A Chance

A/N: Well here it is finally… Please read and review!

Chapter Six: Evil Intentions

They had chosen a secluded training ground, the members of Sasuke's team and Gaara's family all watched as Sasuke looked at the tree, gauging enough space to keep the others out of harm's way. Gaara nodded at him to go ahead, the others seeming a little unnerved as he activated his Sharingan and started to form the seals and try and reproduce the chant, using a little trick to make the words.

His chakra flared as he completed the juutsu and held himself steady as a dark apparition formed in the shape of some monstrous wolf barely maintaining a solid form. The juutsu flew at the tree, slamming into it, but instead of like a simple explosion, the tree shattered into millions of pieces and then was sucked into this void and compressed as the juutsu disappeared.

Everyone stood in shock at the remains of the tree, noting that it had taken some parts of other trees with it. Gaara seemed to be lost in thought and Akamaru was sniffing at the remains, yelping in pain, as the wood remains were smoking and hot, but not burned to a crisp.

"Most curious indeed…" Gaara mumbled, waving over to Kiba.

The wolfish boy came trotting over, Akamaru at his side, whimpering at the small section of burned fur on his paw. "What is it…?"

"We're going to rely on Akamaru a lot on this mission. Make sure he can sense such a juutsu, but lead him to Naruto's room and have them search for their scent and reacquaint himself with Naruto's scent."

Kiba nodded, dashing off to fulfill the request of his village's ally. Ino and Sakura watched him leave and both looked worried about this mission. That was no normal juutsu type they saw, but something new.

"What kind of element was that?" Sakura asked in general looking at those still with them. She noted Sasuke was busy eyeing the remains. She was relieved that he wasn't hit with that juutsu last night… or maybe that Nin was able to manipulate its movements.

Chouji hurriedly finished munching on his favorite chips, mumbling incoherently and looking excited. He swallowed the mouthful and noticed he had everyone's attention focused on him.

"I think I know what kind. Gravity control. A mix of about three different juutsu types, a very rare and almost impossible occurrence. The founder of my clan had developed such a technique with a similar juutsu type, which is how our unique fighting style was born." He explained as he headed to take a look at the remains held together in the shape of a golf ball. He whistled and was impressed by the force the juutsu had exerted. He looked up from exactly in the middle, gauging the range of the attack.

"Let's see here…" He counted his steps as he exited the circle and stopped at some unseen boundary. He whistled again and shook his head. "Never seen such a size…"

Ino fidgeted with her outfit; her unease grew even more at the sudden dark look Sasuke was shooting at Chouji. She could feel his irritation flow from him like mist, making her shiver in slight fear. "What is it Chouji?" She asked the large Akimichi.

The well-rounded man's eyes darkened and the joyful exterior of her teammate had disappeared. His armor rustled and chinked as he walked along the outside of the interior. "The juutsu's impact creates a spherical force of gravity that explodes the target and then compacts the pieces tightly, such as items in a vacuum." He pointed out the small hints of damage indicating the true size of the attack. "We need to be really careful since the juutsu seems to be a mid-range attack, which will make it hard on our short range attackers, such as Sakura and Kiba…"

Neji nodded, even though he would be staying behind. The tension in the air increased when Kiba returned, Akamaru at his side and neither of them looked too thrilled. The group looked towards them as Kiba imparted that they found the trail and a scent that worried them.

"Alright… we need a strategy…" Neji began. "We know about one of our targets, but not much about the other one. Kiba, Akamaru, and Ino should stick to the front to keep the trail and be ready for surprise attacks. Sasuke, you know what to do…" He stopped at the sight of the Uchiha's death glare, which was more intense than usual. "Sakura… you're the only medic so I want you to stay near the back with Chouji. You will both be back up and keep an eye on everyone's backs."

The team agreed each face set with a steeled mind and instinctive reserve. Gaara stood by Neji, giving the signal for the group to leave and get Naruto back to them. They watched as they all disappeared with a flash.

The Kazekage held his lover close as the white-eyed man shook with a flurry of emotions that Gaara felt as well. Sea-green eyes looked back to the forest with hidden worry and fear, closing them, as he knew that Sasuke would be bringing back what everyone held important.

Sasuke was growing angrier by the minute. Well… his clone was. He tapped his foot as he awaited for Hoshi's arrival at the tearoom. The room was secluded and silent and apparently a sanctuary of peace for the little star.

However, he was pleased the young girl explained that she only needed a clone to relay her messages that could probably save the group in case things took a turn for the worse. Which pleased the real Uchiha greatly for keeping a clone behind will enable a constant source of communication between the two. He used Naruto's special shadow clone juutsu because of the unique ability of these clones enabled for the maker of the clones learn whatever the clones learn.

