Here's a story I thought of one day during a bad thunderstorm. I hope ya'll like it. Please R&R!

Chapter 1: The Storm

The wind was blowing through the small town of Hazzard, Georgia. The sky had steadily darkened throughout the day and the smell of rain was in the air. The temperature had been in the mid eighties all day and the humidity level was starting to rise. Thunder could be heard in the distance and everyone knew a storm was quickly approaching. Rushing to get things inside before the storm hit, cousins Bo, Luke, and Daisy, were busy getting the farm ready before it started raining. While Daisy was getting the laundry taken care of, Bo and Luke were trying to push their car, the General Lee, inside the barn since it had broken down and they were in the process of fixing it when the weather started changing.

"Boy, what a day for the General to break down." Bo said to his oldest cousin, Luke.

"Yeah, and I still don't know why he just up and quit like that earlier today." Luke said in agreement.

"Yeah, maybe Uncle Jesse will let us work on 'em in the barn."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it depends on how bad the storm is and if he needs any help inside."

"Oh, yeah, I guess yer right."

"Ain't I always?"

"Um well there was the time when-"

"Ok, so I was wrong once. Now c'mon, let's just get the General in the barn 'fore it starts raining."

"Alright." Bo said as he and Luke pushed the General inside the barn. just as they got the General in the barn, it started raining. It didn't start out with a few drops like normal, it just started pouring down.

"Oh great, its raining." Bo said as he looked out the barn door.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Luke said sarcastically. Bo just gave Luke a dirty look before saying something.

"Think we should run?"

"Run where?" Luke asked.

"Run to the house. Maybe if we run fast enough we can get inside without getting very wet."

"Bo, I highly doubt that'll work. We'd be drenched before we even got half way to the door."

"Well we can't stay out here all day. I don't see any other way to get inside right now."

"We'll just wait until the rain lets up, then we'll head inside."

"Fine. ya know Luke, you don't have a very big sense of adventure anymore. When we was kids you was almost always the first one to do something dangerous."

"Well I ain't a little kid anymore. Unlike some people, I actually act my age."

"What's that s'posed to mean?" Bo asked slightly offended thinking Luke was talking about him.

"What I mean is I don't act like a five year old and I think things through before I do something, unlike someone I know."

"What are you sayin'? That I'm immature?"

"Well, you definitely ain't mature."

"What's that s'posed to mean? I'm mature, just 'cause I don't act like you doesn't mean I'm immature."

"Well if yer so immature, then why do you always rush into things without thinking?"

"Well, I um…"

"See, you can't even answer a simple question. If you were mature, then you could've answered that question with no problems." Luke said harsher then he meant to. Bo just looked at Luke, angry at him for talking to him the way he had. Not wanting to start a fist fight, Bo just turned around and left the barn, instantly becoming drenched with rain. While Bo was walking, and trying to keep his balance against the strong wind, something told him to look out across the fields. Looking out across the fields, Bo didn't see anything at first, but as he kept watching, he could just start to see the outline of what appeared to be a funnel cloud forming. After watching it for a few more seconds, Bo realized it was a funnel cloud as it started it's descent towards the ground.

"Oh no, I gotta tell Uncle Jesse and Daisy." Bo said to himself as he started running towards the house. Bo raced up the porch steps and rushed inside, dripping wet. Daisy, who was sitting at the kitchen table, saw Bo come inside dripping wet.

"Bo Duke, you know better then to come inside all wet like that." Daisy said to Bo.

"You and Uncle Jesse gotta get to the cellar." Bo said frantically.

"Why? What's wrong?" Daisy asked.

"There's a tornado forming out in the fields. Hurry and get to the cellar." Bo said as he ran back outside to warn Luke. Right after Bo stepped on the ground, hail the size of quarters started falling. Ignoring the hail hitting him, Bo ran as fast as he could against the wind.

"Luke! Get to the cellar!" Bo yelled above the howling wind and pouring rain and hail. Luke just barely heard Bo yelling and rushed out to see what was going on. Before Luke could get to the barn door, Bo came rushing in. Luke noticed the numerous cuts and bruises on Bo's face and arms and knew right away that something was wrong.

