Soul Searching

Part I

Rated: PG-13 (Some sexual situations)

Author's note: I know that this story is impossible and can't happen but I wanted to write a fun fic for once. So it's funny, cheesy, and in the end it'll become a little bit smutty with Elliot and Olivia. So enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of the SVU characters, but I wish I did cause then Elliot and Olivia would be together and Fin would do a lot more cussing. Just repeat to your self it's just a story and I really should relax!

Olivia was sitting in a bar having a drink by herself late at night after getting finished with a rather tough case. A woman with long brown hair and green eyes approached her. She was wearing a red dress with a black jacket and the most beautiful silver bracelet that Olivia had ever seen. The bracelet had strange symbols on it, carved right on the outside, but they were symbols that Olivia had never seen before. For some reason she couldn't take her eyes off of it. The woman sat down next to her and ordered a martini and then turned to look at Olivia. She smiled slightly and noticed that Olivia was looking at her bracelet.

"Nice isn't it?" She said and then held her hand out to Olivia, "My name is Monica and yours is…?" Olivia didn't know if she wanted to talk to this new woman, in fact she had come to the bar for the soul purpose of being by herself. She didn't want to be rude and just dismiss the woman either because she wanted to know where that beautiful piece of jewelry had come from. She smiled and held her hand out and shook the hand that had been offered to her.

"Olivia." She said and then picked up her beer and took a sip. Monica nodded and when her drink came she picked it up and took a sip. She then set the glass down on the bar and put a hand on the bracelet.

"I actually got it from a perfect stranger about two weeks ago." Monica informed her. Olivia nodded slightly; she was amazed that anyone could make such a magnificent adornment. She also tried to study Monica's face, it seemed so familiar but she couldn't place it, she knew that it would drive her crazy if she didn't figure it out soon. "Do you want it?"


"You can have it, really, the thing is A LOT more trouble then it's worth." Monica reached towards her wrist and unsnapped the bottom of the bracelet and slid it off of her wrist. Olivia was speechless, was this woman actually giving her this wonderful piece of silver? She shook her head and smiled, then laughed just slightly.

"I can't take it, it just wouldn't feel right."

"Look, let me tell you a little story. Two weeks ago a woman approached me in a bar much like this one. I was sitting and drinking my martini, having a cigarette, I just wanted to be left alone, but part of me was dying for social contact, you know?" Monica took out a cigarette and looked at Olivia to see if she would mind her smoking but Olivia just shook her head slightly and Monica lit it up. She took in a drag and exhaled the smoke in the opposite direction, not wanting to get it into Olivia's eyes.

"So anyway I noticed the bracelet. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it part of me wanted to have it more then anything in the world. I asked her where she had gotten it and she told me that she had also gotten it from a stranger. Gotta love this glurge about the kindness of strangers you know?"

"Glurge?" Olivia asked because she had never heard of that word before but she was sure she could figure out what it meant in time. Monica laughed and took another drag from her cigarette and exhaled.

"It's a trademarked word from you should go there sometime. It basically means you know, like that sweet crap about Jesus and puppies that really makes you think, or wanna barf. She told me that it was her duty to pass on the bracelet, and by me wearing it I would have one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life."

"Oh really?" Olivia sounded skeptical, how could a bracelet generate an amazing experience? Monica picked up her drink and took another sip, and then followed that with another drag from her cigarette. She pushed some of her hair out of her face and smiled at Olivia.

"Yes and let me tell you the past week has been amazing…but…BUT…I can't exactly tell you what happened just that I need to pass on this bracelet and let someone else experience a life changing event." She set the cigarette down in a near by ashtray and took Olivia's hand in hers. She slipped the bracelet off and then slid it onto Olivia's wrist and snapped it shut. About five seconds later, before Olivia could even take it off herself, the piece of jewelry got warm; it glowed for a moment and then shrank so it was fitting her wrist perfectly. She arched an eyebrow and put her hand over it and tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't move.

"What the hell? Get this thing off of me!"

"Can't." Monica replied as a-matter-of-factly, "Won't loosen up until you do what you're supposed to do. Then you can take it off and pass it on to another woman."

"What kind of bullshit is that? What am I supposed to do?" Olivia pried at the bracelet with her fingernails but it wasn't going anywhere. It didn't hurt and it wasn't cutting off her circulation so there was no danger but it was still a little eerie that she couldn't get it off of her arm. Monica took another sip of her drink and picked up her cigarette once again.

"I can't tell you what you're supposed to do you have to find out on your own." She then stood up and motioned to a table where another pretty young woman was sitting, talking on a cell phone. "Gotta go, my girlfriend's waiting." Then without another word she walked away. Olivia rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. There had to be a way to get this bracelet off, there just had to be. She started to claw at it again but all she got accomplished was scratching up the skin on her wrist. She was just about to contemplate getting a knife when her cell phone started to ring. She reached into her pocket and pulled it out and answered it. It was Elliot and she needed to leave to go visit a crime scene. She forgot about the bracelet for the moment and spared one last glare to Monica before walking out of the bar.

