Disclaimer: This story is based upon characters created by Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle for Disney. If you recognize the characters from TV, they aren't mine. I will never make any money from this.

Kelly owns himself. (If you don't believe me, ask him sometime.)

Special thanks to my mystery Beta Reader.


"Mystery meat special again," Monique whined jazzily as she sat down with her tray.

"It's edible," said Ron.

"Barely," Kim picked at it with her fork.

"Finally finish that autobiography, Ron?" Monique teased.

"You weren't watching 'Starmaker' last night were you?" Ron asked.

"Those half-talents?" Monique said testily. "Wasn't Drakken supposed to be on last night? I don't need that memory in my brain, thank you."

"Ron won," Kim smiled.

"Shut up!" Monique's eyes were wide.

"I sang my paper, The Naked Mole Rap."

"You rap?"

"Indeed I do," Ron took on a suave pose.

"Bring it."

Rufus stopped chewing and started singing.

Ron joined in, "Hit it! Yo, listen up. Have a holler from Ron."

"Check-" Monique whispered as she looked across the lunchroom.

"What?" asked Kim.

"New kid's staring at you."

Kim looked over and saw a new boy, eating alone. He was indeed looking at Kim. His short brown hair was cute and he had an oblong, fair face.

He was holding a digital camera of some sort out toward Kim. When he noticed Kim was looking back, he waved and smiled nervously.

Kim waved back self-consciously.

"You could do worse, girl," Monique encouraged.

"Mon'!" Kim chided softly.

"Hey, I'm rapping here!" Ron protested at the girl's inattention.

"Yah," Rufus chirped angrily.

"Sorry, Ron," said Kim. "We were noticing that guy over there."

Ron looked, "He's new. Looks a little lost."

Monique elbowed Kim, "Go say hello."

Kim just gave Monique an evil eye.

Ron stood up, "I will."

He then walked over with Rufus perched on one shoulder.

Ron sat down across the table from the new boy. "Hey, compradé," Ron sat and lounged against the table as Rufus climbed down to the tabletop. 'Enjoying the place so far?"

The boy smiled, "Yeah."

"I'm Ron Stoppable," he looked at him suavely. "No doubt you've heard of me."

He chuckled, "Of course I've heard of the coolest guy in school."

"Huh?" Ron said in surprise. Then he switched back to his bravado as quickly as he could, "Of course you have."

"I'm Kelly," he laughed. "And this must be Rufus!" He shook the pink rodent's paw.

"Absotive-ly," Ron said happily.

"I saw you guys on 'American Starmaker'. I thought you deserved an A-."

"It's better than failing." Ron sat up, "Care to join me and my ladies?"

Kelly looked over at Kim and Monique a moment. "You bet," he said nervously.

The young men stood and walked over, Kelly carrying his tray.

"This is Kelly," Ron announced as he sat down next to Kim again. "He has bon-diggety taste."

Kelly set his tray across from Kim and sat down, "It's a real pleasure, Kim."

"Hi," Kim said softly. "Um, this is-"

"Monique," she interrupted and offered Kelly her hand.

"CTMY," Kelly said as he shook it.

They all stared at him.

"Cool to meet you," Kelly smiled.

"You know Monique-speak?" Kim was surprised.

"One of my favorite actresses does that."

"Which one?" asked Monique.

"Raven?" Kelly asked cautiously.

Monique squealed. "That girl is like my idol! If I could just get that psychic thing down, I would so want to be her."

Kelly laughed, "I know you could."

"So, where are you from, Kelly?" Kim asked sweetly before she flipped a lock of hair.

"Um," Kelly sucked on his lower lip for a second. "Go City."

"I have an aunt there," said Monique. "What part?"

"Er," Kelly became rather pale. "By the mountains."

"Wow. That's beautiful country." Monique seemed impressed.

"Yeah," Kelly agreed.

"Been here long?" asked Ron.

"First day," Kelly quipped.

"Need a guide?" Monique asked as she grabbed Kim's arm.

"I'd settle for finding the nearest Bueno Nacho."

Rufus stood up straight, "Cheeese!"

"You are speaking my language, bro," said Ron.

After school, the four met out in front of the school and proceeded to the after-school hangout.

There, Kelly took a photo and then excitedly ordered a Naco.

"You act like you've never been to BN," Ron said quizzically.

Kelly made an odd face as he swallowed a mouthful carefully. "Um, just the Grande downtown."

"Ah, the salsa parade," Ron said dreamily. "Though that explains why you've never had a naco," he frowned.

Kelly nodded, "This naco is awesome, Ron. Thanks!"

"Don't thank me, dude. You paid for it - and mine, so thank you."

"Sure, but you invented it."

"You know about that?" asked Kim.

Kelly paused. "Sure. Why wouldn't I?"

"See Kim?" Ron leaned back and crossed his arms, "True genius gets recognized."

"Head swell much?" Kim glared at him.

"He's cool, Kim," laughed Kelly. "He can be proud of a good thing for a few seconds. After that we'll just sic the monkeys on him."

Ron jumped in his seat, "Not the monkeys!"

Monique frowned.

Kim explained to Kelly, "Ron's a little monkey-phobic."

"You don't say," quipped Kelly.

"She does!" stressed Ron.

"Sorry, Ron," Kelly said coolly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Okay," Ron was already into his burrito again.

"You do the hero thing with Kim all the time and monkeys are the only that scares you?"

"Not the only thing, just the worst thing," Ron said softly gesturing with his burrito.

"You really are a brave man, Ron."

"I am what I is."

"Well, not much homework tonight. So what's up?" Kim asked Ron.

"I gotta work as usual," Monique chimed.

"You up for a movie, Kel?" asked Ron.

"What's playing?" asked Kelly.

"The new Bricks of Fury," said Ron.

"They made a third one?" Kim asked in disbelief.

Kelly was quiet a minute.

Monique smiled, "Yep, people love watching crooks getting bashed with cinder blocks."

"Actually, I've got a commitment tonight," said Kelly.

"That's cool," said Ron. "Just Kim and I again."


