat that ran onto his tongue. He kept Kyo's hips pinned down to the bed as he tried to urge him onward.

"Slow down," Haru ordered. "If you're a good kitty, I'll give you your present..."

"Hnn?" Kyo whimpered. Haru smirked at him and reached behind a pillow, holding up a leaf over Kyo's face.

Catnip. Enough said. Kyo's eyes grew wide, and as he inhaled the scent tingles went down his spine. Haru placed the leaf on his own tongue, his eyes narrowing slightly as if daring Kyo to try and steal it away. He raised one finger and motioned for Kyo to come closer, his gaze smoldering with such intense desire that Kyo felt like his body was on fire just looking back at him.

"Haaaaaaaruuuuuuu," he moaned, leaning near his mouth. Before their lips met, however, Haru grasped the leaf again and crushed it, sprinkling the pieces all over his own body. Immediately Kyo pounced, licking softly at Haru's sweet lips and pausing to nibble slightly on the lower lip. Haru gave a slight whimper as he felt the tender 'kitten kisses', as he liked to call them. When Kyo licked his mouth again, he lost control and bit down on his neck - hard.

"Nnh...Haru..." Kyo breathed softly. Haru smiled and kissed his lover gently on the lips, laughing inwardly as Kyo grew intoxicated from the catnip; his tongue eagerly flicked out to lick Haru's skin, desperately trying to taste the leaf's remnants on him. When it was gone, he did not stop - rather, he paused to kiss Haru softly on his mouth again, moaning loudly when Haru flipped him onto his back and nibbled his ears. A low purr escaped his throat as he gazed up at his beloved.

"Did kitty like that?" Haru asked, sitting on Kyo's hips. The orange-haired one nodded his head and reached for the other's jeans, but Haru stopped him.

"Wrong way, koneko-chan," he warned. Kyo sat up and did as Haru wished, grasping the zipper in his teeth and pulling it down agonizingly slowly. Then, quietly and gently, he kissed his way up Haru's chest to his mouth. Haru weaved his fingers into Kyo's hair and pulled him in deeper, sucking and biting his already swollen lips. He tasted sweet and hot, and faintly of catnip; he pulled away and leaned down to kiss his chest, his tongue lighting darting out to touch each of his nipples.

"Oh my god!" Kyo yelped.

Haru smirked at him with playful eyes and dipped his tongue softly into his navel, making Kyo writhe in ecstasy beneath him. Haru chuckled quietly and sat on his lover's waist again, leaning down until their tongues were locked in a battle for dominance once again -

"KYOOOO-NIISAAAAAAAAAAAN!" A girl slightly younger than the two lovers burst inside, screaming Kyo's name. Haru and Kyo yelped, looking over at her with blushes creeping up their faces. She laughed and shrugged.

"I've seen you two going at it before, chill out," she said, ignoring Kyo's glare. "Everyone's waiting for you guys to come play, but I guess you're a little, erm..." She eyed Haru's hands, which were down near Kyo's zipper. "...Preoccupied?"

"All right already, we're coming," Kyo sighed.

"Not yet, kitten, but you were close," Haru whispered in his ear.

"HARU!" he yelped, giving him a playful smack.

"Shut up, you little runt, he'll find us!"

"Sorry Nii-san."

Haru smiled at the young girl beside him. All the kids were the previous cats of the zodiac that had died young; of them, Kyo was the oldest. Three years before, after Kyo died and Haru followed soon after, they came to this haven - the resting place for the spirits of the zodiac-cursed. Immediately the two lovers became the older brothers of the younger cats - even though Haru was the oushi. It wasn't like the kids cared, anyway.

Now, as Haru and one of the youngest girls stayed in their hiding spot, Kyo was 'it' and so far hadn't found anyone in their game of hide-and-seek. Haru let out a soft chuckle, but immediately Kyo's kitty ears went PING! and popped out of his head. He turned in the direction of the noise and approached slowly before pouncing.

"I found you BOTH!" he yelled, pulling the girl into his arms.

"Yay! I'm it, I'm it, I'm IT!" The girl got up and jumped around with the other cats, and Haru smiled.

"They love you, ya know," he said, scratching Kyo's ears gently. Kyo blushed bright pink and growled.

"Shaddap," he mumbled.

"Aww, but it's cute, koneko-chan!" Haru giggled, nibbling his other ear slightly. "You're the alpha kitty. They adore you." At this, Kyo's face softened - Haru noticed this and kissed his cheek. "I love it when you're like this."

"Like what?" Kyo asked.

"When you're with the kids, it's like a whole other side of you comes out. It's not out very often, but when the kids come to visit you melt and go all soft, even though you try to act tough. You're good with kids...it's one of the many reasons I love you like I do." He laid his head on Kyo's shoulder and sighed, watching the kids play as the sun set on the horizon.

Hells yeah. Let me know what you think. I won't make you guys suffer by having a certain amount of reviews for my next post - it annoys the crap out of me when that happens, so I won't put you through it. (No offense if this statement applied to you; honestly, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm sorry!) Honestly, though, you guys and the feedback you give is what motivates me the most to write. Thanks a bunch and see you around!