He eyed the spacious room that exited into a small rock garden. It had the traditional rice paper doors and walls and tatami mats. The minor decoration reminded a person that this was a place of ritual and not to be highly personalized. He felt oddly at ease as the spark of silver hair entered the room, a blush staining the little girl's cheeks at her lateness.

"I apologize Sasuke-nii-san." She called him, because she knew, despite her young age that Sasuke held a special place in Naruto's heart.

"Hn." Was her expected reply from the stoic man as he watched her sit in front of him at the table, naturally taking the seiza position and neatly tucked her kimono underneath. He couldn't help but think that she was adorable and hoped he would have some daughters, especially since the Sharingan tended to manifest better in women, despite the traditional views the clan held towards women.

Hoshi blushed and poured some tea for the both of them, her small hands barely managing to hold the teapot properly and not spill the contents all over the place. "I'm glad you managed to leave a clone behind… I have seen some things that you need to be aware of."

The young girl's demeanor changed and her innocent air disappeared in a wave of serious maturity. Needless to say, the Uchiha was stunned at this sudden change. He had figured that there was more to the girl than meets the eye, however he didn't think it was like a wise old woman trapped in a young girl's body.

"Go on…" He spoke, taking a sip of the tea, feeling a little anxious about this meeting. Those silver eyes barely held any emotion within them and definitely showed no signs of pity or mercy, but it let him know that she was not going to hold back on any detail.

"When I discovered you the other night, I cried out not because of the blood, but because of a rapid flow of terrible images. Different sequences of each possible future attacked me in that moment, all of which did not wind up with a happy ending." The girl shook as her mind recalled those images of death, despair, and pain.

"With the current path I see you traveling on; things will end up alright, with only some minor worry. I warn you though, the future is always changing and never follows one path, but it can split into more than one possibility." Her eyes closed as though she had actually traveled each different route before she spoke to him.

"So… the decisions made so far are looking down a decent path?" He quested, hope rising at that they were going to be able to catch up to the two ninjas.

"Yes, it would appear so at this moment. However… a decision you or someone else will make can change that path without warning. This is why I am once again grateful to have this connection to you." She dipped her head slightly and took a sip of the tea.

Sasuke returned the small bow, a little amazed with this girl's unique ability to see into the future. The clone could see the little girl adored Naruto and looked up to the blonde for her own reasons. He smiled an extremely rare smile as he picked up a slight change in Hoshi's movements.

The five year old looked back at him with wide innocent eyes, her serious demeanor gone, but the hint at a girl wise beyond her years remained around her as those silver eyes bore into his soul. Hoshi smiled a wide smile and ran over to her "nii-chan's" lap.

He allowed this sudden intrusion and enjoyed the young child's presence and her chatter that reminded him of a certain blonde that the real him was currently hunting. He partook in Hoshi's finger game and anxiously waited for notification that things weren't going to look so good if they did something to change the 'path' they were on.

Kyuubi was frustrated at this inability to pace in the space she was granted within Naruto's mind. Her host was nowhere to be found within his mind and it worried her greatly. She was thankful his body continued to function properly and she wouldn't have to risk being swallowed up into his chakra system as it zeroed in on her presence.

Her tails beat the ground in erratic thuds as she tried to pull herself free. She just wanted at least one paw back to beat the blonde senseless when she did find him. Her mind wheeled in deep worry.

She saw the blood and that terrifying wound her host's mate had taken. She noted that at least one major artery had been severed and that was what set off her host's disappearance. She felt a brief flash of multiple emotions; heartbreak had struck her as the worst emotion the blonde had felt.

She sensed his mate was still alive, but had no proof to entice the blonde back into being, to promise him Sasuke is still alive despite that wound and was coming for him. She let out a bellow of rage feeling better.

"KIT! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!! PLEASE!!" She was beginning to feel desperate for some flicker of him to appear. She felt as though since the blonde believed Sasuke ceased to exist, Naruto ceased to exist as well.

"KIT!! I'M BEGGING YOU! Think about your own kits… they need you to be strong… they need a parent to show them how to live and be free!" She began to whimper as all her attempts failed. She howled in pain and in misery. Another one of her kits were gone… just like her precious children from before Naruto's birth. She felt her heart breaking, maybe she just wasn't meant to have a family because of what she is.

"K….kyu…Kyuubi… Kyuu…" Faint echoes stirred around her. Her eyes frantically searched for him. She heard him… he was still there, but just barely. The echoes continued and she swore she saw faint glimmers of the blonde all around her range of vision. She then saw his mind was restoring itself from the shock slowly and her shouts for him to appear aided the restoration.

