Chapter 7: The Birth of Neptune
Dedication: To Haruka's Knight on her birthday, because I was finally able to return to this story after such a period of barrenness. Thank you so much.
Fighter glanced down at the unconscious man before him, and shook back the sweaty raven hair that clung to his brow. The struggle with the guard had proven more difficult than he'd first supposed. He nudged him with his foot, turning him so that the ring of keys faced him. Fighter bent down and retrieved it, then frowned. There had to be fifty keys or more on it! With a grimace, he strode towards the cell where his younger brother Healer was kept. Fighter selected a key at random and set to work on the massive lock.
Roughly half an hour later, Fighter finally succeeded in unlatching the door that kept him from his brother. His instincts saved him from what would have been a nasty blow to the head.
"Be at ease brother, it is I," Fighter said in reassurance, surveying the damage that the imprisonment had wrought upon Healer.
Healer eyed him warily, before dropping his fist, and embracing the brother he had given up for dead long ago. "But how can this be?" Healer asked incredulously, his yellow eyes surveying the man before him. "I thought, I thought you had-" and Healer found that he couldn't finish his thought.
Fighter smiled. "I was about to give up when someone very wise and powerful came to my side, and told me that she could increase my powers, help me to find my brothers, and to seek our revenge. She will help us brother." Fighter said, squeezing his brother's shoulder.
Healer regarded Fighter, then knelt before him. "What must I do elder brother?"
Fighter handed him the map, now only displaying one red arrow, and spoke," First of all, you need to recuperate from your confinement, and then you must find and release our eldest brother so that we may fulfill our purpose."
Healer rose and nodded in acknowledgment then questioned, "And what of you Fighter? You said this is my task, but where shall you be? And do you know that we can really trust this person?" Skepticism was one of Healer's areas of specialties.
Fighter arched an eyebrow before responding. "Yes, I am sure that we may rely on her, for she holds the same desire as do we. Beryl-sama is formidable and resourceful, with her assistance we will not fail. As for myself, I must find favor in the court of the White Moon Palace," Fighter finished. "And you, we must find somewhere for you to regain your strength from this confusion and confinement." Fighter scowled, pondering where he might take Healer, while his younger brother muttered under his breath about what to do with the bothersome guard Healer was brought from his thoughts by Fighter resting a hand on his shoulder. "I think that for now, the best thing to do is to take you back to Beryl-sama's palace and for me to continue in the search for our eldest brother."
Healer's adrenaline rush was dissipating, so he could little argue in the face of his brother's logic, and nodded mutely in acquiescence, and allowed Fighter to slip an arm around his waist to help him walk. In his weary condition, Healer couldn't handle the usual method of transportation alone, so Fighter set his teeth as he prepared to leave that desolate planet. It would take far more concentration and energy this time, and he only hoped that his brother could remain awake during transit, otherwise who knew what might happen? "Stay with me brother," he whispered to Healer, and trusting in him, Fighter and Healer shimmered in and out of focus until they were no more, and were traveling as quickly as possible back to Beryl's castle.
A/N: And here we leave the scheming villains (for now) to return to our favorite Sailor Moon couple. Let's see what they've been up to, shall we? .
A very nervous Haruka was pacing in her bedroom, hands clasped behind her head. How was she going to approach Michiru about what the girl had witnessed? However, her thoughts were cut short by a knock on her door. Surprised, Haruka slowly opened it to find the object of her worry before her. Not quite knowing what to say, she merely stepped back, and allowed the other girl to enter. Before she could speak, Michiru shut the door behind her and faced Haruka.
"Kaze, if it's even still appropriate to call you that, about what happened," Michiru paused, "I've decided not to tell anyone about your true gender, as it is obvious that you wish to keep it a secret for some strange reason."
Haruka relaxed considerably, and smiled at Michiru, but was unable to get too comfortable as the other girl continued.
"However," and Haruka grew wary of her tone, "in light of my confidentiality, I expect that, in return, at any time I should appear at your door, you will do exactly as I ask of you, regardless of what it may be, and even if it's at two in the morning. Do I make myself clear?" Haruka felt marine-blue eyes boring into her, and nodded nervously, though what Michiru could want from her at two o' clock in the morning she had no idea, but at least she said she would keep her secret.