"Bo, what's the matter?"

"Luke, we gotta get to the cellar and fast."

"Why? What's happening?"

"There's a tornado and I think it's heading this way." Bo said as he started pushing Luke towards the cellar. When Luke was outside of the barn, debris was flying around everywhere. Bo had stopped pushing Luke, and they were both now running towards the cellar at top speed. They were about half way to the cellar, when a large branch snapped and fell on top of the cellar doors. Not having time to try to move it, Bo and Luke took off running, desperately trying to find any kind of shelter that could withstand a twister. They had spotted and old mine shaft, but everything went black and that was the last either of them remembered until they would wake up, if they woke up that is.

After they were sure the twister had passed, Jesse and Daisy tried to open the cellar doors. It took both of them pushing as hard as they could before the tree branch finally fell off the doors.

"Daisy, you wait here. I'm gonna see how bad it is, and if there's any sign of the boys." Jesse said as he started to walk out of the cellar. Both Jesse and Daisy were extremely worried about Bo and Luke, since neither of them had made it to the cellar. What seemed like hours later, but which in fact had only been a few minutes, Jesse came back and called for Daisy to come out. Daisy stepped out and stood next to her uncle as he continued to survey the damage.

The old barn that the General Lee was in was completely knocked down, and the orange stockcar buried under the debris. The house was in better shape, but still suffered severe damage, which made it unsuitable to live in until it was fixed. A fair sized maple tree had fallen through what was once the living room and all the windows were blown out. The porch had also been knocked down. there was debris lying all over the yard, things ranging from trees and other types of wood and lumber, to garbage, and even a couple of cars, neither belonging to the Dukes. Daisy's jeep, Dixie, was nowhere to be seen, along with Jesse's old white pickup truck. But what worried the elderly Duke and young woman, was the fact that their two lost family members were nowhere to be seen.

"Uncle Jesse, where do you think Bo and Luke are?" Daisy asked worried and frightened. Jesse took a deep breath before answering.

"I don't know baby, I don't know. But don't you worry none, their both strong young men and although they may not seem like it at times, they both got good heads on their shoulders and they probably headed for someplace else to hide." Jesse said trying to calm his nice down. Jesse just couldn't help but get the feeling that things wouldn't be fine, at least not until the boys were found, safe and sound.

An elderly woman and her husband were out surveying the damage that had been done to their land by the twister. Trash and other debris had been blown into their yard and some of the shingles had been torn off the roof of the house and a few off the barn. As they were walking along the fence that separated their property from their neighbors, something odd caught the elderly man's eye.

"Wait here dear, I'm going to go check something out." The man said gently to his wife.

"Alright dear." His wife said as he started walking towards the object that had caught his eye. As he got closer, he could just start to make out the outline of what appeared to be a body. Going as fast as he could, he ran over to the still form. Bending down and gently rolling the person over, the man saw that it was a young man who appeared to be in his mid twenties with dark brown unruly hair. The man then checked for a pulse and was relieved when he found one. It was faint, but there.

"Mary, go call an ambulance and hurry!" The man called to his wife.

"What's the matter George?"

"There's a young man over here and I think he's hurt badly." Not saying another word, Mary ran into the house as fast as she could go. Knowing the phones would most likely be down, she went directly to the old CB that the couple kept in case of emergencies. While Mary was trying to get a hold of someone for help, George was carefully trying to pick the young man up so he could carry him inside. After getting the young man over his shoulders, George carried the young man inside the house.

"I didn't have any luck. The CB is out, I even checked the phone just incase, but it is down too." Mary informed.

"Alright, let's get him taken care of the best we can here, then we'll try to get him to the hospital." George said to his wife. Nodding, Mary went into the bathroom to get the medical kit.

OKay, now here comes the part where you tell me what you thought of the first chapter. If I get enough reviews, then I'll update sooner. And yes, I've already started on chapter 2. So go ahead and push the little square purple button and let me know what you think. :-)