"Please... hurry back kit... for everyone..." She muttered and continued her soft pleas until he would take a solid form again.

"Are we almost there?" Whined Ka-Yami as she shifted the heavy form of Naruto onto her shoulder. The rouge gritted her teeth as she felt the monster's young kick at her.

Yurina pushed on, not caring yet if the whining bitch behind her fell slightly behind. Her tail twitched in unease. Despite the time difference she knew that someone would be after them and she worried about seeing that Uchiha appear.

"Oi! Can we take a quick break?! This thing is heavy and keeps slipping…" Ka-Yami grumbled, shifting Naruto again as he was indeed almost falling off of her.

Yurina growled in agitation, their target was needed alive and whole for Ayame and she would suffer if the idiot behind her dropped him. She stopped, listening to Ka-Yami pant and set the boy on the ground. Her ears kept flickering back behind her and her tail grew still, a sign she was picking up something.

"Finally… old broad…" The rouge muttered, taking a sip of water, watching her companion. "So you sense something. Is it them?"

Yurina nodded in reply. "Yeah… they are far behind and won't catch us if we keep moving…"

"How many can you see with those freaky eyes you have?" Ka-Yami looked away from Yurina, not wishing to see the eyes of her companion when they are open.

"Five… and one dog." Her brows were furrowed in thought as her blood red eyes glowed with their power, watching every move of their followers from far far away. "I do believe your sword skills need some improvement… the one we cut down last night is with them… that Uchiha."

The rougher woman withheld her gasp of shock. No one has ever survived against a blow from her sword. Especially the blow she gave that boy last night. Then again she should know better since he is the last Uchiha. She gripped her sword in momentary anger, recalling a time when she had met Itachi when Yurina was first secretly called to them. Her and Yurina had been together forever until Itachi found them and taken Yurina away and changed her. She was glad that Uchiha was gone, but it didn't fix everything.

"Shut up. I went a little too easy on him I guess…" She talked big, not caring if she sounded dumb in front of Yurina. "I'm fine now… let's get moving before they do manage to catch up to us." She heaved Naruto back up and took off.

Yurina stood for a moment longer, feeling instinct tear at her mind to kill those that were following, a feral beast raged within her and the longer she kept her eyes open, the harder it was to close them and ignore the blood call.

She dug clawed hands into her cheeks, hissing with the pain, but refocusing her mind and her eyes closed and the instinct diminished. Her wounds smoked and soon disappeared as she dashed after Ka-Yami, her mind in turmoil until she flatly blocked all emotions and thoughts from her mind.

The pace was harsh for the team. Kiba watched from ahead the disappearing form of Sasuke and Akamaru's large form trying to keep up and prevent the Uchiha from following false paths. From behind he could hear the struggles the others were having with this pace, especially Sakura, who was actually injured on their way to the Kazekage and Sasuke.

He understood the Uchiha's worry and anger since Hinata was left in Konoha and winter is coming around the corner soon for their village. And their due date was coming closer all though it wouldn't be until the end of the year. If anything were to happen to her at this time he would also act like the Uchiha.

"Sasuke! Slow down a bit, we need to rest and I am worried about Sakura…" He shouted ahead, ignoring Sakura's outburst that she was fine and Naruto was more important at this point.

"He has a point Sakura…" Ino muttered. "You're injured and also weakened from fully healing Sasuke. If we want to be at our full fighting strength we need to all be rested enough to fight and buy time."

Chouji nodded towards the two, still calmly munching on his bag of chips. He stopped when Sakura tripped and moaned in pain, quickly agreeing to their advice. The big hearted ninja quickly gave her some water and a trail bar his family made that helps replenish strength. Ino was inspecting her chest and muttered medical jargon at the sight of the reopened gash in her side.

"She split the stitches… I need my medic kit and we can patch her up." She ordered, barely noticing that Kiba and Akamaru were there and moving at once to her demands.

Sasuke stood watching, frustrated that Sakura and the others had not told him of her wound before they left because she was now slowing them down. He gritted his teeth in anger for also not noticing it when she had healed him before, he felt guilty at the sight of her reopened wound.

"Ino… eat this after you heal her… can you do a full healing?" Chouji asked, worry plain in his voice as he handed Ino something wrapped in foil. It was another Akimichi specialty that replenished lost chakra and strength.

Ino nodded, accepting the offered item and cleansed her hands and the wound and set to re-stitching it. She moved faster than the others thought possible and her work was flawless as she then moved to healing the wound. When she was done there was no mark left of the wound and the stitching could be removed.