"Arigatou," the 'prince' of Uranus said belatedly, hugging her friend awkwardly.
Michiru's reply was muffled slightly due to the fact that her face was turned into Haruka's neck, and she was blushing heavily. When did Kaze get this touchy-feely? She didn't have long to wonder though, because the blonde pulled back abruptly, and refused to look her friend in the eye. Michiru took her leave, and bowed in confusion, meandering about the palace before their evening activities were to commence.
Haruka watched her friend, her only friend, walk out of the door without so much as an explanation, but she felt that she simply couldn't reveal that to anyone, not even Michiru, and she hated herself for it. She pinched the bridge of her nose, and sighed before letting herself fall back onto her pillow. She hated the image she was forced to assume, and the person she was forced to pretend to be. Damn her mother for wanting her child to be married to the Neptunian queen's heir. Immediately, she felt sick for thinking such a thing, but dammit, what was she supposed to do? Sometimes she really wished that she could be someone, ANYONE else.
Time passed monotonously for Haruka and Michiru, each day seeming to blend into the next until a little over two weeks had passed from the time Haruka's secret was revealed. It was a typical day of sparring really. They would begin with long range weapons, aiming at targets rather than each other, and moving to close quarters combat where they then used the scrimmage weapon of their choosing. Michiru was abnormally distracted that day though, being far slower to react to Haruka's offensive tactics. She narrowly avoided a nasty cut on the cheek if Haruka at least had not been paying close attention to her comrade's lack of focus. Confused, concerned, and a little agitated, Haruka finally spoke up, coming to a halt directly in Michiru's path.
"F word Michiru, f word," she said in jest. They had come up with such slang to refer to the importance of focusing when in a battle situation, simulated or not.
Michiru had slowly lifted her head to face her spirited friend, when suddenly she was completely separated from Haruka. The younger girl couldn't see her at all as she looked uneasily around at the unfamiliar surroundings. She had a feeling that something was very, very wrong, and her suspicions were confirmed when something growled off in the distant darkness into which she could not see. Her hands clenched the hilt of the sword, and was sure that the thing could smell her fear.
She turned in slow circles, desperate for any signs of the hidden monster. Michiru set her jaw; she had heard that each senshi was tested, but this didn't seem right at all. Horror raced across her pretty face as a creature only seen in nightmares took shape before her, blocking out the dim light with its formidable size. Its impossibly long fangs dripped as it raked over her slight form with predatory anticipation, jagged talons clicked in warning as it lunged at her. She leaped quickly when it attacked, and despite the vicious trembling that wracked her frame, she refused to let it leave her field of vision. It moved quickly, almost faster than Kaze, but she jumped again, and managed to deal it some damage, although her sword could only do so much against such an opponent.
The thing saw red when she drew its blood, and gnashed its teeth, breaking several of her bones with its next attack, and with a blood-chilling snarl, disarmed her. With tears threatening to spill over from her widened eyes, Michiru raised her head to confront it. She would stare down her own Death, for she refused to die on her knees. However, without warning, a brilliant, painfully bright, white light between them, sufficiently blocking one from the other's view. The monster backed up in the confusion, shielding it's face from the intensity and Michiru saw a strange object hovering before her. It nearly glittered with a powerful aura, and she hesitated briefly before reaching out and clasping her slim fingers around it.
A mantra began in her head, beating against her heart and skull until she shouted it out,
"Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!," she screamed, and was enveloped by an electrifying blue-green wave of energy that reminded her strongly of the endless waters of Neptune.
When she opened her sapphire eyes again, she gasped when she looked down, for she was surely not herself. A foreign outfit had taken the place of her battered fighting clothes, and she knew that she had not felt this strong before. The light dissipated, and Michiru knew that she had no more time to ponder the strange garb she now wore, as the monster had recovered from its shock, and was preparing to attack her again. This time though, she was ready.
She was more agile, and did not tire. Her moves were fluid, and it was much easier to avoid the onslaught of attacks the monster sent at her. Her eyes narrowed. It was beneath her really, what had she been so afraid of? As she flexed her gloved hand in preparation, Michiru also realized that her previous injuries were gone completely. She laughed, and had the satisfaction of watching its head tilt in confusion before she reached her hands above her head and cried out what seemed to be pulsing in her blood.
