Chapter Two
Kagome glanced around the jet looking at the various buttons and such. She had only flown via Kirara before, so this was rather new. She wondered what they did and resisted the urge to just push one for the heck of it. Kagome hadn't told Inuyasha where she was going nor that she was gone. She had simply left a note for her mother to give him. Inuyasha was not the one that ran her life; she was not just a jewel shard detector! Of course she'd visit soon, she knew that Shippo would miss her dearly if she was gone forever. She couldn't do that to him, not after he lost his parents at such a young age.
'I wonder how the adults put up with a house full of teenagers,' Kagome wondered, a grin spreading across her face. And not just normal hormone run teenagers, super powered hormone run teenagers! She was just one more teenager to add, really what kept their poor sanity intact? The x-jet began its decent to the ground below, Kagome looked out the window and watched as it drew ever closer until they finally landed inside a hanger inside of a mountain….or so it seemed. She exited the jet as she put in her earpiece so as to understand English better.
"I gotta warn you kid, brace yourself, you never know what will be going on inside," Logan warned. Kagome nodded and followed the adults inside, a yell being the first thing she heard.
"I said give it back!" Kitty shrieked as she chased the fuzzy blue mutant, who looked like he was rather enjoying himself.
"Give vat back?" he laughed as he perched on the banister looking down at the annoyed girl.
"My Ipod!" she scowled. Kitty shot a glare at Evan who was simply finding all of this funny. "Are you like going to help?"
"Why? Nothing's on the television!"
"So not helping Evan!" Kurt waved Kitty's Ipod in the air teasingly.
"Behind you," she said in a calmer tone.
"Huh?" suddenly the Ipod was out of his hands and floating through the air back to Kitty.
"Thanks Jean!" she smiled before putting on her headphones.
"Anytime!" the redhead smiled back. Kagome stood in the doorway as all of this unfolded before her. Just when she thought she'd seen it all.
"Children," Charles said gaining their attention quickly. "This is Kagome Higurashi; she will be with us for a while." Kitty was the first to come up to the Miko.
"Hi there, I'm Kitty! Welcome!" she said while holding out a hand.
"Nice to meet you Kitty," Kagome smiled as she shook her hand.
"Hi, I'm Jean. I'll show you to your room." Kagome nodded and followed Jean. She saw a few more kids run past; she could have sworn that they were triplets!
"Jean, what's it like to live in a mansion with a bunch of other teenagers?" Kagome asked.
"Oh, it can be hard. You get next to no privacy, some just don't know how to act their age, and something is always in need of repairs, not to mention the race for the bathrooms in the morning!" Jean laughed.
"Wow, seems like it'd drive you crazy."
"It does, but you get used to it. Where are you from, if you don't mind my asking?"
"Japan," Kagome replied.
"That's interesting; I heard that the Sakura blossoms are beautiful in the spring."
"They are, especially right in the middle of spring when everything is at its peak."
"Here's your room, you'll be sharing with Rouge."
"Thank you," Kagome bowed. Jean, having looked up Japanese culture for a report once, knew what it meant. Kagome turned and went into the room. Rouge was lying on her bed, headphones blasting music from her cd player. Kagome went to the other side of the room, which was very neatly kept due to it being unused, and started to unpack her things.
"Hey, who are you?" Rouge asked all of a sudden, placing her headphones around her neck.
"My name is Kagome."
"Nice ta meet ya. I'm Rouge." Rouge then returned to her music listening. The room was fairly large giving both women space. Once finished Kagome kicked off her shoes and lay on her bed. Every so often she could hear someone run past the door and a few yells. Kagome closed her eyes, she was almost asleep when…-bamf- she let out a small squeak.
"What is it Kurt?" Rouge asked.
"Eh, hope I'm not bothering you or anything, but a game of softball is going on outside and I vas vondering if you'd like to join in!"
"I'll watch, with the way you guys play it'll turn into a massacre in no time," Rouge agreed. "Hey Kagome, wanna watch or play or just stay in?"
"I'll come…watch," Kagome said slowly. Somehow the boy, Kurt, was ringing some sort of bell. Kurt turned around just noticing that they weren't alone.
"Hi there!" Kagome's cerulean orbs locked with Kurt's amber ones. She blanched, her blood ran cold and her heart began to race. The memory of her nightmare returned to her full force slamming into her catching her unawares.
"Vhy so scared liebling?"
"Kagome? Kagome?" Kagome felt Rouge grab her shoulders and shake her gently.
"S-sorry about that, I don't know what happened," she admitted truthfully.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I think I am. Come on, let's go watch the game," Kagome smiled weakly. Rouge led Kagome out of the room leaving Kurt to follow.
'Vhy was she like zat? Vas it me?' he thought as he followed the two females outside where the softball game was ready to start.
"Like, come on Kurt! We're ready to start!" Kitty called out to him. He waved to Rouge and Kagome before bounding out onto the field.
"Remember, no powers!" Bobby called out.
"Oh, no powers, this'll be good," Rouge grinned. Kagome had a questioning look, but just decided to watch. Sure enough, Kitty was the first to use her powers by fazing through the ground to home base. Amara was the next to break quickly followed by…well…everyone else!
"It looks like a battlefield!" Kagome exclaimed once Hank had stepped in and stopped their fun before it reached the mansion.
"Always does after a game," Rouge said. "I think that if the rules allow powers in the first place tha' it'd turn out better in the first place. You feeling better?"
"I mean from your episode back in the bedroom."
"Oh that, yeah I'm doing better. Not certain what came over me," Kagome shrugged it off.
"Maybe you should go ta the infirmary jus' in case…"
"Nah, as I said, I'm okay." Kagome insisted. Although, she was wondering if maybe she should take Rouge's suggestion, maybe something was wrong with her.
'I'm finally going insane! There is no way that someone from a dream can come to life, besides, he looked too tame compared to the one in my dream. Maybe it's just a coincidence,' she thought before turning to go inside.
Yes, another chapter is up! I think I like the way that it's going so far. What do you all think? I'm trying to get Kurt's accent in there at least halfway decent, but it's harder than it seems.
Inuyasha (c) Rumiko Takahashi
X-men: Evolution (c) Marvel
Please comment, it would mean a lot to me!
Youkai: Demon
Liebling: Darling