Bloom was sitting on her bed like she'd done so often since that day. That day when, NO, she wouldn't think about that it was too painful. Just as she laid down on her bed the rest of the Winx Club walked into the room.

"Bloom, do you want to go with us to the mall, were meeting the boys." Stella said hoping Bloom would not decline again.

Bloom shook her head and sighed, "No, thanks." That was the fourth invite she had declined this week. She loved shopping almost as much as Stella, and especially with Sky, but she couldn't see HIM, again.

"Okay, were going to leave then." Stella said.

All the girls turned to leave, but Flora mouthed, "Wait for me I'll be right there." Stella gave her a look, but turned to leave anyway. When all the girls had left the room Flora stroked Bloom's hair and said, "Bloom, what's wrong with you?"

"You wouldn't understand." said Bloom.

"I'm sure I would, Swe…"

"Just leave." Flora looked at Bloom then turned and walked out of the room.

(At the Mall)

Sky watched as all the girls ran over and said hello to their boyfriends, even Layla had started dating a cute guy named Blane over the summer. Then he said, "Bloom didn't come did she?" It was more of a statement then a question.

"Yea," said Stella "she seemed really upset."

"Maybe you should go talk to her." Flora said.

"Okay, I will." Said Sky, and he jumped on his levibike and drove of to Alfea.

(In Bloom's Room)

She heard the door open and thought one of the girls had come back early. "Bloom? Oh, there you are." Sky said walking into the room. Bloom sat up and Sky sat down beside her, and she laid her head on his shoulder. "Bloom, what's wrong with you?"

"You wouldn't understand." Bloom said starting to cry.

"Bloom, it's all right you can tell me anything."

"Sky," Bloom said drawing away from him, "I got raped."