I hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic. For those of you who haven't taken notice of the small notes I leave before and after the story, I'm planning to make a sequel for this story. While it still involves Tai and his alter ego. I'm gonna give him a partner. Here's a small 'trailer' of my next fanfic.

A riddle for thought...

In the night sky a black cape was being blown to the side as the figure of which the cape was attached to stood motionless on the top of a building.

What has a smiling face...

The mask of Saji is seen under the hat of the caped figure.

But a tormented mind?

Saji grabs his mask and pulls it off as Tai's face is sen under it, screaming in fury.


"Hey Kari!" Davis ran through the crowd of people, trying to catch Kari before she got on the bus. She stood out with her pink color in the afternoon sun among other teens.

The two stood face to face in a conversation. Davis has a look of shock as Kari finished up their conversation, "Just give up Davis. I'm not interested."


Davis and Tai are in Tai's room as the two talk over some issues.

"Wait here." Tai said, "I'll be back."

Davis' curiousity gets the better of him when he sees a secret entrance that leads to the lair of the clown. He looks around and notices a glass chamber with a black cape.

"What is this?" As Davis gets closer, the cape comes alive and grabs Davis.



Saji fights off a group of masked criminals with his swords as they swarm over him.

His newest enemy,

Standing before the kneeling Saji, was a figure, dressed the same way as him. He removes his hat and shows his masked face.

Is himself.

"Show me what you've got clown." The imposter said.


From the corner of the shadows a black caped figure jumped out and landed in the center of the goons as his cape hovered about. The cape then formed blades on his arms. With it, the figure killed every one of the criminals. He then looks over to Kari, who was hiding in the shadows.

"Who are you?" Kari asked, timidly.

The material that covered the face of the figure slithered off(similar to how its done by Venom in Spiderman), revealing the face of Davis. "Hi."


"You have any idea how dangerous that cape is?!" Tai yelled at Davis, "You have any idea what would happen if it controled you?!"

"I'm not a little kid anymore." Daivs replied, "This is who I am."


"Warriors of the Dark." Saji said, showing his smiling face to the black covered figure, "Use darkness for what's right."

"It doesn't get any better than this." The black figure said.


In order to succeed,

Saji is in a fight with his imposter, slashing at eachother while didging the slashes.

and defeat his foe.

Saji is thrown off the top of a building, falling down below.

He'll need a partner.

As Saji falls, a giant black-winged figure swoops across and catches him.

To combat this threat.

"That's where I come in." Davis said with a smile.


Vestige of Identity

The sequel will be coming up soon. The story will focus more on Davis and Kari, but elements of Tai and Sora will still be there.