She panted heavily and was drenched in sweat, but now they wouldn't have to worry about Sakura reopening the wound. The pink haired girl at once shoved the food Chouji had given Ino into her companion's mouth after seeing the look of impatience on Sasuke's face.

"Thanks Ino…" Sakura muttered, embarrassed that they hadn't done that before hand, but it was beat into her to let things naturally heal because healings such as she had done on Sasuke put stress on the body and sometimes the body would forget how to heal itself.

"No problem…" She chewed at the sandwich and was shocked to feel how revived she was and have her chakra stores refilled so quickly. "The Akimichi's are truly a blessing… thank you Chouji." She smiled and the bigger ninja blushed.

"Are we quiet finished?" Came Sasuke's cool voice, shocking the rest of the group into recalling the Uchiha is on a short fuse.

"Hai!!" the group stammered and finished replenishing their bodies and took off, but this time the Uchiha stayed closer to the group, but still pushed them to speeds that would have made a trip to the Sand Village from Konoha in one hour. But they were still far behind their prey.

Neji pushed the food aside on his plate, all appetite gone as his constantly worried about Naruto. A pregnant person, especially a male, should not be stressed this far along. He was even more worried when Sasuke's clone said that there was not just one child but three within Naruto.

He sighed, bowing his head and slightly thankful that he was alone. Hoshi has locked herself away with the clone and only appears to request that chakra be given to the clone to keep his form stable. The twins were continuing their lessons and preparing to move up in the academy. Of course, his lover was busy in his role as Kazekage.

His worry lifted a bit as Gaara seemed a bit calm about the situation. His mind wandered and his worry became forgotten in those moments as he thought about his relationship with the stoic Gaara. He loved him so much, sure he wishes they talked more often, but he felt a peace with Gaara that he didn't feel with any other person. He recalled when he first visited the village, feeling a bit odd without the giant trees of his home, but now he thinks he prefers it here, the dry heat is something he is still trying to accept, but the trees of home would feel more like the bars of a cage as they block out the sky.

"What are you thinking about?" Came that voice that sent chills throughout his body. A kiss came to his cheek as Gaara hugged Neji from behind the chair. Neji smiled at the calming scent of sunlight and some desert spice.

"I was thinking about Naruto and somehow began to think about you…" He looked up into the sea-green eyes with his pale violet, his face one that reflected his worry and contentment, an almost odd mixture of feelings.

"He'll be fine. I feel it. Naruto will not let anything happen to himself or his children. Sasuke will kill whoever does if Naruto is incapable to fight back." Gaara coolly stated, but the tremors that Neji felt through his arms let him know that his red head was still worried anyway.

"You're right…" Neji sighed again… finally pushing away his plate and turning to face his partner and give him another kiss. "What brings you here though? I thought you were busy setting up tighter security and preparing the test for the genin to see who will travel to Konoha this time for the Chuunin exam?"

"Tsunade appeared… she left the village and showed up and hour ago." Gaara frowned at the thought of just leaving the village like that and then rushing over so fast that she was ordered to rest before they talked.

"What?! How did she get here so fast and receive the news already?" Neji was astonished, but more because of his Hokage's ridiculous speed.

"She is currently resting with Shizune by my orders. She used a ridiculous juutsu to get here with her assistant." Gaara released Neji and stepped back. He turned away and looked out the window nearby, focusing on something flying in the sky.

"I see… this isn't going to be easy. Especially when she wakes up. I bet that crazy woman will try and leave after Sasuke…" Neji muttered, moving closer and spotting that Neji was watching a kite fly and see the adopted twins down below enjoying a quick recess.

Gaara nodded, but a small smile crossed his features as he put an arm around Neji's shoulders. "I have hope that things will be fine, especially with Hoshi's abilities…" Neji leaned into the comfort Gaara brought and sighed. The waves of hope and assurance from Gaara were comforting enough that his worry grew to the thinness of a thread, but was still there.

Tori was alert, watching the forest and listening to it with trained ears. He was sent to join up with Ka-Yami and Yurina. Quite frankly he was glad to escape from Ayame. Sure she had received news about the capture and cooperation of the old man, but she seemed crazier than before. He was really freaked out when he overheard her conversation with Yamera.

The memory made him shiver in disgust. Waiting for his other mistress was a pleasant option for him when she offered. The rhythms of the forest shifted and he could pick up the banter of the two old friends as they neared him. Before he would be killed, he leapt out and flashed the thin fabric he had within a pocket.

"Tori! What are you doing here?" Shouted Ka-Yami as she sheathed her sword again, heaving Naruto's unconscious body up on her shoulder some more. Yurina kept running and didn't seem to mind being in the company of another rouge ninja.

