AN This is the first chapter of many. The first three chapters of this story all take place on the same night, but from different characters points of view. Enjoy!

I own nothing but the story. The characters are property of Disney.

Lightning flashed across the sky momentarily lighting up the young mans eyes. He blinks quickly trying to get rid of the afterimage caused by the lightning reflecting off of his tears. He turns his head and looks back into his room before sighing and wiping the tears from his eyes. Silently he wishes Kim was there with him. But since she had started going out with Josh more then 4 months ago it seemed like she was drifting further and further away. At first it was nothing really. A few days without a phone call here, canceled movie night there. But they started to add up quickly until he was lucky to even see her at all these days.

But that wasn't why he was crying. He has realized long ago that he was deeply in love with his best friend. And for as much as he wanted to be the one going out with her, he knew that the amount of time they had spent together over the last 15 years would likely lead to them being uncomfortable in more intimate situations. He knew that she was happy with Josh. He treated her with the respect and understanding she deserved. It had taken Josh a While to warm up to him always being around Kim but they had eventually become almost friends. Josh was one of the few people who did not make fun of him on a daily basis back in high school and despite being only one letter away from a monkey, he was grateful to him for that. As much as Ron was hurt from watching them together, he was glad that Kim finally seemed to be truly happy.

"If you love her that much, then you have to let her go." He still cringed somewhat when ever he thought of those words. Those few words had led to him feeling truly alone for the first time in 15 years. Sure he had his parents to talk to, but they were halfway across Middleton at the moment; he was on the outskirts of town at the base of the foothills that surrounded the Tri-City area. Kim had always been the person that he went to when he was feeling down or needed someone to talk to. And while she said she would always been there for him, he still felt bad dumping his problems on her shoulders. Monique and Felix had been there for him as well but they were a couple now and living in California while Monique worked on her fashion design degree.

He wanted someone to be there to hold him at night. Someone to be there when he had a bad day. Someone that he could hold and comfort. Some one...just to spend time with. Some one to love who loved him back. But his "loser" status in high school seemed to put more of a damper on that wish then he had realized. Most girls that he talked to at the clubs and bars around town barely gave him a second look after they realized that they were talking to the 'school loser'. He wondered just how long it was going to take to out grow that label. It had been 3 years since they had graduated and it still felt like he was there when he talked to his old class mates. The exclamations of "loser" and "dweeb" would ring in his ears long after he walked off. If possible those words hurt him more now then they did back then.

Silently he looked at the clock and sighed as it read 2:47 in the morning. He had work in 6 hours and knew he needed to get some sleep, but his emotions refused to let his mind calm down enough for that. It had been almost 2 years since he and Kim and retired from the hero game to focus on college. They still went on missions occasionally but those were few and far between, the last one was almost 2 months ago. They only worked the really important ones now. The ones that the new generation of crime fighters he and Kim had trained didn't have the experience to handle. He looked at the communicator and briefly thought about calling Wade. But at this late hour the now 16 yr old super genius would probably be asleep if he wasn't working on a mission. Either way he did not want to disturb him

Grunting slightly he hoisted himself off of the couch and retrieved a small notebook and pencil from the desk. Sitting back down he looked out the window again before turning back to the paper in front of him. Blinking back another tear he began to write.

I sit alone and look around
A single tear rolling down my cheek
I hang my head and close my eyes
Crying out in silent pain

I think of all the people in the world
Laying down holding their loved ones close
Knowing that they will be alone no more
Sighing contentedly as they slip off to sleep

I look out my window wondering
Is there someone out there for me
Someone for me to hold close
To bring me out of this cold gray existence

I ask why
Why am I alone in this world
The tears fall steadily now
For no answer has ever been given

Is it too much to ask
To just have someone to hold
To make me feel warmth again
To make me feel alive

The rain starts to fall
Drumming on the roof
I pull my knees to my chest
Wrapping my arms around them tightly

I feel as though I am a ghost
Wandering through this world
Passing by unnoticed
Wondering why I have stayed behind

I stand slowly and walk outside
Feeling the cold rain hit my face
Blending in with the tears
Plastering my hair around my head

The rain falls harder now
The wind rocking the trees back and forth
And still I stand there
Looking out across the field

I fall to my knees
Looking towards the iron gray sky
Eyes full of pain
My body shivering slightly from the cold

"Why" I scream
"Why am I alone in this world"
"Why cant I just have someone to hold"
"Why"I slump over, my head hanging in defeat

My body wracked with sobs
As I cry unrestrained
I slam my fist into the muddy earth
Still no answer

Looking at what he had written Ron wiped another tear from his eyes and set the notepad down. He didn't know why but writing seemed to help him manage, it still hurt though. Getting up off the couch again he grabbed the paper and tossed it back on his desk as he made his way to his bedroom. Stripping down to a t-shirt and boxers he cracked a window so he could listen to the a storm and crawled into bed. He lay there staring at the ceiling for about 10 minutes before breaking down and rolling over to clutch his pillow to his chest. "Why am I alone" he said chokingly as he cried himself to sleep.

AN This is my first FanFic. Based around a poem I wrote during one of the darker periods in my life. Please R&R