Note: I do not own Star Fox or Star Trek. Nor do I own their respective characters. This will be my first submission. I hope you enjoy.

The colossal mother ship to the Star Fox team known as the GreatFox shakily pulled out of an uncontrolled warp. For a few moments, it simply drifted. "What's going on? Why don't we have power?" Inquired Fox McCloud, leader of the team. "She's an old ship, Fox… She doesn't handle warps as well as she used to… Even ROB shut down after that one," Called out Peppy Hare in his distinctive yet subtle southern drawl, "Power should return in a couple of minutes." Fox nodded his acknowledgement. He stood and looked out into space. "Something's not right… We were supposed to end up in Corneria airspace. I don't recognize this place. There isn't a planet for miles. No stations, no bases…. Not even a stray ship." He noted, turning to his teammates.

The haughty, blue winged Falco shrugged. "Slippy probably screwed up the coordinates." Slippy, sitting across from Falco, shot him a look of contempt. "Not a chance! I checked them several times! With an archaically designed ship like this one, you can't afford to screw up warps." "Archaically designed? I'll have you know James McCloud placed the order for this ship when you were still playing fight simulation games, and let me tell you, he knew how to design a ship!" Snapped Peppy. Slippy shrugged. "That was then, this is now. This make of ship might've held up back in the stone age, but not in this day and age."

"Boys, boys! Cut it out!" Said the Krystal, the blue fox from Sauria. She was viewing her monitor with a perplexed look on her face. "We've got more important things to worry about. This is uncharted space we're in. Who knows what we might encounter?" Suddenly, the ship's hailing frequency was opened. A strange figure with oddly pointed ears appeared on the large viewing screen of the GreatFox. "You are trespassers in Romulan space. Surrender your vessel or be destroyed. You have ten seconds to comply." Said the creature before the screen went dark again. "Romulan space? Never heard of it." Pondered Falco aloud. "Still, we can't just surrender. We don't even know who we're up aga-" Fox's words were cut off as the GreatFox shook violently.

"What's happened!" Yelled Fox over the alert klaxon. "We've taken a pretty bad hit! I don't think she can take another one, we haven't had enough time to return power to the shields yet!" Said Peppy, his fingers already flying about the keyboard before him, desperately attempting to return power to the ship. "Alright. You guys stay here and work on getting power back to the ship. I'll go out and see if I can hold them off." Said Fox, heading for the Docking Bay. "I'll go with you, Fox. You'll need cover." Said Falco. "No way, we don't know what we're up against yet. You stay here." Said Fox, closing the door to the Bridge behind him. Falco watched him go, not knowing if he would come to regret obeying Fox's command.

Fox leapt into his Arwing and powered up the engine. After a quick diagnostic scan of the internal systems, he took off and shot out of the docking bay. He pulled around to the rear of the GreatFox, the region where they where they were attacked from. He was cut off from his teammates now, at least until they could get the ship operational again, so he would have to rely on instinct if he wanted to survive. He boosted towards the massive craft before him and took note of the strange outer design for future reference.

He peppered what he suspected was the Bridge of the craft with laser fire, only to curse when his shots rebounded off it's surface into the darkness of space. The ship glowed for a few moments with an unusual kind of shimmer before returning to normal. "Shields…" Muttered Fox. He then smirked. There was no way lasers were going to be able to penetrate such defenses. However, Nova Bombs were a different story altogether. He flew around to the back of the vessel, figuring he ought to first cripple the ship by taking out its engines. He then concentrated a stream of full-power laser fire in one area, just enough to create a tiny opening in the ship's defenses. He then fired the Nova Bomb through the opening and fell back to avoid the blindingly bright explosion.

He let free a chuckle of satisfaction as he looked upon the twisted and charred remains of the unknown vessel's engines. Suddenly, the communications frequency of his Arwing crackled to life. "Fox, we've got power again!" Said Slippy over the link. "Understood. Returning to GreatFox." Replied Fox, heading back to the docking bay.