"Ayame sent me after you two. She has gotten really irritable the past couple of days. She keeps conversing in quiet with Yamera." He replied stopping suddenly when Yurina paused.

"Yamera… why has she been talking to that haughty summon? Isn't he displeased at being summoned and not attacking anything?" Yurina muttered, tail twitching in thought.

Ka-Yami shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Yamera is so damn inconsistent… plus I get the feeling he really likes her…" They started to move again, knowing they were close to the base and could finally rest soon.

"Well… Yamera is still a young summon and not as old as his father. That might explain his inconsistency…" Tori replied, feeling a wave of disgust at the thought of something like Yamera taking an interest in some human.

Ka-Yami remained silent, not wishing to comment further about Ayame's summon. She shifted Naruto again and cursed as the young ones within him kicked harshly again.

"We are here…" Yurina stopped in front of plain earth and looked to Tori. "Open the passage…"

Tori grumbled as he made the quick hand seals and slammed his fist into the ground, his chakra flaring out and a tunnel leading downwards appeared before them. They all drew in a breath as they clambered into the darkness of the tunnel and prepared themselves to face Ayame with her target.

Her voice echoed off the walls surrounding her, increasing in intensity as she continued to call out his name, to get him to appear in a solid form and stick with her long enough. Her throat was sore and if she continued much longer she feared it would crack and bleed, drowning her in her own blood.

She was worried. As the greatest tailed-beast in the world, she felt weaker than a damn new born kitten. She was getting desperate, kept seeing flashes of her blonde companion, but nothing stayed with her.

Hours passed and the day was getting ready to draw to a close and the kits were dying for relief from whatever was happening to his body. She even contemplated letting Naruto's chakra system devour her alive in order to be assured the kits would survive.

She froze, her voice stopped echoing off the walls as she felt something latch onto one of her tails and felt the salty wetness of tears. She turned to look and saw a solid form of Naruto, latched onto her tail like some lost child.

"I'm back Kyuu… I'm back… the kits… they need me still and so do you… I can't leave yet… I can't but I want to so badly…" He cried into her tail, his sobs eerie in the sudden silence of the inner chamber.

"It's ok kit." She soothed. "Besides… I think your mate is still alive… I can feel it. You are both connected with a very strong bond…" She comforted him, carefully using another tail to bring him closer and wrap around him.

"But… that woman… she… she nearly cut him in half and the room was obviously sound proofed…" He muttered, relaxing into Kyuubi's warmth, enjoying the scent of earth and ash, a sign of her connection with the world.

Kyuubi shushed him. "I'm just glad that you are here with me and the kits finally… they don't like what is happening and not having you explain to them what is going on…" As she spoke small images flickered into the chamber, but had no distinct shape yet. They looked human but would shift into miniature Kyuubis almost as though their bodies still hadn't really decided.

"Are they my… children?"

Kyuubi nodded. "This is not a true form for them, but just their chakra forms." She explained her heart pleased when Naruto quickly gathered the shifting forms into his arms.

It was an odd experience for Naruto as they had no voice, but their questions rolled of off them and he just understood what they were asking. They wanted to know what happened to that one man, why had they not felt him nearby. They were scared of these current people he had fallen under the control of. It pained Naruto that he couldn't reassure them or answer their questions, all he could do was hold them and comfort them with his presences and mutter words of love into their ears.

"Hang in there babies…" He muttered, pleased Kyuubi had called him back for them, even though he had no idea what was happening outside his mind.


Silver eyes looked off into some unseen space, the tiny body of the girl sat formally at the table while Sasuke's clone watched with keen interest. So far things were looking well for the group according to her frequent delves into the future. He sighed, looking at the full cup of green tea before he took the cup to his lips and swallowed the hot liquid, letting the enhanced tea boost his strength and settle his nerves.

He became alert when the haze over those eyes dissipated and Hoshi looked around to greet the present and locate Sasuke. She looked shaken and worried, meaning the wheels of fate had changed and things were no longer going to be just peachy for the team and Naruto. His thoughts were confirmed when tears fell from her face and she hunched over, hand to her mouth as her body shook with the need to vomit.

At once he rushed to her side, trying to calm her down enough to hear what they needed to hear before it became too fix the problems. As he rubbed small circles on her back, it came to him just how small and frail she was, she seemed more her age now than ever before. He felt bad that such a small child had to deal with such ability, one that would possibly always threaten her life if others were to know.

