Epilogue Two

The Mansion: Two Years Later

A lone figure approaches the gates of what was once her home, it saddened her to see the once grand mansion looking like this, for she had a lot of good memories here. The gentle breeze swept her hair away from the silky white skin of her face, all the while her cobalt blue eyes scanned the haphazard signs that had been put up, they all read "condemned", and it appears that the new vampire order had forgotten their old home. She forced the gate open with her right hand and made her way up towards the foreboding burnt out structure, carrying a single rose in her left.

She was humbled as she made her way through the ruined remains of her old home, the breeze from outside had followed her into the mansion, sweeping her coat along the floor behind her. However when she arrived at her desired destination she halted, she had never been so nervous going into the elders tomb, she swallowed hard and shifted her weight from foot to foot before finally entering. The once ornate room was now charred and destroyed; she felt a heavy weight on her shoulders as a single tear rolled down her face "Was this where it happened?" she whimpered "Were you scared?" she asked her non existent companion "Why did you do it?" she pleaded "The power never meant anything to me." Selene sank to the floor and allowed her grief to show "What I wouldn't give to see you one last time." She choked. Rising to her feet she gently placed the rose on to the charred marble floor. As she looked down at her simple tribute, she had an epiphany. Selene left the Elders tomb and hurried through the bowels of the mansion, Selene pace increased to that of a sprint as she approached a room on the first floor, kicking the doors open, she smiled a little. The room she was in was the gallery, the history of the Covens captured on canvas and in paint. Most of the works had been destroyed but some had managed to survive slightly, she looked across the walls, they were all there Viktor, Markus, Amelia, Viktor again, and then she saw it, the painting she had been looking for, a little damaged but still largely intact "Oh there you are" she wept a little. Walking over to the painting she took it down off of the wall so that she could get a better look, "Oh Kraven" she sighed as a steady stream of tears rolled down her face.

She spent a moment looking at the portrait, it was how she always liked to remember him, how he was when she first met him, dressed in armor, long straight hair swept over his shoulder. She stopped crying and let out a frustrated sigh "Damn you" she spat "All you've put me through, all these centuries. Your infatuation with me prevented me from ever having a meaningful relationship and even in death you're there, hanging over me like a specter." She again wiped her tears and composed herself "I'm sorry" she began "It's just that I'd convinced myself I hated you so much that I could never tell you how I truly felt, how I feel. Kraven…I lo…" she paused and began to laugh a little "Even now I can't tell you and I'm just talking to a fucking painting." She pulled her hair back from her face and pulled a note out from her pocket, placing it in the frame of the painting she said "This should explain everything." Then with the same grace she entered the room, so to did she leave it, leaving the mansion and her old life behind her for good.

A lone portrait of Kraven leans up against a fire damaged wall, its antique frame charred an breaking, however the frame now has another addition, a single piece of paper with a hand written note, it reads;


I have tried to suppress my emotions for six hundred years, and despite the occasional lapse, I feel that we never fulfilled our destiny. I tried so hard to hate you, and I did, but that hatred enveloped my whole being, and it's like I could not breathe without you. And one day I realized that passion I felt wasn't hatred but a dangerous intoxicating affection that no matter how hard I tried to ignore it, I craved more.

Kraven my love I hate myself for what has happened, If only I had realized this sooner everything would be different and you may still be here with me. I only wish our love had been fulfilled while you were still here with me, so that we could walk this eternal night together, my only prayer is that when the universe and heavens burn we'll dance among the stars forever.

Kraven my love forgive me for what I have done, I pray that you are somewhere you can read this, and watch over me. Although I remain Michael's companion I feel my heart will remain with you. I hope you can somehow know that although I can no longer have you I am forever yours. I remain your loving Princess, and pledge my heart to you until we meet again.

Rest in peace Kraven My love

Your Loving Selene"

And so ends the legacy of Kraven. Once proud Regent of the Hungarian coven, and most trusted ally of Viktor, the night's most fearsome master. A man who had come so close to having it all, both great covens of the immortal Vampire Empire, his only failing, his fatal flaw, pride. Now all that remains of his legacy lies in the ruined remains of what was to be his seat of power, a single red rose, a single declaration of love and a tear soaked portrait, left to stand alone in the darkness.
