"Beast Boy?" Raven asked nervously as she interrupted his and Terra's kiss. He gave her annoyed look as he looked over at her. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" Raven rushed the words out of her mouth.

"I'll be back in a sec." Beast Boy whispered into Terra's ear, soothingly. Raven flitch at his soft voice, remembering how he used to talk to her like that. Beast Boy left Terra's side and followed Raven down the hall to her room. "What's so important, that you had to interrupt me during my kiss?" Beast Boy said with pure venom. Raven flitch at his harsh word, striking her in the heart, deeply.
"I'm…I'm…" Raven fought for the words to come out of her throat, as sweat slid down her face. And felt that everything around her was getting hotter.

"You're what?" Beast Boy said in frustration. Not caring what was wrong with his ex-girlfriend.

"I'm pregnant." Raven whispered as lightly as she could get it, to come out.

"A little louder here." Beast Boy stared into her distress face.

"I'm pregnant." Raven yelled dramatically. Tears threaten to spill as she looks away from him. Hoping he'll accept it.

"You slut." Beast Boy spat out, turning on his heal to leave. Raven looked up at him in shock. She had at least expected him to be all concern and be a little scared.

"What?" Raven looked at him disbelief.

"Do I have to repeat? You're a slut." Beast Boy stared her, right in the eye. He had just reached the door and had opened it.

"Beast Boy. It's yours." Raven replied cautiously.

"Yah right! That's bull crap Raven. It's not mine. You went out and got yourself pregnant to some loser." Beast Boy yelled. Death spelled itself across his face.

"I surrender to you, n only you. It was just a month ago." Raven had tears streaming down her face.

"Yah right. Don't you have a striping bar to go to?" Beast Boy spat out as he entered the hall.
"That's all you wanted now. Wasn't it? Wasn't it!" Raven screamed at him. He turned and looked at her with disguise written on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Beast Boy looked at her angrily.

"You fucked me and once you fuck Terra, you're going to throw her away like you did with me." Raven glared at him, with murder on her face. Her eyes twinkle of ways to kill the green boy.

"You don't know what you talking about." He spat out. Raven just couldn't take it anymore. She shoved him out of the way and ran out of the tower. Beast Boy turned find Robin and Cyborg staring at him bewildered.


Raven sat in the darkest corner in the back of her favorite café. Her hood pulled up, covering her red shot eyes. Not wanting anyone to know that, she was crying, that a super hero was crying. Her face stared at the wall as her shoulders shook every so often.

Goth, her good friend that worked at the café, didn't usually work on Tuesdays, but tonight, he had been called in to fill some one's place.

His long raven hair hanged in his face, as he wore black work pants, and a white, collar, short sleeve shirt. An apron hanged around his stomach, just above the hips.

Tuesdays were slow days, he took what orders he could from the few customers in the café, cleaning the tables, and taking out the trash. That stuff. He wasn't allowed to work the machines, after spill stuff all over himself.

While, he finished up in six hour day, cleaning the tables, and collecting tips. Then he notices a blue cloak, a head of him. He smiled at the thought of seeing her again. But he soon became concern, as he watched the cloak shake so often. He put down his bin of dishes and slowly approached her.

"Hey Raven." He replied as he got right behind her. Raven jumped at his voice, and looked up at him in shock, and yet feared. Goth could see into her violet eyes, seeing that she had been injured greatly. Not physically but mentally. "What's wrong?" He sat right next to her. So he could hear her breath, and feel her vibes that spread from her body.

"It's better for you not to get involve." Raven replied as she looked away from him. She had come here, knowing that Goth didn't work Tuesdays. "What are you doing here? You don't do Tuesdays." Raven dare not look into eyes, knowing he could see exactly what she was feeling.

"I need the money to pay off my motorcycle." Goth replied, knowing she would try to get off topic, but he learned how to stump her. Make her think you forgot about the question, then ask her again when she's off guard.

"You finally got the motorcycle you've been dreaming of." Raven's voice was plain and toneless.

"Yah, mom wasn't happy, but hey, I'll be out of the house in a few years. Need my own wheels." Goth laid back in his chair and put his arms in the back on his head. Raven, was one of the few people that he had opened up to. He guesses since she opened up to him, it was safe to open up to her. Everyone else, was pointless to him. He gave them the same tone, dull voice on how everything is pointless.

"I'm betting that they're just counting down the days that they kick you out." Raven gave off one of her jokes.

"Yah, they are. They have a party every ten day. Knowing its ten days less to having me around." Goth joked as he gave off a rare chuckle. "So, what's wrong Raven?" Raven looked down at the table, as she played with her fingers. "Raven please, I know you're hurting. And I want to help." Goth's concern eyes buried into her soul, wanting to know what was stressing her out.

"Unless, you can turn back time. There's nothing you can do." Raven replied with harshness in her voice.

"It could be worse Raven."

"Like how?" Raven yelled him, turning her face at him, letting him see the sparkling water building up in her eyes.

"Raven, what happened?" He placed a hand on her shoulders, as she looked away. He wanted to force, whatever was hurting her out.

"Beast boy called me a slut." Raven replied, hoping he would leave it like that, but she knew better than that. He would want the whole story.