She clung to him, pulling herself together, the images still running through her mind. She saw blood, smelled death and heard the cries of babies in the air. Her stomached flipped, forcing her to prevent another need to throw up. She pulled back slowly, her emotions under control as she recalled such images were caused by a move on the enemy side and not their own. She grabbed her own cup of tea and drank heavily, relishing the instant calmness it brought to her.

"The path has taken a sudden turn… the visions I saw ended in the death of Naruto and your children being raised for evil intentions. The cause of such images came from a move from our enemy… I am not sure as to what however."

The clone looked a little pale as the information was relayed to the real Sasuke. "Is there any way to prevent this…?" He asked, brows knitted in worry and the fear of permanently loosing the blonde.

"The roads are hazed…" She murmured, rubbing her temples as her head began to ache. "Each path becomes more blurred as more of the future becomes distorted… there are too many… too many paths…"

She whimpered as the pain increased and at each horrible image she saw. "There is no more certainty… no defined direction… whatever the enemy has decided… I can no longer…" She sobbed, her composure gone and she became that fragile five year old child once more.

"It hurts… it hurts… make it stop… make it STOP!" She screamed, pulling at her hair as she started to claw at herself. Sasuke dove in, grasping her tightly to his chest and gripping both wrists in one hand and forcing a finger in her mouth to stop her from biting off her tongue.

He could hear Neji run towards them after the piercing scream, but knew he should not enter the room. He struggled to keep her pinned, listening to her sob and her strength fail. When it seemed safe he released her, wincing at the damage she had done to herself already.

"No more Hoshi… no more… You'll make Neji worry…" he murmured to her, feeling bad that she had been pushed to such an extreme. He shook his head; she had known the risks and told him as much beforehand. Actually seeing her distress and pain added more meaning to her words. He hoped the best kind of life would be presented to her, hoped she would not become twisted from the futures she may see of herself…


The halls were dimly lit as Ayame walked through them, eyes glinting gold in the soft reflection of light. Yurina, Ka-Yami, and Tori walked with her, the path angled in a downwards slope towards a lower level of their hideout.

Tori watched his mistress with a small sense of fear, her power rolled off her in angry waves as she stomped her way to the bottom. He looked at Yurina, seeing no reaction from the former Akatsuki member. Ka-Yami herself however was looking a little pleased with things, or crazed at the moment, it was hard to tell with her.

They reached the lower level and took a sharp turn onto another tunnel and came to an abrupt stop next to a small caged cell. The inside was dark as the light barely reached inside, only illuminating the curled form of a person with a large rounded belly. Ayame leered down at him, tempted to start torturing the boy now to break him to her will.

Her spark of pleasure turned quickly into that of anger as their prisoner did not stir at all after their arrival. She growled and looked at her followers. "Why is he not awake?"

Tori flinched and looked to Ka-Yami and Yurina. He saw the confused look cross Yurina's features, however Ka-Yami just looked dumbstruck.

"He should be awake… we caused him no harm…" Ka-Yami muttered, trying to figure out why the blonde was not awake.

Yurina scoffed as she took a step closer to the cell. "I have some idea as to why…"

"Then spit it out!" Ayame screeched, hair flying around her as she fought the sudden urge to strangle the odd being.

"It is partially Ka-Yami's fault. When we went to grab him, it turned out there was another person in the room with him, from what I could see it was the Uchiha, father to those children." She looked inside the cell, her tail flicking side to side as she spoke. "Ka-Yami had to deal with him and gave the Uchiha a fatal blow right when the vessel woke up…"

Ayame glared at Ka-Yami, not caring if the female samurai looked flabbergasted that her timing could have been so horrible. Yurina sighed and moved away from the cell this time. "I believe his mind has retreated from the shock of seeing the image of his apparent lover die right in front of him."

Ayame's eyes narrowed as she glared at Ka-Yami, blaming her for the freak accident. She hissed, flexing her fingers and turned from them all and started to stomp away from the cell. "Ka-Yami, you are to stay here on guard for both prisoners! You are to contact me when he wakes. Tori and Yurina, you are both to begin preparations for the old man's ritual…"

Before any of them could protest, Ayame was gone and already heading into the seclusion of her room.

Yurina did not move at once to Ayame's orders since the room was mostly prepared already. She sneered at Ka-Yami's distress and moved over to the other cell in the short hallway. The light reached far enough inside this one to reveal and elderly man with his back turned from them.

She sat down; a little peeved she had to dirty up her cloak. Time passed, neither being speaking in the slightly comfortable setting. She shifted slightly in her seat, causing the old man to turn around and face her.

"So… what did you want to know…?" He asked, eyeing her from beneath bushy eyebrows.

