Man the last time I actually used MS Word was during the Christmas season! Once again I'm sorry for the delay people and for a while I thought I lost interest in this fic but I did promise others and myself that I'll finish it…maybe even after its anniversary. I'll do my best guys. I realized that Part 2 ended up longer than I expected so enjoy.


Sokka: Action packed baby! Thanks kuya for being the first to review this chap and the poem will come in the latter chaps.

Candicethelovely123: Thanks for reading and before you know it, its 4th quarter exams and then summer! Yeepee!

Almostinsane: Thanks dude for being supportive and I always do my best in writing. I also have an interest in writing poetry. Just so you'll know. God bless!

Kiysta: Entertaining…bring in the pain and misery people! LOL! I hope you won't lose interest in this fic and I'm still madly in love with your story! You're an awesome writer dude! I miss Zuko reviewing this fic…haha! Mind reminding him… Keep in touch always! God bless dudette!

Shirobara: They grow up so fast don't they Bara! Another chap to keep my going…see ya in school and I had an awesome time during the sleepover!

Iceis: I miss you bunches too dude! Ahh you should post up your stories here! I wanna know more bout Icies too! Don't worry I'll keep updating you!


Kisaki groaned and was back to her senses. Everything around felt and even smelt different. The aroma of incense occupied her sensitive nose and the flicker of candles around the wide room lighted her way to the door. For once, she did not awake in her own room but in a much comfortable and cozy dwelling place. She rubbed her legs before unlatching the handle on the door to get some fresh air. She found herself in the hallway of the private quarters and wondered why she was not placed in her own. On the way to the deck she bumped into a familiar face.

"Hey was there anything I missed?" she questioned Domnos.

"What brings you here, Miss Kisaki? Aren't you supposed to be resting?" he pushed her aside and kept them out of sight.

"I…I was but I feel better now." She rubbed her head.

"I cannot allow this…you must stay in bed before your condition gets worse. If the prince and general knew you were here they would…"

"What's the big deal, I'm fine." She folded her arms.

"Im just following orders because earlier you were in a state of a seizure that we had to inform the doctor before you passed out."


Zuko was the only who noticed after that she was in pain and ran to her side. Her arms were trembling and her legs very stiff from the cramps. Tears welled in her red eyes and she bit her lip to endure the pain she was receiving. He picked her up in his strong arms and demanded for the doctor to figure out what was happening to her. Her surroundings were starting to fade and so were the voices that sounded so muffled.


"I…I did…didn't I?"

"Miss Kisaki, we noticed unusual things happening to you this past week. I'm worried about what can happen next."

"Look it's just that I'm still adjusting to this place. I'm not used to staying away from land for such a long time." She bounced to conclusions.

"Then I suggest you return to General Iroh's cabin before anyone finds you here."

"But I came out for some fresh air. Please can I stay out here? No one has to know." She gave him her best puppy eyes.

Domnos shut his eyes and shook his head. No one in this entire ship could seem to resist her famous puppy look. "You know I'm not only going to risk getting you in trouble. I might as well risk losing my position." He said laughed.

"Really you would do that for me?"

"Couldn't resist your begging technique. Just to be safe you better proceed with me to the captain' cabin and there no one will ever suspect…I think."


"G'day Cadet Domnos." An aged man greeted him a salute.

"No need for that Captain. I'm just here for some…serious business."

"Not surpised to see me huh?" Kisaki spoke.

The captain only noticed Kisaki after she spoke. "What's t'ha lass doin' here? Weren't ya t'ha one who had a seizure earlier?"

"Yes and its over. You saw nothing." She flipped a hand.

"Fortunately I din't."

"Captain, any sign of land?" Domnos asked.

"All I cin say is were hopeless tis time. T'ha current of t'ha waves are too strong and big fer me to spot any sort of them land." He sighed in defeat.

"I guess there's no sleep tonight, ha?" Domnos saw no hope for their misfortune.

"Any luck on t'ha rodent?"

"No. We searched every compartment of the ship and still no luck."

"Even them rhino stables?" he added.

"Don't even bother." The worn-out cadet pinched his nose.

Kisaki gulped and couldn't help feeling guilty. "Maybe it wasn't a rat."

"Well, some of the men did protest on that and my guess is one of us must have done it." Domnos shared his theory.