"Deep Submerge!"
A tidal wave of power, her power, burst from her hands, and shot directly at the monster which barely had time to realize what was going on before it was utterly destroyed. Michiru was stunned. What on earth had happened? She didn't have much longer to wonder though, because the vapors cleared, and she could see Kaze once more.
"Kaze!" she sobbed, rushing toward her friend, relieved beyond words to see her, and was hurt when she backed away. "What's the matter with you?" she said, tears threatening to spill from her sparkling eyes.
Haruka looked at the strange being approaching her so familiarly with apprehension. What the hell? Kaze? Kaze? Then that must be,
"Michiru?" she called out hesitantly.
The smaller girl huffed in annoyance. "Of course it's me, baka. What did you think I was, a ghost or something?"
"I didn't know what to think," Haruka replied.
Michiru regarded her quizzically. "Was the mist that thick that you couldn't see my face?"
Haruka shook her head. "It isn't the mist, it's you. You don't look like you at all Michiru."
"Be serious Kaze, how can I not look like myself," she put a hand to her hip.
Haruka shrugged and tilted her sword toward Michiru in a mute offer.
Sure enough, when Michiru grabbed the sword from Kaze, she did not see herself in its reflection. She looked back up to Kaze, "How can this be?"
"Perhaps we should go talk to Luna?" Haruka suggested.
Michiru agreed with her, rubbing her arms briskly for warmth. When had it gotten so cold out here? They walked in silence back to the palace, Haruka looking behind them every so often, just in case. They weren't quite sure where to look for their instructor, so they went searching about the seemingly endless corridors, and found Queen Serenity instead.
Bowing in respect, they then called out to their queen. "Serenity-sama, may we have a word with you please?"
Queen Serenity blinked in surprise before she excused herself from the entourage behind her, and ushered them into a chamber she generally reserved for treaty signing and other such foreign matters. She seated herself at the head, then indicated for them to do the same. Once they were comfortable, more or less, she asked how she might help them.
"Actually, we were originally looking for Luna-sensei, but hopefully you can answer something for us, Serenity-sama," Haruka said, as Michiru had grown strangely quiet.
"And that is?" asked the queen kindly.
"Well, "Haruka began, "It actually involves Michiru-san here. Something happened today when we were out practicing. I don't really know the details, except that she was gone in an instant, then re-appeared later, looking like this. I didn't recognize her at all. What happened Serenity-sama?"
The queen turned her soft gaze onto Michiru, reaching over the table's expanse to lightly touch the back of her gloved hand. "What happened dear? If you can tell me, I believe that I should be able to explain what you're going through now."
Michiru jumped slightly at the contact, then slowly faced Queen Serenity. "Well, as Kaze said, we were practicing outside in the old arena when this strange mist-like thing appeared, and I couldn't see her anymore. I had no idea where I was, but I had a very bad feeling about it. Then," she paused, "I heard something out of my sight growling, and I got rather scared. Then, when it came out of the shadows, I was petrified. It was terrible," she hugged herself gingerly at the memory. " It was some kind of monster. I tried to fight back, but when I hurt it, it only got angrier, and it attacked me again. It broke a number of my bones, and knocked my sword away. It was going to kill me," she said quietly. "But then," and she began to sound confused, "then something incredible happened. This ridiculously bright light appeared in front of me, and there was an object in the center of it. For some reason, I reached out and touched it, and then, I changed, somehow. I don't know how I knew what to say, but I did, and I killed it. And after that, I was back here," she finished softly.
"You know that you are a sailor senshi, do you not Michiru-san?" Serenity asked, and continued when Michiru nodded. "Well, now you know what a senshi looks like. When you were put into a life-threatening situation, your power came to you, and gave you the chance to live. You took it, by taking a hold of the henshin pen, and by saying the incantation, you became Sailor Neptune. Do you understand?"
