A/N: This is my first fic... so reviews would be awesome! I got the idea for this story from challenge 113 on speedrent but I never submit it.. oops! Stupid mistake.. Let me know if you think I should continue this or just leave it as is. Happy reading!

Disclamer: Wish I did, but I don't own 'em. That honor goes to Jonathan Larson )


"Come on, baby! Let's go!" Angel screamed to Collins as she ran up the stairs to the loft, her pink, pleated mini-skirt bouncing up and down with each step she took.

"Baby, I don't think I've ever seen you this excited to go see our friends. What's so special about today? And what's in this box I'm carrying? It's really heavy, baby." Collins asked from the bottom of the stairwell.

Sheepishly, she replied with a laugh, "Oh, you'll see."

Uh oh, he said under his breath.

Angel anxiously knocked on the door to the loft.

"It's open!" Mark and Roger said in unison from the old, beaten-up couch, if you could even call it a couch anymore, that is. Mark was fiddling with his camera as Roger played Musetta's Waltz on his Fender.

"HI BOYS! Guess what today is?" Angel asked as the blondes looked up. Roger abruptly stopped playing at the same time as when Mark looked up from his camera.

"Umm…" Roger was the first to break the silence, only worsening the situation.

"Um, Angel? It's just June 23rd. There's nothing special about June 23rd," Mark stated as he watched Angel's eyes begin to bug out of her head.

"Are you kidding me! Today is an extremely important day! I can't believe you don't know what today is!" she pouted.

"Don't worry, guys, I don't know what today is, either." Collins said as he walked in the loft, assuring Mark and Roger that they were not completely oblivious to the day's importance.

"But baby, you live with me! I've been talking about today for the past week," she told Tom. She leaned in, whispering in his ear, "You do remember my special plan for Mark and Roger, now, don't you?" Collins' eyes instantly shot open as he remembered what Angel had in store for the boys. He laughed and reassured his Angel that he remembered what she was about to do.

Mark and Roger just sat there, skeptically staring at the couple as they laughed. The blondes' eyes went from Angel and Collins to each other, each wondering if the other had any idea what was going on. Mark and Roger were unaware of what was in store for them and how their lives were about to change, for the better, of course.

"Well, since you two have no clue as to what's going on here, I might as well give in and tell you." Angel told them.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," Roger said. Mark gulped and wiped his forehead. He was obviously nervous and had started sweating while he waited for someone to tell him what was going on.

"Okay boys! Today, June 23rd, is National Pink Day! Aren't you excited!" she cheered!

Roger sighed. "Fuck…" he began, picking up his beloved Fender. But no sooner did the words leave his mouth, when Mark's surprisingly strong voice overpowered his. "Of course we're excited! Right, Roger?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Whatever." Mark sighed as he listened to his friend's lame response. He kicked him in the shin, wordlessly reminding the musician to pay attention. Roger shot him a look, but Mark's piercing blue eyes made him melt, 'forcing' Roger to apologize to Angel.

As Angel began to pout and Roger began to apologize, Mark took the time to look at Roger, his Roger. God, he's hot, Mark thought, although in his heart he knew that Roger didn't feel the same way about him. When the apology was over and Angel finished sulking, Mark chimed in, asking Angel what they were going to do to celebrate.

"Well, I'm happy you asked, Marky." He winced when he heard himself being referred to as Marky. He hated that nickname. Along with various other nicknames he'd received over they years, Pookie and Marky were his least favorite. Of course, everyone knew that Maureen gave the nickname Pookie to her love interest of the moment, so it was obvious that he'd hated that one. But Marky reminded him of what his mother would call him as a child. He shuttered at the thought of her.

Coming back to reality, Mark listened in on what Angel and Collins were saying about National Pink Day and their plans for the afternoon. "…so that's why I'm wearing all pink today! So, boys, open that box over there and you'll see two bags. Each of you take one and go open them in your rooms. And come out quickly once you're finished." Mark and Roger stared at Angel, dumbfounded. "Oh, you'll get what I mean once you're in there. Now go on, hurry up!"