"About the ritual we want you to perform…"

"Which one…?" He asked her, crossing his arms into the folds of his loose sleeves.

"Extraction… I want to know… if it is possible to perform such a ritual on myself…" She asked, muttering low enough for Ka-Yami to not hear her.

"Ah… I understand…" He ran a hand through his gray beard as he looked at her. "You wish to become free from what is inside of you?"

She nodded, pleased she did not have to say it herself. "I never wanted this creature inside of me…"

The old man smiled, sensing she was not as evil as one would first believe. He felt her true self resided within, underneath the unwanted creature, but he frowned. "I'm sorry, but such I thing cannot be undone for you… the two of you are slowly becoming one… and are at the point where removal would kill you both."

Yurina slumped, feeling a little dejected that it could not happen for her now. "How do you plan for this to work with the one in the cell next you?" She asked, curious since the boy had his demon since birth.

The old man sighed and turned back around. "That is not what your mistress seeks… she desires something else that exists inside of him… not the demon…"

If her eyes could open, Yurina would have widened them in shock. "She wants the children? Why?"

"That I myself am not sure of… she is a strange person… just like her father." He muttered.

He said nothing else and waited for Yurina to leave. When he was assured of privacy he hung his head in his hands. His mind raced over what he knew he had to perform. One a pure juutsu, the other more of a medical procedure.

His tired eyes leaked a few small tears. He was to speed up the growth of the children in that boy's womb and then surgically remove them from him. Not able to guarantee that boy-mother would ever see his children.


The group was taking another short break from Sasuke's harsh pace. Akamaru panted heavily and whimpered as Kiba forced him to drink water and eat some food. Sakura sat slumped against a tree, drinking heavily, not caring as water dribbled down her chin and onto her clothes.

Ino and Chouji were leaning against each other, back to back and heaving. Worry flitted through their minds on whether they would survive Sasuke's insane pace. It was clear when Chouji declined eating food that things were getting harsh on the group. A full belly made moving fast harder.

"Ah man…" Ino panted, pushing back the bangs that covered her eye, wiping away the sweat on her brow. "I knew we would be pushed hard, but not like this…" She muttered, slumping forward slightly, but not enough that Chouji's weight would crush her.

Chouji grunted, he was sweating more than the rest of them because he was hauling more weight on this journey. He chugged water every now and again, trying to not over fill his stomach with liquids.

Akamaru yelped from where Kiba was tending to a split pad. "Maa… Sasuke… You think we can slow down a tad… Akamaru isn't faring well and with a split pad he needs to take it lightly…" The fanged man half begged after hearing Akamaru's plaintive whimpers of pain as he wrapped the injured paw in bandages.

Up in the trees Sasuke stood with his back to them, glaring off into the distance as he was relayed Hoshi's message through the clone. Sakura shook her head at Kiba as she knew the Uchiha would not stop nor slow for them.

"Never mind… I can heal it up for Akamaru…" She smiled warmly at Kiba and began working on the paw, looking back to Chouji. "Oi… Chouji? Do you have some soldier pills on you? It might be easier on us if we took some…" She laughed nervously.

Chouji nodded and rummaged through the bag at his side and pulled out a small bottle. He tossed it to her after taking three out, handing one to Ino and popping the other two into his mouth. "This is something my family makes, a little different from your average pill in that it's better for your body to process and works longer…"

Sakura nodded in thanks giving Kiba and Akamaru a pill and then taking one herself. At once the group seemed to perk up in strength and regained a will to carry on. "Sasuke! What's the message?" She called, sensing his mood darken and the urgency to move on triple.

Blood red eyes glared back at her, making the group still in slight shock. "MOVE NOW!" He bellowed and took off at full speed through the trees, leaving behind a whirl of deep fear and worry in the group. They followed after at once, their minds racing and hearts growing heavy as they thought about Naruto.

Pain became forgotten, rest was no longer needed, and food was no longer a necessity. What every member needed to survive in the harsh world was the promise of Naruto being alive and well. They could it in their bones; they covered all the ground they lost and then some in such a short period of time. All one could hope for was making it in time…

Kyuubi tensed, tails moving without thought and wrapping Naruto and the chakra-children inside a protective shell. Her entire body trembled with a deep low growl, making Naruto shiver from the sensation in his ears.

He looked up through the tails, catching a faint glimpse of a massive ruby eye glaring at some unseen thing. He clutched the forms of his children close to him, keeping them still and calm. He didn't like this tension and grew worried.

"Kyuu…" He began, but was cut off with a sharp bark and the sudden sight of her puffing up in size as all the fur on her body stood on end. He had seen her like this before and it was only when snakes were involved.

