Mac knows the odds of winning the lottery.

She knows how impossible it is to win and that her dollar a week is about as likely to pay off as she is to to be struck by lightning in a blizzard during July.

But she still buys a ticket.

She figures that she's already won one lottery, so what if she doesn't actually have the winnings. She won another lottery and that one left her for no reason at all.

The lottery gives her hope when she is filling out hopeless applications, and when she looks at Cassidy.

She still doesn't get what she did wrong, in her mind one of the good things about having a friend of the female gender. But maybe she was wrong about that, maybe girls didn't dish about their boys ala sex in the city. She wasn't experienced either about anything.

Mac figured she had mixed luck, that she couldn't keep any of her luck but she had it.

She'd won the genetic lottery.

Of course now she was trying to get the money together for school.

She'd won the boyfriend lottery, but she'd lost it for normal behavior.

And now she was hoping to win the regular lottery.

Money talks, poor girls walk.

Author's notes: Okay, I love the TV show Veronica Mars. Now besides that I love writing fanfiction for it. I love getting reviews. I have one story that is bordering on as many reads as words. Now I love that people are reading my shit, but PLEASE would you review? If my stuff sucks then tell me! I'm not asking too much I think.

Disclaimer: me no own