A/N: Okay, this whole closing "chapter" is just going to be an author's note, just to let you know. (I know that you're not really supposed to do this but I'm gonna do it anyway, hehe. :P)

Well, first of all I want to thank all of you who have read and reviewed all my poems that I have posted on this site. (Including the ones that aren't in this collection, Christian Life) --Even the people who gave me flamers. Actually, it was much appreciated, to be honest.

Though most of you were very supportive I feel, however, that you who complemented me were giving me too much credit for my work when it doesn't deserve even so much as one recognition. I was looking through my poem book last night and couldn't help but frown at most of my work. Who told me that I could write poetry! Whoever did—they are clearly wrong (or at least at the time they said it). Out of all the poems I have posted on this website only 10 I feel are even worth keeping. (But I will keep the rest up to try and show what little progress I have made) These poems are: "Meant To Be", "If You Care", "He Made It All", "Foggy Day", "So Good", "Slipping", "So Alive", "I've left you", "Smothered", and "Out Of The Desert". Don't get me wrong, I still believe the messages that the other poems possess, I just don't think they flow that well and/or sound more like a command or statement rather than a poem.

Also there's another thing… Not that I haven't been honest with you guys (I try and mention when I'm feeling far from God and struggling to stay close to him—no one is perfect and so there is no use in pretending that I am) but I just got to mention it again. Yeah, I've been feeling very far away from God for a very long while now but I think I'm finally getting back to him again. :) And also about some of my poetry, I have a few things to say:

I'm sorry that I have offended many people with my recent poems, "I Don't Care", "If I Were Not A Christian", and "Us Christians". I wasn't in the right heart frame when I posted them. (Although I don't think that would make much difference because I had written them weeks to months before I posted them) But there's just one thing I just don't get. How can non Christians get offended when Christians post poems or fics that try and show what they believe is the honest truth? I'm not talking about the stuck up Christians (who may as well not even be Christians at all), but the true hard-core ones who write to please the Lord and to reach out to others around them. I mean, it's like someone saying, "I'm offended that you care for me." It just doesn't make sense. And then there are the non Christians writing fics and stuff that make fun of God and Christians. Do WE Christians write with the intentions of hurting, insulting, and poking fun of non Christians and what they believe? And do we get as offended? So many non Christians think that Christians believe in God because we are weak. They try to tear us down, tell us we're stupid, and force us to believe like they do (not always in words). And then many Christians (using their normal human defenses) fight back and try and defend themselves. And then the non Christians point out those mistakes and accuse them of acting human! NOT SAYING THAT ALL NON CHRISTIANS ARE LIKE THIS. (for the ones who are easily offended)

For all you Christians: I know when someone makes us feel low-in-the-dirt that usually our first reaction will be to fight back and defend ourselves, but you see, that pulls non Christians away in more hatred (that is, if they had hatred in themselves to start them) If we even care about reaching this world for Christ than we've got to show them the love of Christ. That's the only way. Be different than the world and they will see you have something that they don't have and will want it too. :)

Well, I suppose that's all I have to say. I am going to stop posting poems for Christian Life as of today. Thank you all for the time you took reading this and God Bless You All!