A tall dark haired man in a stately office stared intently at the monitor in front of him studying footage of the kidnapping of the British ambassador's 13 year-old daughter the footage showed her being grabbed and forced into a van by three men in ski masks.

"These men were professionals." He said to himself, "then he picked up the phone and pressed the button for the outer office.

"Giles," he said over the phone, "Get me Nightshade."

Ned Bigby sat in his math class using a couple of pencils to prop his eyes open.

"And that," Mr. Purvis, the substitute math teacher announced as he finished his third consecutive totally unnecessary lecture, "Is how the Pythagorean Theorem was born."

"Man," said Ned jabbing a finger in his ear and wiggling it as he Moze and Cookie walked to study hall, "I thought that guy was never going to shut up."

"Yeah," said Moze, "He bored me and I like math."

A couple minutes later they stepped through the door to study hall, the first thing they notice was the lights were lower than usual and emblazoned on the table in florescent ink was a circle with a triangle in the middle of it.

Ned froze hadn't seen that symbol in a long time.

"I-I just remembered I forgot something," stammered Ned racing out the door.

Moze and Cookie exchanged bewildered looks and went to report the mess.

Ned didn't stop running until he reached the boys bathroom. Sitting down in one of the stalls he took the button off the sleeve of his denim jacket. When he pulled on both sides of the button, it opened revealing a computer chip. Ned took the chip and slid it in to a special slot on his watch. The digital display on the watch now read, Micro-communicator online. Ned spoke quietly into the watch,

"Agent Nightshade ID# 4512446, Transmit."