To happen upon the city of Station Square on that day would be a vastly different scene than ordinarily.

It resembled a scene from a nightmare, or some horror movie.

The streets lay empty. The only sound, the voice of a deathly cold breeze weaving between buildings.

Among the abandoned buildings approached our protagonists, dwarfed entirely by the metropolis.

"Where is everyone?" Charmy gaped.

"Hell if I know." Vector grumbled.

"How odd. They must have all been evacuated…" Shadow muttered, listening in on police radio via a transmitter.

"You getting anything?" Rouge enquired.

all units, move to the north-east sector. We have civilians trapped in a building on 7th Street. I repeat, civilians on 7th street. Approach with caution. Terrorists are mostly unarmed, but still dangerous.

"…someone's trapped in a building on 7th street." Shadow replied.

"Then let's GO!" Charmy flew off.

A thunderous roar erupted the silence from behind them. Everyone turned to see a black battle tank coming towards them, marked with the insignia G.U.N.

"…All civilians please evacuate the area!" came a voice.

"We're here to help out." Espio responded.

"This is no place for civilians! You're in way over your head! Please leave immediately!"

"Hey!" Sonic barked.

"My best friend is in there…and I don't care what you say, I'm going in to get him!"

"That's right! Tails…!" Rouge gasped.

"You are violating a direct order-"

"Fuck your orders." Shadow growled. "I'm with you guys, and I say let them do what they want!"

"We're not responsible for your injury or death." The soldier replied, but by then they were already gone.

G.U.N. soldiers patrolled the streets in black riot gear, wielding rifles. They were ordered to shoot to kill.

But only silence greeted them.

The streets were strewn with corpses from both sides. Each soldier, although it was hard to tell from their emotionless masks, was unsure whether the next corner yielded safety or death. They could come out of nowhere. The creatures they were fighting weren't human. They were…possessed…?

The tch of a radio being tuned in.

"Coast is clear. Alpha squad, move in."

"Roger that."

The soldiers moved, cautious but efficient, towards a dilapidated building, their weapons poised for attack.

"Check the door for hostiles."

"Yes, sir."

A soldier grabbed the door handle, looked around through the glass doors for movement.

Finding none but his own reflection, he pulled open the door.

The last thing he saw was something leaping down from the ceiling, swiping off his head.

"Holy sh- Open fire! Open fire!"

The creature leapt onto a soldier's head and began clawing and biting at his face. The bullets didn't seem to affect it at all, even though it was bleeding profusely. It kept going until it had prised open its victim's skull and ripped out its brain.

It roared with an unearthly cry. Ggroaaaaagh!


The creature turned to where the shot had come from. Down the street, Shadow stood holding his pistol. He gestured with his head towards the soldiers, who saw a sigil exposed by the bullet holes made in its clothes. One took out a combat knife and stabbed the creature, who roared and swiped at its assailants, creating a deep gash in one's side before it turned to black dust.

Shadow ran up to the squad, and the other soon followed.

"You okay?"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"We're here to rescue these people."

"Are you insane?!"

"We've dealt with these guys before." Espio replied.

"You guys are needed elsewhere. Get him fixed up, too." Shadow gestured towards the injured soldier.

"Our orders are to secure this building."

"Your orders have been superseded. Get out of here."

As the troops left, Rouge looked up at the great building before them.

"It's an apartment block…how will we be able to find whoever's in there?"

"Oh, no…" Sonic grimaced as he recognised the building.

"What, Sonic?"

"…nothing." He muttered.

"Quit crying, Cream! They'll find us!"

Cream sniffled. "But I'm scared, Amy!"

"Chao." Came a worried voice from Cheese.

"Don't worry." Amy consoled the rabbit, patting her on the shoulder. "Soldiers will be here soon to get us out."

A sudden loud bang startled Cream.

"Aaah! What was that?"

"Someone's at the door?"


Amy got up from the floor.

"Don't, Amy!"

"Hello? Who's there?" Amy called to the door.


Cream screamed as part of the door fell into the room and eyes looked in.

"Hello!" Amy cried. "We're in here! Get us out, please!"

"Amy, I don't think that's a…"

"Hello." Came a voice.

Amy smiled.

"See, there's nothing to worry about, Cream! I told you!"

"Chao…" Cheese shivered.

"Open the door, please."


Amy ran over and unlocked the door, swinging it open.


Amy froze as she saw who was behind the door.

The Puppet grabbed Amy and dragged her screaming down the corridor.

Cream crawled under the bed and sat there bunched up.

"Cheese…I'm so scared…"


Heavy footsteps approached.

Cream saw metallic feet in the doorway. Shutting her eyes, she remained still and quiet as the newcomer approached.


After a few minutes, Cream opened her eyes.

Her blood froze white as she saw the face of Metal Sonic.