Title: A Chaotic Mess of Pastels

Author: Me!

Rating: I'm not too sure about the new rating system but I would say this is about…PG-13.

Feedback: I'd love me some it!

Summary: Troy Bolton finally has life all figured out as his junior year wanes. However, his perfect world is in jeopardy as he discovers his past.

Disclaimer: I own not High School Musical or the songs or Zac…but if I did…heheheh. Wow! I don't own much. Wait! I do own Adele Carson! And the title of this play…and the song parts from Chpt 14!

First and foremost…this is the Epilogue. Yes, A Chaotic Mess of Pastels has run its course. This story is hands down my absolute favorite. I'm proud of the work I've done here. Every single reader and reviewer has added their support, which made me want to go at this story with gusto, thought, respect, and fun.

My main thanks goes to SOPHTHEWISEONE for being a wonderful and thorough editor. She has so many wonderful ideas that ground the story, keeping it (and the author) from becoming to cutesy, sugary, and all-around plastic. Her guidance was a valuable assent to this story. This is the first time I've ever been completely satisfied with an editor. Whomever has the luck to have her as an editor should be grateful. She knows what she's doing; she's a valued friend.

dancerlittle I don't know if this was the better you had in mind…but here it is!

soaringinlove The wait is over and I believe that everyone is happy!

carito06 Troy was a confused man…but no longer.

Oliverwoodschic I don't know if I wrote enough about Sophie in the above paragraph but I don't think I could ever say enough. She's a really pro at what she does even if she's learning to be a law woman. It makes me feel a sense of accomplishment when you review. You stick to your guns with being a Troyella shipper yet you're willing to read this and appreciate it for what it is. Thank you. I hope this ending suits what you envisioned it to be.



Troy awoke late in the morning compared to yesterday. He rolled over in bed, shading his eyes from the late morning sunshine peering through his blinds. It was Senior Skip Day. It was prom day. This began the official countdown to graduation for Troy and his friends. Five weeks and counting was all that was left of his time at East High. It was bittersweet picturing his last day at school. Four years of his life were spent there living and learning and growing.

So much had happened in those four years personally. Joining the varsity team in tenth grade, becoming captain of the team, winning two consecutive regional championships, and – this year – taking home state championship. It was the icing on the cake that was his basketball career at East High.

And then there were all the different sorts of people he meant. His eyes were opened to the multitude of resources his school had other than sports. The theatre was a great place. Troy tried out for the Winter Musical again and he got lead opposite Ryan in a Kelsi Neilson original. Playing a con artist was highly entertaining.

Troy got up, put on a T-shirt and some shorts. The guys would be coming over to play some X-Box 360. They were planning on relaxing until about an hour before leaving for the restaurant. That was the beauty of being a guy. Unlike the girls who will be spending from now (almost eleven o'clock) until four to get ready, Troy could just take a shower, put on his tux and spray on some cologne, calling it a day.

His parents were already gone but they had promised him last night they would be home early to take pictures. Now that was going to be a spectacle. All those camera snapping off photos or recording…all those lights. Every single parent that would be there tonight when the group got together would make such the frenzy out of it. And that was why at four they would be convening at the Evans's. Though reservations at the Rockefeller weren't until five-thirty, an hour of paparazzi-esque picture taking would be enough.

He made himself some breakfast, putting the dirtied dishes into the dishwasher. A pounding sounded at the front door once he set up his gaming system.

"It's skip day!" Chad bounded into the Bolton household.

"Thank goodness for little miracles." Troy responded.

Behind his best friend since kindergarten was Zeke, Jason, and Ryan who was shouldering a bag that resembled a laptop carry case.

"What's with that?" Troy questioned while leading the guys to the living room.

Ryan gingerly set the case onto the floor. "It's Playstation 3."

"No way! That came out a few months ago after a delay in production. I've been saving up for one of those. How much is it?" Jason stared in awe at the gaming wonder.

"Too much. Very much too much. But it's worth every cent."

"I can't believe you're a gamer." Chad said, settling into his favorite recliner chair.

"Why? Because I love Drama?"

"Basically." Chad turn towards the other Evans who was giving him the most stoic look Troy had ever seen. It was a tad creepy in Troy's opinion. "I was kidding! Just kidding. Sheesh."

The other three boys burst into laughter.

"So, how long are we planning on staying at prom?" Troy changed subjects.

"How ever long it takes for the girls to get bored then we go home, get changed, and go to as many after parties as possible." said Zeke.

"Maybe stop by the lock-in the school's sponsoring? I hear they'll be raffling off some iPods, a mini-fridge, and gift cards." Jason added once he pulled his eyes away from the Playstation.

"Perhaps. But, are we going to play Halo or are you guys going to try and play the station?" asked Ryan.

Chad fully reclined. "So many choices, Ry. I say both."

"Halo has to be first. I've been battling these ten-year-old freaks from England. They randomly shout curse words and I hate them." Troy found his bonus controller and tossed it over to Zeke. "We have to annihilate them."

"Last time we played them they actually beat us. We can't let them do that again."