"Naruto… you need to wake up to the real world… I sense a great danger that threatens you and the kits…" She gritted out through her teeth, loosening the massive tails from where they had wrapped around him. She took note that the blonde was solid and no longer flickered in and out occasionally.

Blue eyes blinked in confusion, both at her and the sudden reaction from the shifting forms of his children. He could sense fear, strong and primal coming off of them in waves, sensations of cold and hard along with darkness. He nodded and knew he was held in a cell with danger coming for them. He kissed the chakra forms and hugged the end of one of the massive tails.

"I understand… both of you…" He smiled warmly as he gathered his courage to go out and face the person or people that went through all this trouble to kidnap him.

When he left Kyuubi gathered the children close to her, motherly instincts in overdrive as she worked to keep them calm and whisper encouragement to them. She could only hope that the five of them would make it out of this ordeal in one piece and safe.

Violet colored hair shifted back from her face, the light fabric of her skirt was doing the same, exposing long slender legs. Slited eyes glittered golden in the firelight. Ayame stormed down the tunnel towards the cell where Naruto lay.

She wasn't alone however, a large shadow moved behind her, with the same glittering gold eyes. It remained in the shadows as she stopped in front of the cell, hands balled into fists as she took in the limp form. She had sent anyone else down the tunnel away so it was just her communicating with anyone in the cells.

"Che… not up yet I see…" She growled and ripped open the cell and stomped over to the blonde, not caring if he was already shifting and stirring awake. She gnashed her teeth and slapped Naruto when she saw the brief glimpse of those sapphire eyes.

Naruto grumbled and scurried back, hand holding the now numb cheek. He still felt disoriented as he glared at her, the other hand wrapping around his belly. He didn't say anything, just stayed focused on her and looking at those shifting shadows.

"About time jinchuuriki…" She sneered as she looked down at him, assessing his condition. Something pissed her off and she slammed her fist into the ground, dangerously close to the blonde, who scurried back against the wall, trying to sink into it.

Naruto glared at her and growled, Kyuubi begging to be released even if it meant being absorbed completely into his chakra system. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" He growled out, trying to calm the Kyuubi as well and prevent the eventual loss of her.

Ayame snickered and crouched down to his level, not caring as the skirt rose dangerously up high. She looked at him with eyes filled with cold hatred. "The name is Ayame…" She smirked at him before continuing. "There are many things I want out of you boy…"

She lifted her arm and waved to the shadows, smiling as she heard it move towards her with a grumbling hiss. A massive snake entered the cell, only his head was enough to make it feel to small. His scales were a familiar shade of purple and he had black markings on the top of his head, a circle with two diamonds, one on top the other on the bottom.

A massive forked tongue slithered out of his mouth, touching and wrapping around Ayame's arm before sliding back in. A deep hissing voice echoed into the cavern. "Ayame… is this thing what you were so proud to have obtained?"

Ayame snickered and slunk back, hands caressing the smooth scales on the large summons snake's head. "Yes… mainly the things within…" She crooned, ignoring the sudden outburst of rage coming from Naruto as he cursed her entire existence, hands grasping his middle and curling up.

She heard him growl, voice mixed in with the Kyuubi. "You can't touch them…" He growled again, but this time there was no trace of the Kyuubi.

Ayame laughed, arching her head back, exposing her neck as the forked tongue slithered out, and tasting the flesh that lay there. "Oh…but I can… right Yamera?" she asked the large summon. The snake chuckled and pulled back and sent a cold gaze towards the blonde.

Naruto looked at the odd pair, fear and worry for the kits running through his mind. "Just who the hell are you?" He asked.

"I thought I already told you…" She glanced back towards him, eyes glazed with a sudden laziness.

"Not your name…" He growled, his thoughts coming up with various possibilities.

"You can't see the family resemblance?" She quested, turning back to face him. He looked confused at that statement and she laughed. "Well…who else could I have come from…?" She raised an eyebrow as snakes slithered out from underneath her sleeve and curled around her body, hissing and tongues flickering.

Naruto paled as he saw the snakes. "It can't be…"

She snapped and flung a kunai at his cheek, creating a thin wound. "Well it is so! Orochimaru was my father!" She snarled, chakra cackled in the air around her, her fury mounting after the mention of his name.


A/N: Sorry it took so long for this one guys… I had some issues with moving and getting settled in my new home, finding a job and restarting school. I had trouble because I couldn't find my notes for this chapter, but I made it through. I bet you all could see what was coming with Ayame… I tried to make it more of a shocker… but I felt like I already gave to many hints… XD Review and tell me what you think! Stay on standby for the next part of Painted Masks as well!