Disclaimer: I just borrowed the gang for the mere purpose of torturing, but it's not mine.

This is a random plot; don't know what's going to happen myself, so please don't ask me…

Chapter 1: It's a date

The frequently boisterous halls of Konoha High fell into absolute silence as a seeming seraph happens to pass by. The rays of the sun penetrating through the long windows of the corridor highlighted her silky pink locks as it rocks together with the swaying of her hips. In addition, her figure was also perfectly slim, her chest noticeably full and her eyes a dazzling color of green.

She is Haruno Sakura, heiress to the Haruno group of companies, a top notch high school student envied by many and a model to her fellow teens.

She knew it very well that she has everything other girls' dreams about, but even with the fact in mind, she still wasn't satisfied, she still feels incomplete. It was as if she was missing something, the name she relatively find difficult to tell.

"Hey Haruno!" an all too familiar voice called out. Its him, he had been giving her 'the eye' for these following weeks and knowing his icon it was the best idea to ignore him, which is what she'll exactly do just about right now.

"Hey!" he called out again as he realize that she was quickening her pace towards the door.

It was at dismissal time and she really doesn't want her nearly perfect day to be ruined.

Apparent to being ignored, Sasuke move pass her in a flash and positioned himself precisely between Sakura and the exit.

"Will you please excuse me, I'm trying to pass." She said as calmly as possible, controlling herself from punching his oh-so-beautiful face.

"Not until you promise to go out with me tonight." Sasuke replied, plastering his infamous smirk.

A vein popped its way into her forehead as she matches his smirk with an apologetic smile, "I'm very sorry, but I have more important things to take care of."

"Come on Haruno, it's the week end" he reasoned, "You'll have lots of time to finish whatever you have to do."

"Well unlike you Mr. Uchiha Sasuke, I am actually responsible and prefer to do more significant things than dating. So if you'll just let me pass-"

"I know," he cut off "that's one thing I admire in you, but I won't let you pass until you agree to go out with me."

Sakura's face flushed, but that was soon replaced by another popping vein. The hallway had begun crowding as more students were being dismissed by their teachers.

"Hey! What's the hold!?" somebody shouted from the back. "We're trying to get home here!"

"So?" Sasuke asked with a knowing smile.

Sakura's eyebrows twitched then she gave a very, very deep sigh, "Ok, ok I'll go out with you. Fetch me at eight, if you come any later then forget it."

Sakura was wearing an elegant cherry colored halter dress when Sasuke arrived punctually with his black Jaguar convertible.

"You look ravishing." He complimented as he escort her in the passenger seat of his car.

"Thanks, I'm afraid I couldn't say the same to you." She replied sarcastically.

Sasuke was wearing a black polo shirt with three of its front buttons open and a black buckled-leg pants with the word 'HOT ASS' printed in the rear side. Add up his hair that was in a messy spike.

"I hope you are quite aware that you look like a thug, don't you?"

He chortled in reply as he started the car, giving Sakura the impression that he was some sort of maniac who had just escaped from Mental. Well, sort of coz he doubted that an Uchiha will actually go in a rehabilitation center; he'll most likely get private help from a professional instead.

After a few hours of driving, the couple arrived at an awfully lighted nightclub in upscale Tokyo. The name of the club largely posted in front, —Icha Icha Paradise— was glowing in red neon lights switching to yellow, green and blue every now and then.

"You're not thinking of bringing me in there, are you?" Sakura asked rather fretfully as Sasuke drive the car into the parking lot.

"Why not? The foods they serve are really nice" he said "besides this is uptown Tokyo, you have nothing to worry about."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, my brother and I eat there frequently"

"That's not what I meant idiot!" Sakura said anger evident in her voice; she was definitely loosing the temper she was taught to control being a lady of the Haruno family. "You're going to take me into a night club on our first date!"

"Well, it's not as if the club is indecent and all, Kakashi owns the place." Sasuke replied in the same cool demeanor and pulled the car into a halt as Sakura made another protest.

"The more it is a problem; our perverted-sensei owns the place"

Sasuke went out of his convertible and opened Sakura's door offering a hand to help her out of the car.

"I'm not going inside that place." She firmly said as she refuses to go out.

"Come on Haruno, you're being a pain"

"So now I'm a pain, aren't I?! Well look here mister, why don't you just bring me home coz you know what I don't want to go out with you in the first place!"

"Yo!" the well-known greeting made the two stop quarrelling as a silver haired man come up to them. "What's the fuss?"

"Nothing" they both replied at the same pace.

"Then why don't you come in, neh Sakura? Sasuke?" Kakashi asked evident to the fact that they are dating and Sasuke somehow doesn't have a clue on where to go on a first date.

"I would really love to but I need to go home now" Sakura replied politely.

Kakashi break into a cute puppy dog pout and said "Come on Sakura-chan, you don't want to break your former teacher's poor and lonely heart don't you?"

'More like a perverted and much more perverted heart.' She thought.

Just a while ago Sakura was seating in Sasuke's convertible refusing to come inside 'Icha Icha Paradise' but at the moment she finds herself being ushered into a seat beside Sasuke.

"I'll just go and get you a drink" Kakashi yelled through the crowd and disappeared.

"I'm so not going to go out with you ever again" she said and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

He looked at her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, "you sure?"

"Absolutely and remove your hands off me, you pervert!"

"You don't really want me to do that…" Sasuke replied in his usual cool manner, a smirk gracing his face.

"And why not!"

He pointed his head at a group of men ogling at Sakura as she followed his gaze with her own. All of them were wearing black leather clothes and bandanas over their heads. One who particularly had his eye on Sakura made her shiver and eventually move closer to the safety of Sasuke's arms.

"You don't want to go out with me again, huh?" Sasuke said.

"You bet!"

"We'll see about that…"

Done! Sasuke really needs dating tips, don't you think? Review please.