When she got to the crime scene she had forgotten all about the silver on her wrist. She walked past the crime scene tape after flashing her badge and quickly stepped over to Elliot to see what was going on.

"What's up?"

"Female victim, Kathryn Bevacqua, found naked in her car gun shot wound to the head." Elliot told her and then motioned to the car. "Her friend found her this way after going into the coffee shop across the street."

"So the killer came and did this while her friend was getting coffee?" Olivia asked and then turned to look at the coffee shop. Elliot nodded and motioned to an ambulance where there was a girl sitting with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She was a small girl with long black hair and pale skin and she was sipping a cup of what Olivia guessed was water. Olivia lifted her hand to brush some hair out of her face when Elliot caught site of the bracelet and grabbed her wrist wrapping his hand around it gently.

"When'd you get this?" He asked, also amazed by its unique beauty. Olivia suddenly remembered that she had it on in the first place. She pulled her arm away from him slowly and smiled.

"It's a long story I'll tell you later." She replied, it was a crazy story, one that she could barely believe herself. Then for a brief moment Monica's face popped into her brain, where had she seen that woman before? She shook her head and looked over to the girl in the ambulance. "I'll go talk to the friend." She offered, Elliot nodded and watched her walk off still intrigued with the bracelet that seemed to glimmer in the moonlight.

When Olivia woke up the next morning she rolled over and slapped her alarm off and stood up and got out of bed. She was still very tired and hadn't gotten much sleep from the night before but she knew she had to go into work. The case they had started was rather interesting. The victim was attacked in her car, outside of a coffee shop, within 15 minutes of her friend leaving her to go get them both a cup of coffee. The killer attacked with precision, almost as if he or she knew exactly what they were doing, had it planned down to a T. She yawned and stepped into her bathroom and shut the door behind her. She picked up her toothbrush and then looked into the mirror and screamed, except this time her voice was lower, so it was less like a scream and more like a loud yelp of surprise.

Staring back at her in the mirror was Elliot's face, and she could barely believe it. She looked down to her wrist; there was no bracelet there any more. She was dressed in a pair of boxers and that was about it. After another moment she stepped back up to the mirror and put a hand to her face. She then waved it around watching her reflection in the mirror; somehow she had switched bodies with Elliot. She blinked a few times and then started to step back until her back was against the door. She stood there for another moment before reaching behind her and grasping the doorknob and opening the door. She then darted out into the hallway and ran for the phone. Before she could pick it up, it started to ring. She reached to pick it up but then had second thoughts, what if it was someone from the station? If she picked up and answered in Elliot's voice there would be hell to pay. She sat down on the bed and looked at the phone until it stopped ringing and the answering machine picked up.

"Liv?" the voice on the other end said, except it was her voice, she was hearing herself talk and it was definitely weird, "It's Elliot I think we need to talk…something really bizarre is going on here." She snatched up the phone and put it to her ear, she paused and then opened her mouth to speak.

"Elliot?" She asked still not used to the sound of her new voice, "I think we switched bodies…"

"How is that even possible?" He asked in her voice and she suddenly began to wonder if she always sounded that annoying, and if she didn't maybe that was the way HE heard her speak and if that was the case she thought she might be annoyed with herself a little more then usual.

"I don't know this isn't the Twilight Zone." She responded and then stood up and started to walk back to the bathroom. She leaned into the mirror and got really close, once again she put a hand to her face and touched it, pressing in and certain spots to see if she could actually feel it or if this was some sort of odd dream. They both stayed silent for a moment and then an idea popped into her head, "Wait…the bracelet…are you still wearing it?"

"What bracelet?" He replied, "How could a bracelet have anything to do with this?" There was another pause and then a sigh and she guessed he had found the piece of jewelry still on his new wrist.

"The woman who gave it to me told me that it would cause something amazing to happen, maybe this is what was supposed to happen." She replied talking more to herself then into the phone. She heard herself laugh on the other end of the line, oddly enough it didn't even sound like her laugh it almost sounded as if it was Elliot laughing in her voice. "Don't laugh at me! It could happen!"

"Yeah in what universe?" He replied, "I think we need to get together besides neither of us can get dressed…strike that…I'm sure I can pull off wearing male clothes that are a little to big for me but don't you dare try to go out in any of your clothes…not in my body."

"Just for that I'm putting a dress on." She teased him and then laughed wondering what Elliot's ample frame would look like in a dress. Come to think of it she didn't know if she even had a dress that would even come close to fitting his body. He was right she was sort of stuck there until he came over with some clothes for her to wear. "Alright get your ass over here, and no touching or looking at anything! Just throw on a sweat shirt and some jeans and bring me something nice to wear."

"Same goes for you, no wandering hands or prying eyes on my body either!" He said into the phone and she could hear some rustling in the background like he was going through some drawers looking for something to wear. She was glad at this point that him and Kathy were separated because she didn't know how they would even BEGIN to explain this to her. "I'll be over as quick as I can." He added and then hung up the phone. She sighed and turned her phone off and walked back into the bedroom to hang it up. This was shaping up to be one hell of a weird day.

End Part I