Author's Note: Real life has been really time consuming, so much so that I haven't been able to even think about plots. But I hope that I'll be able to update this story, as well as others. So please be patient with me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Summary: Suna has requested for a medical team from Konoha to help with a recent outbreak. The team is headed by one of the best medics in the ninja world, Haruno Sakura. A kunoichi the young Kazekage has never been able to fully put out of his mind.

The next time Gaara saw Haruno Sakura again was three years later. On a brisk Suna afternoon, he stood between his siblings and watched as the medical team from Konoha make their way toward him. He barely glanced at the others; it was the kunoichi who stood at the lead of the pack that held his attention.

Her pink hair, drawn in a twist behind her head, still made her stand out like a beacon. His sharp eyes noted that she now walked with more confidence than she had years ago; there was a grace to her gait that age and honed skills had managed to add. The awkwardness of an adolescent was now gone, replaced by the poise of a woman—a ninja—who was assured of her position in the world.

But there was also a certain weariness in the way she carried herself, as if she had too much weight on her shoulders. As she drew closer, he looked into a pair of eyes he had remembered to be as bright as the green trees of her beloved village. The color was a bit faded now, dulled by disillusionment and a world-weariness that only those who had gone through great pain had. Staring at her, Gaara recalled the rumors he heard about Uchiha Sasuke, of how he'd tried to kill the former members of his team and was even now labeled a missing-nin. Gaara understood revenge; he knew how it felt to be so consumed by darkness that it didn't matter who was hurt in the process of gaining satisfaction. Like the Uchiha, Gaara hadn't cared about anyone but himself as he attempted to ease his own self-suffering.

But unlike the Uchiha prodigy, Gaara hadn't had anyone who cared enough to help him.

Sakura and her team drew to a halt in front of the Sand siblings and their small entourage. While Sakura smiled in greeting, the other members tried vainly to mask the uneasiness they felt in the presence of the Kazekage. They had of course heard of him; his great skills and even greater temper were legendary. His short death all those years ago hadn't diminish either one.

"Good afternoon, Kazekage-sama," Sakura said with a polite bow, her team following suit. "It's been a while."

Gaara nodded in return. "Haruno-san," he returned. "Suna is grateful for your help. I trust you didn't have any problems on your journey here?"

Sakura smiled, privately amused by his formal tone. "Of course not, Kazekage-sama," she answered, mimicking him. She didn't miss the way he narrowed his eyes, but chose to ignore it. She glanced at his sister. "Hello, Temari," she said warmly. "How are you? I haven't seen you since the last time you came to Konoha."

"As you can see, I'm as gorgeous as ever," the other kunoichi replied cheekily. The two young women had long ago put their differences aside and were good friends. Temari, who was mostly surrounded by men when in Suna, always eagerly welcomed Sakura's company when she came to Konoha for diplomatic purposes. "It's good to see you. I was happy when I heard that you were going to head this team."

From the other side of Gaara, his older brother let out a long, low whistle. "Lookin' good there, Sakura," Kankurou drawled. "Makes me wish I was sick so you'd be my own personal nurse."

Sakura snorted softly. "I'm a doctor, Kankurou. I wear baggy robes and carry a needle—a very large needle," she added with a wink, earning a chuckle from the puppet master.

"Honey," the older shinobi returned, "I'll let you stick anything in me anytime."

Instead of being offended, Sakura laughed. "You're as outrageous as ever, Kankurou."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "Wanna see exactly how outrageous, babe?"

Temari cleared her throat, interrupting the playful byplay. She glanced at her youngest brother, whose jade green eyes were narrowed—dangerously so—and wondered if Kankurou—the idiotic ape—had a death wish. Obviously he hadn't noticed that their esteemed leader wasn't amused by his flirting with the leaf medic-nin.

"Sakura," she said, drawing the other kunoichi's attention away from her moronic brother. "You and your team must be pretty tired after your journey. Come on, I'll show you to your quarters and we can catch up on news from Konoha along the way."

"Thanks, Temari," Sakura replied with a grateful smile, noticing the relief on her team's faces. She glanced at Gaara. "With your permission, of course, Kazekage-sama."

He inclined his head. "I'll send for you later to brief you on Suna's medical situation. Again, we are thankful to Konoha—and you—for your aid."

Sakura bowed, then allowed Temari to guide her and her team to their temporary residence, the older kunoichi's arm tucked companionably in hers. Temari asked about the on-goings of Konoha, but Sakura read the hidden message behind the question and offered some news about a certain lazy strategist amidst other stories about her village.

Gaara watched as his sister and the Konoha medical team head toward the guests' quarters. He glanced sideways at his brother, who didn't hide the fact that he was looking at the pink-haired doctor, an interested gleam in his eye.

"I didn't know you were so familiar with Haruno Sakura," he remarked stiffly, wondering if his brother had done more than diplomatic duties during his visits to Fire Country.

Kankurou shrugged, a grin on his face. "She's a great-looking girl—and pretty damn smart too. A guy would be stupid—or a eunuch—not to at least try."

Though his face remained impassive, there was no denying the glacial expression in Gaara's eyes—or the iciness of his tone as he spoke. "She is here on official business. I will not have her distracted by your flirting."

For the first time, Kankurou noticed the dangerous aura surrounding his brother. Inwardly, he smiled. If this had been five years ago, he would immediately submit to the Kazekage's words. But as it was, it wasn't five years ago and sometimes, his baby brother needed to get that stick out of his ass.

"She is here on official business," the puppet master agreed, "but she'll have some free time too, won't she? Maybe I should show her around, take her out for dinner. I'm sure she won't say no."

If Kankurou hadn't been watching so closely, he would have missed the spark in his brother's eye.

"It would be in your interest," Gaara began coolly, "to stay clear of her."

"Oh?" Kankurou lifted an eyebrow. "Why? It's not like she's taken or anything." A smile started to slowly form on his bare face. "Or could it be that you have the hots for her? Ha! I'd never thought I'd see the day, but then again I can't say I blame you. She does have a nice pair of—"

The puppet master instantly fell silent when he felt sand graze his ankles. Eyes widening slightly, he looked up at his brother whose face wore its customary look of indifference, but there was no denying the warning air around him.

"You will refrain yourself from commenting on Haruno-san's body parts," Gaara ordered firmly. "And Kankurou? I saw her first."

And with that, the young village leader disappeared in a whirl of sand, leaving his older brother standing alone, mouth agaped. Kankurou could barely believe it. Gaara had practically claimed the pretty Leaf nin as his. The puppet master started to laugh. So, he thought, his baby brother had hormones after all!

Tell what you think. Please and thank you :)