Michiru stared in disbelief. "You mean-," and trailed off, looking down at the bizzare attire she now wore. It was some kind of body-suit with a bow in the front, and a brooch of some kind in the middle, with a sailor collar of all things, and a short, pleated skirt, and another bow in the back of that. She now wore gloves, high heels, a choker that she could feel around her neck, and the cool metal against her forehead, once removed, was revealed to be a tiara. "How queer," Michiru said, "so this wasn't some sort of mistake, I really am-" she paused again, and locked gazes with Queen Serenity, who smiled and replied in the affirmative.
"As for the creature you fought with," the queen continued, "I shall have to look into that. I have no idea how something like that got into the palace grounds undetected. Moreover, I am shamed that I was not aware of its presence."
"Pardon me, your Majesty, but that wasn't the first time either," Haruka said in a low voice.
The monarch's eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that I too have been attacked. I do not know what manner of being it was, but it at least appeared human when we battled."
"Why was I not informed of this?" Serenity asked sharply.
"Soumei-masen," Haruka said, bowing her head low.
Serenity sighed," It is of less importance now. You both are safe, somehow, and I am aware of these presences now. Be very careful, both of you. Don't go into that arena until I say otherwise, and," she paused, her crystal blue eyes clouded with concern," don't be alone any more than you can avoid. I want everyone to be watched over. The two of you will be sharing a suite now. No questions asked," she finished, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"Hai Serenity-sama," they said in unison, each slightly baffled by this turn of events.
"Serenity-sama?" Michiru asked cautiously, neither girl had seen their queen so tense before. Queen Serenity raised a platinum brow in response. "Not to be rude, but, how do I, de-transform, if I transformed in the first place?"
"Oh, that," Serenity sighed, she was very tired all of a sudden, "if you just touch the henshin pen to them, they will return until you need them. I need some time to think these things over to decide the best course of action. If you would shut the door behind you, I would be much obliged," she said in polite dismissal.
"Domo arigatou," Michiru finished, and they bowed in gratitude as they left the chamber, closing the door behind them as Serenity had asked.
The pair walked in awkward silence, ending a the door to Michiru's quarters.
"How did we end up here?" Michiru asked in slight confusion.
"Well I assumed you might like to change into something else, and maybe try to go to the evening meal if it isn't too late," Haruka said.
"Right," Michiru replied, entering, and nearly shutting the door on Haruka, who startled her with a well-placed, "Hey!"
"Oh, gomen ne," Michiru said, moving aside to let the other girl in as well. She did as Serenity said, and her sailor fuku was gone, leaving her in the clothing from before. She turned her back to Haruka, who for her part, was staring at the ceiling in fascination, and shrugged the tattered clothes off. She wrapped a soft lavender robe around her, but was still in somewhat of a stupor from the day's events, because when she moved toward the armoire, she was seemingly unable to open it.
Haruka reached around the dazed girl, turning the handle for her, only to feel how cool Michiru's skin was to the touch. That couldn't be normal. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped in surprise when her friend collapsed against her. Steady arms wrapped around Michiru's waist, and teal eyes located ther bed. She lifted her bridal style, and set her down carefully, attempting to pull the blankets around her. 'Poor thing, she fainted,' Haruka thought anxiously, tucking corners around her, and smoothing her hair back from her troubled face. She had little to no medical training, therefore, she made sure her friend was safely in bed, and then went to the hallway, and called for a servant, leaving Michiru to her uneasy dreams, but turned on her heel when she heard Michiru's frightened voice cry out in distress several minutes later.
Haruka sprinted back into her room, and her gaze softened when she realized her friend was likely having a hell of a nightmare. The servant would come eventually, and until then, she would attempt to comfort her. Haruka grabbed the chair from Michiru's desk, and set it by the side of her bed, lightly clasping the slim hand that had escaped the warmth of the blankets, and holding it in her own.
"Michiru, Michiru, you're all right," Haruka said soothingly, running her fingers through the silky hair. "I'm here with you. You defeated the monster, remember? You're safe." Michiru began to settle down as Haruka spoke to her, and she unconsciously turned her face into Haruka's hand, apparently calmed by the presence of her friend. 'Heh, who knew that I'd ever comfort anyone,' she mused. When it appeared that the nightmare was through, Haruka brushed a kiss against Michiru's forehead, and started to go to the door again, but upon hearing the small whimper from Michiru, she turned around again, and sat down, barely chuckling to herself about the difference between the sleeping Michiru, and when she was awake.