"Ya don't say lad."

"Whatever or whoever it is, I think it would really help if he revealed himself and that would definitely lighten the headaches." Domnos wished.

This really struck Kisaki and she knew that she was the one fully responsible for that act and fully realized it just now. She didn't want everyone to suffer from this consequence and it wasn't there fault. Deep inside she had all the guts to explain herself but it would ruin her everything she had put herself through to be accepted. She was afraid of what Domnos and the crew would think of her and how much more would Zuko and Iroh take this kind of behavior she had committed.

"Or maybe it was a rat." The captain still stuck to that thought.

"Where are you going, Miss Kisaki?" Domnos watched the depressed looking girl walk out to the front railings of the ship just outside the cabin.

"I…I need to be alone." She called from outside and stared blankly into the waves.

Some time later…

"It's hopeless! We changed course fer nothin'! T'ha general's goin' tah have our heads fer dinner." The captain stopped stirring and slowly banged his head on the wheel he still held.

Domnos wasn't the type who would give up easily but had to accept the fact that they weren't going to find any nearby land in the uncharted waters. "Come on child, you better return to the General's quarters before he finds out you've gone missing." He looked at Kisaki's direction and waited for an answer. "Um, Miss Kisaki?" he raised his voice for her to hear.

The piercing red eyes didn't seem to blink for long seconds and she was fixed on something she thought her eyes could not believe. "I see land." She muttered.

"Ya must be joking lass!"

"I'm serious I see land over there." She still froze in her position.

The two men proceed outside for a closer look into the never ending horizon. "I'm sorry, Miss Kisaki but I don't see anything." Domnos thought it was all a trick.

"It's impossible tah see anything with all them waves." The skeptical captain scratched his head in disappointment.

"You don't believe me?"

"I don't blame you for it being a morage." Domnos thought it was an illusion due to her being sick.

From her point of view, the once heavy waves seem to have slow down and sway smoothly in her sight and land was clearly seen to her insightful eyes. "I'm telling the truth! Grab a telescope if you don't believe me." She said in her most serious tone and to them it sounded as if she was snapping like an animal.

"I'm just doin' this tah shut her up." The captain muttered under his breath and went back to the cabin to look for the telescope.

"I heard that." She said to herself.

The heavy-duty captain reappeared with the instrument set on his eyes. "Sweet mother of…" he gasped. "By golly the lass' right, Cadet!"

He handed the spyglass to the Domnos who also looked through and saw that Kisaki was proving her point. Just beyond the crashing waves revealed an island floating nearby. He had never felt so impressed and relieved. "Miss Kisaki, do you realize that you've just done!" tears formed in his glassy eyes.

"So am I in trouble." She joked.

"T'is is t'ha highlight of this wretched day! Ya jus' spared us our lives lass!" the aged man grabbed the girl's arms and danced around in glory.

"I…I did!" a smile grew on her pale face and was really happy for all of them. "Wait does that mean I'll be serving tea again…aw man!"


The captain predicted that they would drop the anchor by night fall. The news spread so fast and brought smiles to everyone's faces especially Iroh who was more than relieved than all of them although Kisaki did get in trouble for sneaking out but nevertheless he still praised her and requested her to bring the news to Zuko himself who still had no clue about the merriment.

In the Prince's Room…

"Excuse me, Prince Zuko…um excuse me?" she knocked on the door and peered in the dark room. "Hello?" she entered and saw no sign of the prince. Only three large candles lit the place and what caught her attention were two broad swords displayed on the wall a few feet away from her. The curious child walked in closer to the blades, laid a hand on the handle and…

"Don't even think about it!" Zuko's image reflected on the blade and it triggered her to face him in a fighting position.

"I am so sorry your majesty." She fell on her knees and begged for forgiveness.

"Don't bother." He brought himself in. "What are you doing here without my permission?" he waited for a straight answer. "Get up."

"I apologize for this and I swear I won't do it again." She stood up and faced him. "I thought that you were inside and the reason I was in here was because…"

"I know all about it, Kisaki. I'm grateful for what you did." He smiled and patted her on the head.

"It was nothing really. (I think)" she turned back and gazed at the display she had interest earlier. "So are they real?"

"What do you think?"