"Your boyfriend called you a slut." Goth had shock in his voice, but he knew more must be bothering her to make her break down to this. Raven nodded her head, not wanting to let him see her stain face of tears.

"He's my ex now." Raven whipped away the treading tears. "We broke up a month ago." Big mistake Raven, now he's going to pry.

"Why?" Goth put an arm around her shaking shoulders. Becoming even more concern.

"I…a…we sorta…" Raven didn't want to say what they had did. A small gasp caught her attention, as she looked into Goth's eyes.

"You didn't. Please tell me you didn't make love to him." Goth's grip on her shoulders tightened with tensity.

"I did and now I got the caciques." Tears now started to stream down her face. Goth quickly pulled her into a huge. Her head rested on his shoulders' as he dares not to let go. Stroking her back gently as he tried to calm the girl.

"Oh god Raven. You know better. And now you're pregnant?" Raven just nodded her head, finding comfort into listening to his heartbeat. "How did he take the news?" Goth looked at her. Thinking that he would be support of her and right behind her and his child.

"He doesn't believe me." Raven sniffled out as she laid against his chest. As he rocked her back and forth.

"What? Why?" Raven could hear the stress building in his voice.

"Doesn't want to take responsibility for his child." Tears started to flow fast again. "Oh god. I don't know what to do." Raven's voice was full of desperateness.

"That jerk." Goth said to himself. This was his second friend that had gotten pregnant. The other one was just a buddy he saw only so often, that sold herself for money, so it was bound to happen eventually. But the fact it happen to his best friend, made him scared of what to do. "You have three options, you know?" Goth looked down at her face with passion and care ness inside his eyes.

"I know. But I don't know what to do." Raven clanged to his shirt for help.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Went the communicator. Raven answered it, to find that it was a very concern Robin. Before anyone could speak, Goth snatched it out of hands.

"She'll get back to you." Goth hanged up on a very confused Robin. Then his attention went back to a shock Raven. "Please Raven, tell me the whole story." He place her communicator on the table and stoke her hair.

"Goth! You're supposed to be working!" Yelled his manager, as she looked angrily at him from the counter.

"Suck it up. I have an emergency here, now back off, you got Terry too." Goth yelled back at him, as he dared not to let Raven go. His manger gave him a deathly glare and left it at that.

"I shouldn't be here." Raven went to push off of his chest. "I'm distracting you from work." Goth wouldn't let her go.

"It's okay. I've been working here, for almost two years now. Shelby knows I'm a good worker." He let out a small sigh. "You're more important that some stupid job." He replied as he continued to comfort her. "So tell me what happen between you twos?"

Raven slowly began to tell the tale of what happened between her and Beast Boy.

It was about ten thirty that night, as Goth walked her back home. They two proceeded into the tower, to where the main room was.

"I could wake Robin or Cyborg. I'm sure they won't mind, giving you a ride home." Raven replied as she took off the jacket that Goth had lent to her.

"It's okay. I'm a goth, I can handle the night, besides it's a full moon ta night." Just then it began to down pour, with light dancing across the sky and thunder making music in the air.

"Well, then I suggest you let me drive you home then." The turned to find Cyborg and Robin in the kitchen, doing something?

"Guys? How long have you've been there." Raven asked nervously.

"Since, eight a' clock. Waiting for you to come home." Cyborg replied as he put some sausage on he's mega meaty meat sandwich. "Yo, Goth. How's it going?" Cyborg walked up to the two, getting a high five from Goth.

"Okay, I guess." Goth shrugged his shoulders, not really in the mood to talk to the other Titans.

"Okay then, I'll go warm up the car then." Cyborg was about to leave his sandwich for the garage.

"Hold up Cy." Robin ordered, as listen to radio on his I pod.(I don't know if I pods have radios or not. I don't have one.) "You better stay here tonight. There's a hurricane like weather coming this way from Hurricane Troy. You'll get blown right off the bridge." Robin turned off his I-pod and put it away in the pockets of his pajama's pants. "You can stay in the guess room tonight and once the weather is over in the morning, Cyborg can take you home." Robin replied as he looked at the two sternly.

"Okay, um… can I call my mom? Just so she don't freak." Goth rubbed the back of his head out of habit as he looked at the two with an unsure face.

"Sure man. There's a phone in the guess room, that should still work. I'll show yau." Cyborg signaled for him to follow. Goth slow followed him as Raven was about to follow.

"Raven can I talk to you." Robin stopped her in her tracks, as she looked fearful at him. Goth placed a hand on her shoulder for reassures. Nodding at her to go to see him. Raven slowly made her way to Robin as he waited for Goth to leave the room.

"Raven, we heard yours and Beast boy's fight." Robin replied slowly, not wanting to talk to her alone. "So you're…um." He looked down at his feet.

"Yah." Raven nodded in a shame.

"And it's Beast Boy's?" Robin asked cautiously. Raven slowly nodded. "Don't worry he's not getting off scotch free." Robin replied hoping in some small way that would make her feel better. "Have you decided what you're going to do with it?"

"No. I don't know what to do." Raven turned her back from him.

"Whatever you choose. We'll be with you 100." He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulders.

"Okay." Rave just barely nodded.





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