Once logged on, they waited about five minutes until they spotted their rivals.

"Heck yes we rule!" Zeke punched the air forty minutes later.

Troy raised the controller up in the air. "Who else wants it? Chad? Ryan? Jason?"

"Not me, dude. I want to save my skills for that lovely Playstation." Chad responded.

"Me too." Jason slumped further down on the couch.

Ryan took the spare game controller. "Let me handle this."

Troy scooted back, reclining on the floor as his elbow supported his weight. These were his best guy friends and in nine weeks "the gang" would be off at college. Chad would be going off to Duke with Zeke while Jason was going to UCLA. Ryan got his acceptance letter to New York University three weeks ago. And Troy…Troy was going to the East Coast too. Syracuse to be exact.

For the next three hours Troy watched his friends attempt to be the master of whatever game they were playing. Laughing at failed quests and efforts of creating the most complex move was the best way he could have occupied his time. Soon, however, the four guys had to leave so they could get into their suits.

Troy hopped into the shower, making sure to thoroughly lather his hair. He ran to his room as the cool air chilled his slick skin. He made a mental note to turn down the A.C. next he went to take a shower.

In no time at all Troy was slipping on his classical black suit jacket. He adjusted his teal tie. With a toss of his head (his hair fell into perfection) and a spray of cologne, Troy pounded down the stairs. His anticipation started to churn, prickling his heart.

"Oh. You look so handsome. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were a younger version of your father." His mother grinned, her eyes sparkling in the light.

Troy stepped down into the foyer. "Mom, please tell me you're not crying."

"I can't help it. My little boy isn't little anymore. Soon, you'll be packing up to go to college, starting a career…getting married." A tear rolled down her cheek.

Troy wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Don't worry. I am not getting married any time soon. I learned that lesson."

She let him go but held onto his wrist. "I know. I just can't believe how fast you grew."

He loved his mother but this was getting to be a bit much. Thankfully, his father came to the rescue. "Dana," he kissed her temple, "he's not leaving for a few more months. He's just going to prom."

"I know but look at him. He looks very handsome and grown."

"Can we take some pictures since it's almost four?" Troy asked delicately.

"Right," His dad proceeded to take a few snapshots. Some were of Troy posing respectfully and other…well others were ridiculous in nature.

"All right, let's head on out to the Evans home." Jack ushered his family out to the car as Dana retrieved the corsage. They quickly hit the road.

"I don't know why you all decided to meet up at the Evans's home. I thought after last year…" Dana swiveled around to face her son.

"I know. Since there were so many couples, there would be twice as much – or more- family members wanting to take photos. Ryan and Sharpay's living room is more suited to the amount to people. Besides, the majority of the girls wanted a grand entrance. Since they had that stairway that 'belongs in a movie' as Mrs. Evans refers to it, it seemed right."

"There won't be a fight?" Jack joked.

"Don't joke about that. There could be after everything that's happened. I doubt it thought. She's been with Taylor and Kelsi so they can distract her from Sharpay."

Thinking back on all the things that had happened, Troy was wondering if he should begin to anticipate a fight. Sharpay acted horribly – trying to break him and Gabriella up by implanting seeds of suspicion thus ruining his life was less than model behavior.

They parallel parked behind someone else's car. The driveway was packed and the sidewalk that lined the mini mansion was lined with cars. Once the door was opened, he could hear the loud murmuring of many voices. He spotted Chad, Ryan, Jason, and Zeke near the grand staircase. Most of them looked alike except for their ties that were coordinated to the color dress their dates were wearing.

"I'm ready to get this whole picture thing over with." Ryan grumbled. He, on the other hand, wasn't dressed like the other four. Ryan always had to be dressed differently – with one of those hats. In a black with grey pinstripe suit, Ryan appeared to be very cool with red tie and fedora.

"I hear you." Chad sighed, looking up stairs.

Troy waved to his girlfriend's mom who smiled kindly back. He never could have imagined her ever being kind to him again after the way he treated her daughter and the relationship they had.

Mr. Evans quieted the crowd and announced the girls. One at a time they descended the stairs. Kelsi was in a blue spaghetti strapped dress that had minimal sparkle but maximum slit. Little Miss Playmaker really was stepping out and Jason was the first to truly see it. Sharpay came down in a pink sleeveless dress with black lace overlay that was fitted to the body yet flared out at the knee. Troy never quite understood how she and Zeke managed to be in a committed relationship.

Taylor was wearing a bronze satin halter that Chad appreciated. Gabriella came down next. A smiled tugged at his lips. This was it. She was wearing a passionate red spaghetti dress which bodice was corseted. It was reminiscent of something a fairytale princess would wear. She floated past him though giving him a polite smile. Ryan was a better choice for her.

Troy was the last man waiting. His breathing hitched as Adele appeared at the top of the steps. She looked radiant in her satin teal dress. It hit her at the knee. He remembered her calling him, describing the dress. She knew the other girls would be in full-length gowns. Adele just had to go against the grain. Her hair fell in soft curls.

