Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or its characters.

A/N: Here it is… a LEONxAERITH pairing! Although I know most people prefer Cloud and Aerith to be together, I still love this pairing nonetheless! I hope you enjoy the first chapter! Oh, yeah, this story takes place in KH2 when they're all living in Hollow Bastion again. Don't worry; this story contains no spoilers for the game.


01. Is It Alright?

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Leon remembered it as if it were yesterday, the day he first met Aerith. She was different from the others, calm, thoughtful, and everything she did or say was always thought out first before she actually took action. To Leon, Aerith was the most mature and most reliable. Not once has he ever seen her cry, nor cower in fear. It's been nine years since they've met. After all the things they've been through, they were able to return to their world: Hollow Bastion.

"Hey, Leon!" Yuffie called, running energetically towards him. She had usually called him Squall, which was Leon's real name, but she's recently been getting used to calling him Leon now.

"What?" Leon answered, not really wanting to deal with her. He had been training in the Borough, and this wasn't the first time Yuffie's interrupted him.

"One of the town folks are having a birthday party at their house, and I thought you'd like to come!" She said.

"Birthday party?" Leon sighed and continued hacking away at the air. He didn't really like huge crowds.

"Aww, come on! It'll be fun!" Yuffie put her hands together, pleading. "You have to go! Besides, Aerith will be there!"

Leon stopped at the mention of Aerith's name, but shook his head and said, "She always attends birthday parties though."

"Oh, you're no fun!" Yuffie pouted and folded her arms together angrily.

Leon stared at her back as she stomped out. When she showed no signs of coming back, he shrugged and continued his training. However, the thought of Aerith distracted him and he could no longer concentrate. Although he still had the energy left in him to continue, he stopped and stared outside of the large opening in the wall that let him see almost all of Hallow Baston. From where he stood, he could see all that happened throughout the day. Donald Duck's nephews arguing over who should be in charge next, Scrooge McDuck standing near his ice cream shop trying to invent a new flavor, the shop keepers kicking out kids that were too loud, and various events that weren't unusual.

Leon often watched the citizens from the window. It was all that could keep his mind off the Heartless and the Nobodies. Although everyone knew that their world could still be attacked anytime, they still lived their lives as normally as they could. Leon felt that they were lucky because they weren't the ones who had to deal with all the fighting. But it was one of the little reasons that made him feel like he was needed here, and that feeling was enough to make him feel a bit at home.

It was getting late, and the sun had already almost set. Leon sighed. For some reason, he wasn't feeling all too good and ended up spending the entire afternoon in the Borough which was longer than he usually did. He grabbed his gunblade that was leaning on the wall and started for the gate that led outside, but then stopped in his tracks. Aerith was standing next to the gate, appearing as if she was just about to enter.

"I'm sorry, did I startle you?" she asked, concerned.

Leon shook his head. "No, it's not that…" Sometimes he wondered how was it that she always seemed to know how other people were feeling. And even when she knew something was wrong, she never pressured anyone to tell her. Instead, she just carried on normally.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Leon asked.

"You were gone for quite a long while, so I just thought I'd come to see if you were well." She replied. But Leon wondered if that was really the only reason, and it probably was.

"I was just about to leave, sorry if I worried you." He said, walking to the gate where Aerith stood.

"No, not at all." She smiled sweetly. It was a smile that he loved more than anything, but he could never bring himself to tell her anything about how he felt. She didn't seem like the kind who would return her feelings to someone like him, so he kept his mouth shut and his feelings suppressed inside. Besides, he thought, there are others more fitting for her than him. Just when Aerith and Leon left the Borough together, they saw Cloud walking up the stairs towards them.

"There you are, Aerith." He said, stopping at the top of the stairs. "I've been looking for you."

He glanced at Cloud, and nodded in his direction. Leon returned the gesture of acknowledgment. Then Cloud said, "You both have been gone for quite some time."