"Awesome! Those things look dangerous." She beamed and was tempted to pick one up.

"Those things are broadswords and they're not dangerous unless they are in the wrong hands." He said in a strict manner.

"So you must be into blades. How come you never used them during training?"

"They are not to be messed with by all means." He warned her.

"Whatever you say, your majesty." She sighed in defeat.

"Please don't call me that anymore." He faced the opposite direction.

"If you insist, Prince Zuko." She switched to the alternative address.

"That won't be necessary anymore. I prefer to be called…just Zuko from now on if you're comfortable with that?"

"Uh well if that's fine with you I don't mind at all." She giggled. "I guess I better go…um Zuko…right, got it." She pointed to the door to make her cue.



"Do you mind joining me in meditating…please?" he faced her and wished she didn't have to leave just yet.

"Of course I don't mind." She stopped in her tracks. Being trained to follow every order was natural to her.

"You're just saying that because I'm a prince, are you?" he smirked.

"Well, all my respect and loyalties lie to you now. You're like a brother to me in some way." She blushed.

"I admire you for that." He went ahead to his meditating corner and took a seat on the soft cushions.

"Thanks. You know its been a while since I actually did this with my uncle." She tried to ignore the memory." She joined in.

"It's a great way to keep yourself in check with everything especially if you're not feeling well…" he was suddenly cut off.

"Why does everybody think I'm sick? There's seriously nothing wrong with me!" She raised her voice a little to make herself clear.

"You're really starting to worry me, Kisaki."

"I'm fine." She folded her arms.

"I doubt that." He knew he was starting an argument and didn't want to raise his voice again.

"So where were we again? Oh yeah back to meditating." She changed the topic and closed her eyes.

Zuko just shook his head and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Um how long will this last?" she opened one eye.

"It takes time, even years so you must be patient." he whispered. "Be focused."

"On what?"

There was no reply this time since he was in a deep state already.

"But it's getting bor…"


"Alright, I'll give it a shot." She sighed and ventured into the darkness and into her own head.


"You sure about this?" a younger version of her stood on top of a branch and was expecting her brother to catch her just for fun.

"Do you trust me, Hisaki?" Hinote teased.


"Then what are you waiting for, lil sis?" he prepared his arms for her capture when flames grew in his red eyes. "Hisaki wait!"

"Here I come?" she took a deep breath and fell back. His warning came too late when his vision had gone blurry and he felt the hard impact of his sister crashing down on his weak body.

"Hey, I trusted you!" she got up and dusted herself then she realized that there was something wrong. He appeared pail and his body was shaking. "I'm sorry Kuya! I really am I…Kuya, you look sick." She said in shock.

"No, it was my bad…I'm fine, really." He denied it and felt all types of aches attacking his body.

"You're lying…I know it." She looked worried.

"It's just the cramps again, nothing to worry abo-aaah!" he tugged into her arm and gripped it hard. Sweat fell from his pores and the veins all over him were starting to be visible. "Hisaki! The pain's too much! Call for Tito, quick!" his voice cracked and he was whimpering like an animal. Tears streamed from his red eyes and couldn't seem to let go of her hand and the pain had already affected all parts of his system.

She didn't want to let go either and could see he was dying so with all her strength set herself free from his grip and ran through the forest screaming for her uncle at the top of her lungs. The seconds were going by fast until she finally found him.

"Tito, its Kuya! Something's wrong with him! He…he…he can't move and he's making these weird sounds and…do something please!"

The two ran back to the spot Hinote was laid upon and he looked different now, with fur growing on his skin and an unusual form took place in him. His ears were pointed and he had a tail furry tail wagging back and forth. This time he couldn't speak or say a word and continued whimpering.

"Anak, he's going through what every fire fox must experience in his puberty." Their uncle explained.

"Is it bad?" she drew back in fear and didn't dare look at her brother any longer.

"It's for his own good and yours too when your time will come. I, your parents and the rest of our ancestors have been through this."

"But Kuya is so weak…he might die!" she sobbed on her uncle's chest.

"I assure you, young fire fox, your brother Hinote will be fine. After all it's a phase he must tolerate." He didn't look that worried yet tears had already formed in the old man's red eyes.

"But we must do something!" she pleaded.