When she was awake, Michiru tolerated her, spoke to her like an equal, but certainly did not go out of her way to seek or maintain her company. But asleep, asleep, she was, well, Haruka didn't quite know what, but at least she was more approachable this way. 'Am I really that bad?' Haruka wondered, 'that she has to be asleep to want me around? Quite possibly,' Haruka concluded with a grimace. She was known to have a temper, and to be rather obnoxious at times. Then Michiru started to shake, shiver really. 'Oh shit, is she getting a fever?' Haruka thought worriedly. When was that servant going to get here? She placed the back of her hand against Michiru's forehead, then against her own. No, it didn't seem like a fever, then what was wrong? Frowning in baffled worry, she rested her elbows on the edge of Michiru's bed, watching her restless friend toss and turn. Was she ever going to sleep peacefully? She blew upward at her bangs, ruffling them somewhat, then shrugged her shoulders and said to no one in particular.
"Well," she took off her shoes and jacket," at least she knows I am in fact female," and made sure that the door was shut," so when she wakes up," Haruka moved the blankets down a little, "and finds me here, she won't kill me," and slipped into the bed with Michiru, drawing her against her chest, and wrapping an arm firmly around the other girl's shivering form.
Haruka shifted her eyes to the wall, catching a hold of Michiru's hand again, and murmured into her ear in reminder that everything was okay. The blonde stroked her hair lightly, highly relieved when the shaking began to slow, and then to stop. Soon Haruka found it difficult to stay awake, the continual movement through Michiru's hair, and her own exhaustion was taking its toll. It was funny in a way, she was normally never this caring or relaxed, even with family, but it seemed that she was inexplicably drawn to Michiru. She smiled a little, something about her made her want to, what was the word, oh yes, cuddle. With a sigh, Haruka allowed herself to doze as well, hoping that she would wake before her friend, lest said friend try to kill her in a panic.
The servant found them that way just shy of an hour later. There was always something to do in a palace of that size, and Shiori smiled. She had been instructed by Queen Serenity herself to let those two get acquainted as much as possible for reasons unknown. It was a sweet sight to come upon, after all, so she didn't feel quite so guilty having made the worried young man wait. She had done as her queen had instructed. She was to let them take care of anything themselves that was not absolutely necessary to be done by anyone else, and she always did as she was told. Therefore, she simply laid down the things that Haruka had asked for earlier, along with a meal for each of them that would not spoil in the time it took for them to awaken. Shiori left the way she had come, the sleeping pair undisturbed.
A/N: Hey guys, I changed the scene where Michiru disappears, hopefully it's a nice improvement. sniffles and hugs all her readers You guys really made me smile last chapter. Thank you so much for all your reviews. They continue to give me encouragement and motivation. Sometimes I have trouble finishing things, but you guys rock! I nearly posted a pouty request for more reviews, but it turned out I didn't have to. I was afraid that I'd done something you didn't like or something, or that you weren't satisfied enough with my work to review. But you guys came through for me. Thank you so much, I really appreciate them. Reviewers never quite know how important they are to the success and completion of a story, but to me, your words are outside of nameable value. Holy mackerel! I finally updated, aren't you proud of me? Not much to say really, I finally got some bloody inspiration, so I wrote. Here you go guys, I promised that I hadn't forgotten or given up, and I haven't, so there. Neptune's Mask
Reader Responses: (Holy crap! Two pages of responses, lol!)
petiyaka: Yes indeed, a strange talking cat, like Luna or Artemis, only a bit more of a pain at times as you'll see later. I may do a little doodle of him on deviantart sometime so that you guys can get an idea of what he looks like. He didn't get much of an appearance this chapter, but he will soon, cross my heart. And the Lights will be highly interesting characters throughout, at least in my opinion. I finally updated, so I hope you enjoy the chapter!
unknown01: Can I do what? shrugs I'm the author, I can do whatever I want!! Isn't that a scary thought? Regardless, I hope you like the insanity, as well as this next chapter. Thank you for reading, and reviewing, and please enjoy!
Urooj: I promise that they will get together, otherwise I wouldn't have said that it was a Haruka x Michiru fanfiction. But I can't tell you when I'm afraid. Be strong, and keep reading, and I promise that it will happen. In the meantime, please kick back and enjoy!