"I was just here this whole time." Said Leon. "I haven't gone anywhere."

"And I just went out to look for him." Aerith said it so casually, but to both Leon and Cloud, it meant more to them. Leon glanced at Cloud, and caught a glimpse of what seemed like envy. He had known it from the moment he met Cloud that Aerith meant something to him as well. And it seemed like Aerith was oblivious not only to Leon's feelings, but to Cloud's too even though she had known him longer. However, Leon knew as well as Cloud did, that they both harbored their own affections towards her. Although neither one ever voiced out their true thoughts, they both knew. Despite this, they both still became friends and carried on as if they knew nothing of it.

"Um, is something wrong?" Aerith asked after an awkward moment of silence.

"No, nothing's wrong." Replied Cloud.

"I'm just tired from training." Lied Leon. The two men disliked making Aerith worry. It was even quite admirable that they had even become friends instead of enemies when they both cared so much for the same girl. Before things could get anymore awkward, Leon began walking towards the stairs and said, "We should get going now." With Aerith following and Cloud leading the way back to Merlin's house.

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Without Yuffie around, the atmosphere was dead and quiet. But considering how energetic she was, she probably had gotten bored and was now jumping on the rooftops of buildings. But it was getting late, and she would probably appear droopy eyed at the doorway any time soon.

"Yuffie hasn't come back for some time now…" Aerith said, getting worried again.

"You're not going to look for her?" Leon asked.

Aerith shook her head. "Well, this isn't the first time she's been out so late."

"I see…" Leon wondered why Aerith had come to get him but not Yuffie. She was the one who, even now, jumps at her own shadow during the night. But considering that she's always usually gone until it gets really late but still come back was more than enough reason for Aerith not to worry. Still… maybe the reason Leon contradicts her actions is because he wanted to feel like he wasn't just 'another friend' to her.

"Aren't you supposed to be at a birthday party today?" Cloud asked Aerith.

"Yes, but it doesn't start until a little later." She replied, looking up at the clock.

"Until later? It's late enough already." Leon said, leaning on the wall.

Aerith chuckled. "Well, the person in charge of the party wanted it to last throughout the night. Of course, I won't be staying long though."

Cloud looked out the window. "Isn't Yuffie supposed to come get you when it's time?"

"Yes, she said she wanted to go with me." Aerith walked over to the window beside Cloud. "Oh, here she comes now."

"Hi, hi!" Yuffie greeted, running towards the window in the darkness. "C'mon, Aerith! Let's get going!"

"Okay." Aerith walked over to the door, but turned around to the two men and said, "I'll be seeing you two later then."

"What?" Yuffie said loudly. "They're not going?"

"Apparently not." Aerith said, with a small laugh. "It's alright though, I don't mind."

As they both walked away, Yuffie's complaints could still be heard until they were out of sight. When the two girl's petite figures disappeared, Leon glanced at Cloud and said, "I thought you were going to go."

"I thought you were going too." Cloud and Leon both knew that either one had the urge to go, yet didn't because they were both being held down by their consideration for the other's feelings. Although there were times when one could just be selfish and act on their own accord, it would ruin everything in their friendship. And so they ended up waiting for the other. Except, maybe they had waited a little too long.

"…I had second thoughts." Leon grabbed a chair and took a seat next to the wall. From where he sat, Cloud's face was hidden in the shadows of the dimly lit room. He wondered what Cloud was thinking. After a long while without saying a word to one another, Cloud walked to the door and said he was going to take a midnight stroll around Hallow Baston. Although Leon had a slight feeling that just taking a midnight stroll wasn't what Cloud really intended to do, Leon just nodded his head and watched Cloud go.

He felt like an idiot. This was something that he often regretted when he felt as if his chance just slipped. And now, if he didn't do anything, he would lose Aerith. He couldn't say that he was going to lose to Cloud, because neither one intended on stealing her from the other. In fact, they were somewhat just waiting for her to act on her own… except she wasn't really doing much to solve the problem. When Leon had found out that Cloud loved Aerith, Leon felt as if he was betraying a friend. But he loved Aerith too… and he didn't know if it was alright.

