Chase stood watching Wuya as she edged away from his cats, normally he would have laughed at this or smirked to himself. But today he felt no joy in doing so; he had felt that familiar presence when he had gone out to find a Shen-Gong-Wu that he was interested in. Of course he knew that the Xiaolin Warriors would turn up, and most probably Jack Spicer, but it was just before the fight that he felt a cool touch, invisible to all others but himself, that startled him from thought.

Omi, he still wanted that child, for he knew his power, and his potential. They had both moved to the Shen-Gong-Wu and touched it together,

"I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown!" Chase said to Omi.

"I accept." Omi replied, a slight smile on his lips, in anticipation of the fights he had come to look forward to.

They exchanged wagers on Shen-Gong-Wu and were prepared to start when he felt it. The lightest of touches across the side of his cheek and his head snapped up to look around.

"Chase Young?" Omi asked when his challenger glanced around.

Chase slowly looked back at the small warrior. "A dodging game." Chase muttered, slightly unsure of himself; he recognised that touch and it stirred some unpleasant memories within.

"Agreed!" Omi answered.

"Xiaolin Showdown!" they both shouted as the earth rocked and created a high platform that broke up into smaller sections, the earth rising as rocks higher above them.

"Gong Ye Tampi!" they shouted and the rocks above threw themselves down towards them. They dodged left and right, rolling ducking, jumping. Several times they crossed paths, each kicking or punching out at the other trying to catch them off guard.

Chase leapt upon one rock and aimed it right; jumping at Omi and landing him into the rock ground, he then rolled away, knowing a rock would come down on the grounded Omi. Omi however rolled just enough to one side to avoid the missile.

That was when Chase lost it, that touch returned, but this time followed by voice, so close he felt he could hold her.

"Chase!" It hissed. He turned, his face pale, his hands shaking; he had not heard that voice, in so long.

Then the rock knocked his off his feet. "Yes!" Omi shouted and the ledge fell back to earth, everything the way it was at the start.

"I win!" Omi shouted, grabbing up the Shen-Gong-Wu he had won. Chase stumbled to his feet, wiping blood from his nose, he stared grimly at Omi before turning to leave.

Wuya hissed at him in rage when they got back to his layer, but he barked an order to his cats, who ran to his side and slashed at the flesh and blood Wuya. She flinched back and stared him in the eye.

"What ever disturbed you, you have to deal with somewhere else!" she told him. He snarled and sent a few of his tigers after her, chasing her from his thrown room.

Throwing himself down on his chair he gazed at his ceiling. "Why do you return now?" he said to thin air.

He tried to meditate, to focus away from the unbidden memories, but he only managed to bring forth more memories. He dropped down from his mediation and watch Wuya edge to her designated sleeping area; he too left to his room.

He stripped off his armour and stretched out on his large bed, under the covers, warming his cold soul.

As he sank into sleeps, he realised his mistake to try to sleep, for the memories attached into his dreams.

She walked up to Chase, dark curls settling onto her shoulder. She stopped beside him and stared out into the view that he seemed so glued to.

"Are you ok?" she asked him, her voice light like a feather, but warming his heart.

"Yes." He smiled at her, and then frowned. She too frowned, looking behind them to view the several demons that had crept up to them.

They turned, back to back, both stepping into mirror imaged fighting stances. He launched to the left, she to the right, they fought swiftly and skilfully till only blood and dust were left. Only one demon had escaped and they both gave chase, racing through the thick trees, barely able to see the branches reaching out for them in the growing dusk.

They tracked it to the edge of the hill; it stopped short, catching the woman by surprise and sending her into the demon, both toppling over the edge. Chase shouted out to her and jumped after her.

She fell towards a sharp jutting ledge and wrestled with the demon, turning it enough so it broke her fall. She fell through the dust that once was the demon and landed hard on the side of her shoulder. She rolled with the force and lay on her back, watching as Chase landed neatly into a couch beside her.

"You ok?" he asked, worried eyes searching her body for obvious wounds.

"Yeah." She whispered, trying to sit up. Setting her hand out to help her up she cried out as a sharp pain shot through her shoulder and dropped back with surprise.

"Gab!" he shouted, catching her head before she fell flat. He found he was lying over her, his face close to hers as his arm was wrapped around her back, his hand supporting her neck.

