Midnight's Curse

By Queen Luffie of the Mole People

Author: My disclaimer is as follows: I DO NOT, WILL NOT, CAN NOT own DNAngel. The only things I will ever own are a crappy mp3 player, my ideas, myself, my characters, my binder, and Yuki Sohma.

oOforeverobsessedOo: Um….Erin…? -whispers something to her-

Author: What…? -blinks, grows upset- You mean….I…I don't own Yuki?

oOforeverobsessedOo: 'Fraid not…sorry! I can get you the second DVD for your birthday, though. It has him on the cover, so then technically you'll own…er…sorta him…

Author: Aww…I wanna own Yuki…-sniffle-

Stage 1: Four Pawed Curse

Daisuke Niwa looked ahead passively, hands in his pockets as he trudged through the museum. His footsteps echoed, unrivaled, through the empty building, and his fingers carefully closed around a small card in his right pocket. He was glad no one was around to see him place the note; after all, the piece he was after had only been on display for a few hours. It was tough to be the Phantom Thief, but someone had to do it.

Finally, after what would seem like an eternity of walking to anyone else, the boy's ruby-red eyes spotted the statue. He stopped in front of it, gazing at the plaque in curiosity. It was entitled "Midnight's Curse," which he thought was an odd name. With a shrug, the Niwa looked up at the statue itself.

"Midnight's Curse" was a cold stony grey, with four paws and a fluffy tail draped over all four. It sat on its haunches, its marble-like jade eyes staring forward forever over the bridge of its muzzle. Both its ears were perked up and swiveled forwards, perfectly alert. The wolf statue looked as though it might throw its head back and howl at any moment.

'The only problem…' Daisuke sighed. It was the size of a real wolf. Shrugging again and deciding to figure that out when he got back, he took both hands from his pockets and ran a few fingers over the detail of the statue.

"You look awfully lonely over here." He told it, smiling a little. There were no other paintings or statues around it; not a one, and that seemed strange. "Don't worry. I'll be back to get you tonight." With that promise, he tucked the note between its tail and paws, and then casually left the museum.

Jade-green eyes followed him, clearly interested. 'He's so cute…' The owner thought, sighing. 'And he's coming back for me!'

End Stage 1

Author: Okay, yes, I know it's short. But the next chapter is longer, and this is just to give you a taste of what I'm cooking up! Tell me what you think, eh? I decided to start this fic because I finished Everything You Want, which I never thought I would do. But I had to…no one reviewed the final chapter. Oh well; no harm done. So, read and review! I'd love to post the next chapter! Catch y'all on the flip-flop; later!

--Queen Luffie of the Mole People