"The only thing wise for us is to give moral support. There's no cure to this even if he's been trying to delay it all week. His body is rapidly changing into his fox form.


Suddenly flames grew in her piercing red eyes and there was this feeling that pierced her like a thousand daggers and caused her to lose her concentration which was now focused on the pain she was once receiving and she knew very well that it was her time indeed. She forced herself not to make a scene in front of the prince so she bit her lip with the sharp fangs that made blood gush out of her mouth. She had to make her escape before the transformation would begin. At first, she had a difficult time trying to get up with her body weak and low on energy but she dared not to let anyone see this and stormed out like there was no tomorrow.

Zuko finally snapped out of the state and saw that his companion had disappeared. "Kisaki!" he rose up and saw a trail of blood splattered all over the carpet.

"My dear, where are you going in such a hurry?" Iroh barely saw a glimpse of her when she dashed passed him with her mouth covered.

"Uncle! Have you seen her?" Zuko caught up.

"Oh you just missed her, my nephew. Anything wrong?"

"I'm not so sure." He panted. "She was meditating with me and before I knew it she disappeared and she was bleeding. Uncle, there's something wrong with her!" her shook his shoulders rapidly.

"Blood?" the old man chuckled.

"What's so funny? She was in pain too you know!" Zuko yelled at him.

"She'll be fine. I just realized that what she's going through is perfectly normal for a young lady in her youth."

"What are we talking about?" he looked confused.

"That explains everything. The way she's been acting, her appetite, all that cramps. It's the feminine hormones that's what were talking about."

"You mean…" his mouth dropped.

"That's right she's experiencing her monthly cycle." He clarified.

"Excuse me?" an eyebrow was raised.

"How do I explain this?" he set his nephew aside and gave him the talk.

"Her what now!" Zuko was left speechless.


Kisaki slammed her cabin door shut and fell on the cold floor with a shrill scream of pain that she finally released. Her heavy breathing and heartbeats were as loud as anything she had ever heard that she had to cover her ears and her vision had gone blurry, the way it happened to her brother. The throbbing pain had never felt so intolerable and she wanted it to end fast but after the long lecture with her uncle she remembered that the females were the ones who received the biggest burden and transforming into their fox form really took time. Tears hit the floor faster than the blood from her mouth and her skin felt rough and hairy. She felt her whole system was being attacked by some other being that was awakening inside her. Her she felt her ears growing pointed and a tail slowly appearing from her back. The flames continued burning in her teary red eyes. "Kuya…Tito…I can't take it anymore." Her tone was low and husky like an animal already.

POV: I thought I could have given up this life but I was wrong. I wondered why of all things this had to happen at the moment. I knew from the beginning it was my time but I had no idea it would be this much of a big deal. I couldn't escape it and there was no way of turning back. At this moment I recalled the time I saw my brother suffering and my uncle saying that my time would soon come and it did. I was so scared and I thought that I would die cause I had no moral support and the pain was just too much that I also had to do something very risky to stop the transformation.

"The only thing wise for us is to give moral support. There's no cure to this even if he's been trying to delay it all week." Her uncle's words rang in her ears.

"Delay…I must delay myself and not let this happen." She pulled all her strength left and fought the battle with the fox awakening in her.


"You all right there, my dear?" Iroh gave a knock and could hear her shrieks. He and the crew were gathered outside the room with worried looks.

"I say we go inside and…" Zuko was about to charge in.

"No! She must have her own space." Iroh stopped his anxious nephew.

"But we can't just leave her in pain!" Zuko roared.

"Did you hear that?" one of the men silenced the quarrel.

"Sounds like she's barking?" Domnos rested his ear at the door.

"If I'm not mistaken your sister did sound like a horse when she had hers." He whispered to his nephew.


The hair on her skin slowly disappeared together with the pointed ears and thick furry tail. The last thirty seconds seemed to be the longest in her life and victory was upon her against the beast within. Kisaki had succeeded in delaying the phase she had to go through. She slowly stood up and rested on the wall and slowly got her vision back. She thought everything was back to normal but she knew she would have to face the consequences later on. "I'm so sorry…" were her last words and once again darkness fell upon her.


It does look like I was in a hurry here. Please bear with me. I hardly revised things cause I wanted to get this over with. Expect the next chap in a week or a month or so. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review! God bless all!