He felt a blush creep up in his cheeks as they stared into each other's eyes. Slowly he lowered his face down further, their lips touching, gentle and peaceful. When she didn't pull away he deepened the kiss, parting her lips slightly through her gasp of pleasure and dominated the taste of her mouth.

He pulled back after a bit and stared longingly into her eyes. "I've wanted to dot hat for so long." He told her, barely a whisper.

"And now you have, are you happy?" she asked.

"More so than ever." He told her, scooping her into his arms, sharing another kiss and then jumped up the mountain.

The dream shifted and he tossed in his bed as the vision sinking into his mind.

"Chase?" he looked up from his mediation to see his fiancé walking towards him.

"You should be resting Gabriel." He laughed, walking over to her and patting her bump. "My child must be born safely. And you must rest." He moved his hand up to her face and pushed back a strand of her dark hair, moving her face for a kiss.

"I am safe." She scolded him when they parted. "Wuya is gone."

"But I still wish to look after you, you are my future wife and my child's mother. My lover" He laughed, hugging her close.

"I will love you forever and always."

They shared one last kiss before he was dragged into the next vision, this one of Hannibal Bean turning himself evil. That flickered quickly, but the next vision lasted longer.

He stood over the temple and laughed as the monks ran from his attacks. He gazed at his destruction and devastation, smiling with glee.

"Stop!" someone screamed.

He turned slowly to face the pregnant woman. "You love me, therefore you will stay by my side no matter what." He told her.

"No." she sobbed, the tears falling. His smiled turned to a frown at her pain. He was confused as to why she refused.

"I am a warrior for light and you have sold your soul for power." She shouted her hands clenched at her side.

"But I thought you loved me no matter what?" he asked. He stepped forward and slowly walked over to her, watching as she wrapped her arms around her chest and bulging stomach.

"You are not the man I loved. You can never be the Chase I loved!" she howled through her tears. "You are a monster without a soul!" she screeched.

He closed the distance and gripped her arms hard, shaking her fiercely.

"But I love you!" he shouted. "I am still Chase Young!"

"No." she pulled away, pushing him back. "I don't love you." Then she stepped back. In his rage he swung at a nearby rock and disintegrated it. However, the hill that they stood on fell away from the edge, right where she stood.

She barely had time to cry out before she fell. Her nails scrabbling for the wall before her as she fell to the ground.

Landing on her side she cried out at last, in pure agony as the pain ripped through her stomach. "No!" she howled, cradling her stomach.

A few monks shot towards her, one of the scooping her up and running for shelter. Chase just stood on that hill and watched his life be torn away.

"What have I done?" he gasped.

"You joined the Heylin side." Hannibal Bean laughed from his shoulder.

"Yes I have." He agreed, his eyes hardening to the damage he had done, but inside, the last piece of light that he still held was slowly breaking under the pain of his cooling heart.

He threw back his head in his sleep and a single tear fell from the corner of his eye.

He found himself on the wall of a new temple, staring across the lush green garden, the water fountain bursting up from the centre. He was crouched down, just enough so he could see around the fountain, but enough so it distorted his image from prying eyes.

His face was guarded as he took in the sight before him. He has disposed of Hannibal bean a short time ago after succeeding in his rain of terror, sweeping through the lands.

The sight he beheld though was doing more damage to him than he could every do.

The woman with dark curling locks stood between two monks, each holding her up. Her face was pale, her skin drawn. Her eyes no longer shone green, twinkling with life and energy, but dull with ache. Her eyes rimmed red, a track of tears cutting down her cheeks and falling to the dry earth by the opposite wall.

From across the garden he could see her pain, the pain her caused.

It was ironic, that such beauty should lie between to agonise; shared in distress and guilt. That life could exist in all that he was causing, that life could grow from the death of his son.

The tombstone stood, freshly laid and carved. Such graceful writing on something that time will forget, but enough for the memory to live on.

She fell from the grasp of the monks, her knees hitting the hard earth, her body falling forward. The monks bowed their head in loss as the girl sobbed upon the freshly dug earth. And Chase felt his heart ache with a paint hat grew with each sob that was uttered and echoed into the air.

The very sky sensed her pain and closed their light from her pain.

The image swiftly changed once more, so that many years had passed and Chase had lived his first hundred years.

He stood observing his homeland, watching that no one was coming to disrupt his rest. He had settled nicely into his Heylin side, gathering the odd fallen warrior and setting them as cats to do his bidding.

He had decided to wonder to the very edge of his domain and observe the territory.

