Disclaimer: This story was written by me, mhmartini, for enjoyment purposes only. All characters borrowed from a show/series/book/etc. are property of their respective creators; I am only borrowing them. Original characters are mine. The storyline is mine. I am making no money from this endeavor. The only "profit" involved is the joy of writing and the reviews of my readers. No copyright infringement is intended.
The two demons sat on their bed, an uncomfortable silence hanging between them. The taller looked down at his hands, fidgeting nervously.
"This has never happened to me before," Kurama said, defeat and humility shadowing his voice.
"It's okay, Kurama," Hiei soothed, moving closer to his mate. "I'm sure it happens to everyone."
"Not to me," the red head replied, leaning away from his smaller lover.
Hiei sighed. He wanted to comfort his fox. "I still love you," he stated softly.
"Even though I'm a failure?" Kurama asked wryly.
"You're not a failure," Hiei insisted, wrapping an arm around the kitsune's shoulders. "You've demonstrated your prowess time and time again. Everyone has a bad day, Kurama," he murmured. The fox did not reply.
Gazing down, Hiei looked at the evidence of his mate's shortcoming that he held limply in his hand. Lifting his eyes from the paper, he asked as delicately as he could, "What does 'B plus' mean, anyway?"