The musician and filmmaker each sighed as they got up off of the couch and slowly made their way to the cardboard box Collins had placed on the metal table. They made their way into their rooms, and each shut their doors. A few seconds later, a scream was heard from both of their rooms. At the same time, both boys came running out of their bedrooms pleading Angel not to make them continue her plan. Of course, she didn't oblige. "NO! You can't back out of this. Just go back to your rooms and come out when you're finished. No if, ands, or buts about it. Got it!" she yelled.

The boys nodded and walked back to their rooms looking as if they were going to die.

"You know, baby, you're sexy when you're angry. Come 'ere." Collins said as he kissed his Angel.

Minutes passed and neither Roger nor Mark had emerged from their bedrooms. Once in a while, a soft whimper was heard from Mark's room, but Roger and he had yet to come out.

Mark was the first one to open his door. Scared as he was, he really wanted to see Roger and his reaction to the whole situation. He grasped the doorknob, sighed, and walked out of his room. Angel and Collins were the only ones out there and were stunned when they caught sight of him. Mark uneasily walked over to the couple and sat down on the couch, crossing his arms.

"Well, I hope you're happy now," he said. Angel and Collins both agreed that they were. They both laughed at their creation. In honor of National Pink Day, they had Mark decked out hot pink leather pants, a soft pink tank, and pink hair gel. So much for keeping my dignity, Mark thought to himself.

Roger, on the other hand, liked his appearance. Who thought a hardcore rocker like himself would fall in love with the color pink? He opened his door and walked out to the 'living room.' One look at Mark made his world melt. Damn, he looks fucking hot in pink, he thought to himself. It was true; Mark did look hot, he just didn't have the guts to realize it.

Angel and Collins' jaws hung open as they saw Roger's outfit.

Mark, upon looking at Roger's new getup, felt his leather pants get a little bit too tight, if you know what I mean. He looks gorgeous, the filmmaker thought. If only he knew how much I want him-no, need him- right now. But that was the one problem; Roger didn't know how Mark felt about him.

As Roger walked closer and closer to him, Mark turned redder and redder. It was kind of hard to hide the fact that Roger was turning him on since he was wearing leather pants.

Once again breaking the silence, Roger said, staring Mark in the eyes, "The electric pink really brings out the definition in my abs, don't you think?"

Fuck. Of course it does, Roger. You're fucking gorgeous, Mark thoughtAnd he was. Roger was wearing blue jeans with hot pink stitching, a tight electric pink shirt, and the same pink hair gel.

Angel and Collins, noticing the passion in the air, wordlessly acknowledged that their mission of getting Roger and Mark was complete. They got up, said goodbye, and shut the door to the loft behind them. They left the boys staring each other up and down, each taking in the other's attractiveness.

Roger felt himself getting hard as he looked at the other blonde. This was his breaking point. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something. He couldn't keep this fascination and love inside himself any longer. No day but today, right! So he went for it. He seductively walked over to the couch, pulled Mark up by the shirt, and kissed him with all the passion he could muster. So what if Mark didn't feel the same way about him? Although, Roger pretty much knew that Mark felt the same way about him. The bulge in Mark's pants being pressed up against Roger's body was a clear-cut sign.

The remained in the same position for quite some time, exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. When they broke apart, they each smiled. Mark, for once, broke the silence. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that for."

"Oh, I think I do. I've wanted to kiss you for the longest time, but I just never thought that you'd feel the same way. Way to be wrong, right!" Roger joked.

"Yeah, I guess we were both wrong. I...uh…I love you Roger," Mark said, nervously.

"I love you too, Mark," he replied. They kissed again, with even more passion than before. "Hey, Mark?"

"Yeah, Rog," he smiled.

"Wanna put these to good use?" he asked, pointing to both of their crotches.

Mark smiled and nodded as Roger took his hand, leading the way to his bedroom. He shut the door behind them.


Angel and Collins, who sheepishly were listening in on the boys' conversation the whole time, high-fived each other, signaling that their entire plan worked (even though Collins forgot about it).

"I love you, my Angel," Collins said as he kissed her.

"I love you, too, baby. I love you, too."