Daken: Yes it did. I should re-name it "Seasons of Love" perhaps, but then again, maybe I should just stick with the title now. I'm happy to 'hear' that you've read through that one too, . and that's another fanfic that I must continue with, but I think I'll try to finish ASTF first. I haven't forgotten about either, or given up, as you can see. Thanks for reading, and I hope you like the chapter.
RogueRobin: Thank you, I do try to keep them in character, though sometimes I want to make Haruka lose her mind, and do all sorts of crazy things, but... most of the time I keep those thoughts in check. Thank you for reading and reviewing, and here's the next chapter!
TemptingDrug: Hai hai, I promise that there will be lemony goodness in the future. Trust me, and be a good little reader and let the story unfold. . I'll make sure that it's extra juicy since you've had to wait so long my friend. Gomen nasai. hugs Hope you like this chapter.
LitaDelacour: Aka Amara, lol. I'm glad that you enjoyed my bit of humor there. Personally, I freaking love that line. I'm not conceited, but I have to give myself kudos for coming up with that. There aren't too many funny moments this chapter, but Ruka does do a cute trick, so I hope that makes up for it. I hope you enjoy!
SoleilLune: Thank you so much for being a steady reviewer. I really appreciate it. There is a bit of evil, dastardly-ness this chapter, but some (kind of ) fluff too. I hope you like the chapter!
ShoujoGirl: Indeed, what will Haruka do? Hmmm, being accosted by Michiru sounds promising. Enjoy and thank you for reviewing.
WillYouLoveMeForAlways: Wow your handle takes a while to type, lol. But hey, thank you for reading and reviewing anyway! I try to keep a mix of a few things in my stories, and thank you for the encouragement! I hope you like the chapter!
Kel-Vampyre: Yes, isn't Queen Serenity a fun side character? She loves to mess with them a little, and can you really blame her? It's always so much more entertaining to constantly put two people together, rather than just TELL them that they're betrothed! . Aren't I evil? Muahahaha... Anyway, I hope you like the new chapter!
scrtshdfgry: Wow that's a killer to type correctly! Lol. But thank you for your kind words, and I hope that you like the new chapter as well. Thank you!
cooltrainer120: No words huh? Then I guess I did my job. I hope you like the next chapter too. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
RukaMichi92: I'm glad that you like the story! I hope that you like this chapter too. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Arisugawa-Rei-chan: Yes, Luna did appear, and she's not done appearing either. She's their teacher after all, and boy is she going to have her hands full when she's in charge of all the sailor senshi, with the exceptions of Saturn, Pluto, and Moon. Isn't that a job you'd want? Not me!! Lol. I'm very sorry that you're having stress issues, stress is a killer! mental hugs! Feel better, and I hope that you enjoy the chapter!
depression76: I did, I did, I did update! Please enjoy the chapter!
Kiros Razer: I'm glad that you like my style, and thank you for your kind words. I hope that you enjoy the next chapter!
ralaj: Well, dramatic sigh back at ya! Trust me, I've wanted to continue with this for a long time, but I just didn't have the inspiration. It was very sad. But fortunately, I'm back, and back with another chapter. Please enjoy.
Neokstar: Really? You've never read a fanfiction like mine? Awwww!!! squees and hugs Sorry, that was a random outburst of thankfulness and cuteness at you. Thank you for your thoughts, and I hope you like the chapter.
mantikora: Nope, they really have issues with each other in this story, at least for a while. This chapter they are a little friendlier, Haruka almost uncharacteristically so, but who knows what the next chapter will bring? Thank you for reading and reviewing. I hope you enjoy!
monica1990m: I'm glad that you came across my story, I apologize for the delay in updating... That is all my fault. But, I do have a new chapter now! I hope you like it.
Amphitryon: No, it hasn't been discontinued, I promise. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and thank you for your words of encouragement.
ViolinHeart: Thank you! I'm glad that you like it, and I hope you like the new chapter as well.
BoneFish: giggles No, I didn't abandon it. I realize that it kind of looked that way, but I really didn't abandon it. I'm not that cruel. I hope that you like the new chapter!