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Leon didn't know what time it was, but it was completely dark when he was woken up by the sound of creaks. He scanned the dark room, and noticed that someone had come inside. Just by listening to the soft footsteps and examining the dark silhouette of the person, he knew who it was already.


"Leon?" He saw her walk over to the table, and quickly lit the lamp on it. The room was now lit by what little light the lamp provided. Aerith's face seemed to glow warmly as the light bounced off her smooth skin. She lifted her face and Leon had to avert his eyes from her own. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" she asked, seeming to have noticed his tired state.

"No, I just woke up now." But as he said this, he felt a yawn force its way out of his mouth. Aerith giggled and took a seat at the table, her hands folded gently in her lap.

"If you're tired, you shouldn't fall asleep here." She laughed. "I don't think Merlin would mind, but maybe you should consider sleeping in your own bed?"

Leon chuckled. "You're right. I was just tired though, that's all."

Aerith smiled, and appeared to be thinking of something. Then looked at Leon and said, "Well, now that you're awake, why don't we go home together?"

Leon felt as if his heart stopped and barely managed to say, "Alright." Although he felt his heart race and his blood pulsating, he tried to appear calm and collected as he waited for Aerith outside of Merlin's house. When she turned off the lamp and closed the door, she and Leon walked the dark streets of Hallow Baston to their home.

"Where are Cloud and Yuffie?" Leon asked, just finally remembering them.

"Yuffie stayed at the party longer." Aerith replied, walking next to Leon in the darkness. "I haven't seen Cloud though. I thought he stayed with you?"

"Well, he did until just recently." Leon said. It was strange. There was something in him that felt Cloud really went to see Aerith. But to hear that Cloud didn't even go made Leon feel a bit uneasy to suddenly be alone with Aerith now. He felt like he was betraying a friend.

"…It's so dark tonight." Aerith commented when they turned a corner that led to what looked like nothing because it was so dark to see. As the walked, Aerith looked up at the sky. The moon was barley visible with its incredibly sharp upside down smile. It would've looked a bit ominous if not for the stars that filled in the empty space in the sky. A chilly wend blew against Leon, but he paid no mind to it. Aerith on the other hand, shivered and rubbed her arms to keep herself warm.

"Are you alright?" Leon asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." She said, giving him a small smile. But Leon knew she was freezing, all she wore was a dress! Being the gentleman he was (or, a gentleman at the moment), he took off his jacket and handed it to Aerith, trying not to let her see his somewhat blushing face. She thanked him happily, and when she took the jacket her delicate fingers brushed briefly against his. Leon almost felt like he was going to let go of the jacket, but ended up gripping onto it even tighter. He made sure to release his grip once she had the jacket in her hands though. When she placed the jacket around her small shoulders, she suddenly looked so small. Leon's jacket was obviously some sizes bigger than her.

"It's so warm." Aerith smiled and pulled the jacket tighter around her. "Thank you."

Leon smiled slightly and said, "You're welcome."

After walking a little ways, they finally arrived at Aerith's home, with Leon's just right around the corner. Aerith stopped walking once they grew nearer to her house, and took off Leon's jacket and handed it to him. "Thank you so much." She said. "I appreciate it."

Not knowing what to say, Leon just nodded. Although he could feel a smile form, he kept a straight face. Seeing her act so natural made him wonder if she really thought that his gentlemanly gesture from before was just because he was her 'friend'. If that really was what she just thought, then he didn't know how to feel anymore.

"Good night then, Leon." Aerith said.

"Good night." Leon said in return. Before turning to leave, Aerith gave Leon one last smile for the night then entered her home. Leon was still in a bit of a daze and stared at the closed door for a few seconds before he even realized it was getting cold.