"Stunning," was all he could manage to say.

"Keep it closed will you? You can catch flies that way." She joked before she kissed him on the mouth.

"You're breathtaking."

"You don't look too bad yourself."

Glancing at the other couples, Troy suddenly remembered the corsage. "I'll try not to stick you."

"I trust you." She puffed out her chest. "Just remember, you'll pay for the dry cleaning if there's blood shed."

Carefully, he managed to fasten the flower to her strap. Her soft lips were pressed to his forehead. "Aren't you glad I didn't go for the red lip?"

"Yes. I am. So, spent the day with Sharpay…how was it?"

"There were no knock down/drag out fights. I couldn't do this again. Why did I agree to do this?"

"Because you wanted to hit her. The cards were in it tonight."

"Ah. I can't wait until next weekend. The Masquerade Ball will be amazing. Thank you for agree to fly up to be my date."

He laced their fingers together. "I would do anything for you."

"The theme is 'Phantom of the Opera'." She smiled deviously.

"I think I'm going to be sick that weekend. So sorry that I won't be able to come." Troy mocked a regretfully visage.

"Stop kidding around." Adele's whole being morphed into a stiff, serious nature. "Are you sure about Syracuse? What about Duke? Their basketball team is superior to Syracuse!"

Troy hugged her, laughing softly. " For the last time, I'd rather be at Syracuse than Duke. Adele, I let you go once before, I'm not letting that happen again. Where you go, I want to be. You'll be at Columbia. Syracuse is as close as I could get."

Her worry disappeared for the time being. "Fine."

"Are you two lovebirds done?" Nyia flashed the camera at them.

"Warn us first!" Adele griped.

"Warning1" Another photo was taking.

For the next hour, Troy was forced to stand on the bottom step with guys only, then the girls in front, couples in a line, Chad and himself. Another photo was taken of Troy, Adele, Chad and Taylor. So many flashes were going off at once, Troy and the rest of the party still had spots before their eyes in the stretch Escalade.

"You can have the celebrity world." Taylor directed towards the Evans twins. "I hate taking pictures."

"I thought it was fun. That is until we were still standing on those steps twenty minutes later." Gabriella said as she snuggled next to Ryan.

Jason wrapped his arm around Kelsi. "That was insane. I may be partially blind because of those damn flashes. Was there a need for them?"

They all agreed that there was no need whatsoever. Sharpay pulled out a bottle of sparkling cider. "Here guys."

Zeke helped her pass around the champagne glasses as she filled them.

"A toast," she raised her bubbling glass. "to a wicked night."

Everyone clicked in honor of the toast.

Chad raised his glass again. "To the ending of the best years of our lives."

"To new beginnings and college!" Taylor touched glasses with Chad.

"To out future Prom King, Troy." Kelsi toasted to him.

Troy flushed. "And to second chances." He fondly looked to Adele.

"I love you," she whispered into his ear. "But if you ever shout at me in front of my house again, I will harm you physically."

He laughed. "I would never do that again. I learned my lesson." He kissed her temple.

She was always the one for him. He knew that. When he was debating to himself creating confusion last year, he was just trying to fight what he knew in his heart to be true. Reconnecting with Adele – loving her again and receiving that love from her – was the best thing he'd ever done. Going with her to New York was hard to do yet natural to live.

Standing out in the cool, early morning air kept Troy calm. He made the call. He made the reservations. He made his move. And there was no going back.

Behind him, standing at the front door, his parents watched him prepare to leave. They said their good-byes earlier, to cut down on the chance of him backing out. But he couldn't. He had made up his mind. He loved her too much to let her go. There was so much unreleased love and hope he had for Adele that it seemed idiotic to not go to her when she called. He broke Gabriella's heart after he went to her house. He did love her but he wasn't in love with her. At one point he was. However, it twisted into a strong caring that he felt when thinking of his mother or cousins. He loved them but there was no chance of romance.

He explained to her that he had to try being with Adele. The last time they were together, they were cut short. Now, there were so many questions and feelings that spoke too loudly not to be heeded.

A blue car pulled up to him. He saw Adele in the back seat with her sister. The look on her face amused Troy. That stunned shock was cute on her. She jumped out of the car.

"What's going on?"

"You asked if I would go with you. The answer is 'yes'. I want to go with you. I want to spend time with you. I still have strong and overwhelming feelings for you. You always knew that." He set his bag down.

"I don't understand."

"After that kiss, could we really deny it any longer? We still love each other." He pulled his gold chain out from under his shirt collar. Her old engagement ring was strung on it.

"You're really going to come?" She twisted her fingers, fidgeting.

"Of course." He embraced her, hoping that she was feeling all that he was pouring into the hug.

"You really want to try?" Her voice broke, cracking under the weigh of the situation.

"I do." He held her tighter still. When they broke apart, a renewal settled upon them. This was it. All the chips were on the table. It was now or never. To have a second chance at the beautiful love they once had wasn't something either could turn down. He always knew, in the dark recesses of his mind that he was petrified to explore, that he would have his Ellie back.