Once there he discovered that a nearby temple had started up and there was a lot of sounds of fighting occurring.

He crept over his border and to the temple. There he flipped up onto the wall and watched the monks train. He watched for a while, not impressed by their style of fighting. Nothing much had changed over the years, but he knew eventually it would rush by till the old gave way to new.

He glanced back at the person watching from the shadows, trying to guess who it was. His eyes widened when he realised.

She stepped from the sidelines and taught the seven students in the centre. Showing them stances and kicks, blocks and punches. After a time she finally dismissed them to go inside, then she stepped to the centre of the training patch and drew out a sword, slowing following through a group of stances and swings she got faster until she was fighting an invisible enemy.

For being well over one hundred years, she looked no different from that day he had last seen her, the day before he turned to Heylin.

"Hello Chase." He heard the greeting, cold and sharp. Glancing up from his thought he saw her just a head of him, standing with her side to him, her sword out to the front.

"Gabriel?" he asked, jumping down.

"What do you want?" he face was cold, sharp and clear. Her eyes glistening with murderous intent that was barely held from her stance. She stared straight a head, but her eyes flickered every once in a while to him and back.

"I thought you would have passed on years ago." He whispered in disbelief approaching her in wonder at the face he so longed to caress.

"Your not the only one with extended life." She whispered, dropping her arm and turning to face him. He saw her green eyes flicker as if caught in a flame.

"I love you." He whispered, standing just before her. She just stared up at him, her face unreadable. Slowly he lowered his face to her and captured her lips. Again she did not move, but the sword dropped from her hand on the contact.

He kissed her gently and softly.

And then he stopped when she abruptly stepped back. "Do I not kiss the same? Smell the same? Look the same?"

She looked at him a long while, making him suddenly uncomfortable. "yes." She finally stated.

"Then do you love me?"

Again she considered this and finally she shook her head. "No."

He saw the flicker in her eyes and thought it her anger; she held no pain of love, no grief of it. Nothing. And he felt that light that was once Xiaolin extinguish into that flame of green. And yet, that love did not diminish.

He slowly turned from her and walked to the wall, hoping over it and he never looked back.

He eventually stumbled upon it nearly 1000 years later, to find it in ruin. But inside he found her pendent, the green of her eyes, hanging inside what must once have been her room. He had given it to her as an engagement ring, his eternal love for her.

He left that ghostly place with the love she refused to give him as a necklace around his neck now. He never heard of her, or from her. She was nothing but a memory now, his and his alone.

When he awoke he was drenched in sweat, two tear tracks down his face and the pendent clutched in one hand, pulling hard into his neck. He swallowed down his pain and dressed for another day.

Wuyu noticed the sorrowful air around him but left him to it. Chase left his domain and travelled to go spy upon the monks. Once there he watched from his place on the wall and gathered any new information about them.

It was finally drawing to the end of the day when Chase finally moved, ignoring the protest from his stiff muscles he leapt off the end of the wall and moved to the woods to skilfully walk back to his land.

It was as he was entering the woods that he felt the need to look back, but when he did he stopped dead.

In the sinking sun he saw the female silhouette standing on his place on the wall. When he turned fully the figure turned with him, green eyes, the colour of his pendent staring from the shaded features.

His breath caught in his throat, but the figure just turn her back and stepped off the wall, going into the temple. He couldn't help it, he stood, shaking with so many emotions that he did not know what to do.

He turned on instinct and ran, like he did 1500 years ago, racing not for her life, but now for his. Rushing from the light of the world, into the darkness that was his choice.

The choice that him her. His angel of light, who haunted him now. No longer a memory, but a vision, a vision so fresh it was as if she had actually stood there and watched him. Her fiery eyes blazing with an emotion he could not place, a memory of what he wanted, her love. A love that he denied from her, by turning dark, and slowly he realised it had not been extinguished. That flame of light, the light Omi had recognised was still flickering like the light in her eyes. He still loved her, and through that he was not truly evil, merely have done. Half loved. Half an answer.

He wanted the love that was still there. Was it a memory, a vision or her? One day he hoped he would know, as he ran, like a lost boy, to his dark castle, his dark home. And to his bed where for once in 1500 years he shed a tear, fully aware of his loss and of things to come.

Might be a one shot, not sure yet, depends on review lol

Oh and please do review! My first Xiaolin Showdown fanfic so go easy please!