AN: i dont own anything in this story, plz review and tell me what you think.
Tommy's Basement
"The readings are off the chart." A young woman in her early twenties said while sitting at a computer, staring at a power signature unlike anything that she had ever seen.
"That can't be right, its way to high, and look it is moving all over the place Hailey. Are you sure that the readings aren't off. I mean everyone makes mistakes." The other man in the room said.
"Tommy… people make mistakes, my machines don't. But I will agree, these readings are high, very high." Hailey said, trying to hold back being offended from Tommy's earlier statement.
"How high is very high?"
"Well do you remember the readings the Abyss of Evil was giving us 6 months back," Tommy nodded. "Well these readings make those look like nothing."
You could see the concern in Tommy's eyes grow as he asked his next question, "Are these reading… evil energy?"
Hailey wanted to give a comforting comment, but all she could offer were the words that Tommy was dreading she would say, "I don't know…"
As Tommy and Hailey watched the monitors and the new readings come in one thing was clear this was going to be a long night.
Mesagog's Island Fortress
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS COMING FROM?" A reptilian creature roared from his throne.
"Master, we don't know anything. All the readings point to a massive buildup of power somewhere in the state, but every time we get a lock on it, the location changes,"
Before the woman clad in black leather could finish her sentence she fell to the floor in pain. It was a pain that she knew all too well. Lord Mesagog, her master was using his mental powers to punish her for her failure again.
"Master, I swear I am doing everything that I can, but it is almost like…"
"Almost like what?" Mesagog said while releasing his minion from his wrath.
"It's almost like, the energy knows its being tracked, and doesn't want us to know where its focal point is," She could feel her masters wrath about to return when she finished saying "But I am sure we will find it soon."
"For your sake Elsa, you had better." Mesagog said as he stormed out of his throne room.
Elsa was trying everything to capture that energy source for her master, whatever it was it was showing a kind of power that she had never even dreamed of.
In the middle of the woods
The sky was lit up with flashing lights and glowing areas all around the forest. It seemed like the world itself was being torn apart by this foreign power. Lightning started striking the ground in the area. The glowing areas starting becoming brighter and the effects were becoming more violent and devastating to the area. Suddenly it seemed like that area of the air opened up in a brilliant flash.
Tommy's House
"It's gone…." Hailey said staring at the once unstable power levels that the gauge once showed, now all the filled them was the normal boringness that they had gotten used to scanning.
"Power like that just doesn't disappear?" Tommy asked.
"No it doesn't."
Mesagog's Island Fortress
"Master the power surge in the area… well… it's gone." Elsa said quivering the thought of what her master would soon do to her.
"You had better have some better news to report or I don't think your future will be that bright." The enraged reptile, Lord Mesagog said.
"I do have some, there seemed to be two areas that the power culminated in, probably its last defense to throw anyone off who was scanning it."
"Send Tyrannodrones there… NOW!"
"Already done my lord, soon that power source will be yours." Or I am dead Elsa thought to herself as her master dismissed her.
In the middle of the woods
It looked like a small tornado had landed where the storm culminated opening the tear in Earth. Below where the tear once was laid what at first glance would appear to be just a hunk of black rock, covered in black smoke. However as the smoke cleared you could see the shape of a man. It was hard to tell what he looked like; his body was covered in burn marks and ash.
The man slowly gained the strength to stand, looking around; he looked lost, almost like a tourist would on his first night of vacation.
As he stood there trembling in the nights cold, and out of breath from the trauma, all he could say in a weak and timid voice…
"Where am I?"