'Urg…where am I?' Hermione asked herself as she glanced around the room, 'Why am I here?'

She caught a glimpse of a figure, out of the corner of her eye, and when she turned to see who it was, she let out a soft gasp.

"Harry…" she breathed, 'Oh, what happened?'

Harry was lying next to her, on a stretcher similar to hers and was covered up to his neck in blankets. Hermione threw the covers off of her and stood up. She then began to walk forwards, towards Harry's motionless body. When she was about three feet from the bed, her legs gave out from under her, sending her to the ground with a thud.

"Uhh…" Harry moaned, opening his eyes.

Harry blinked a few times till he could see properly, then sat up. He yawned and was about to climb out of bed when a hand appeared from the floor. Harry yelped and jumped backwards, completely missing the bed and landing on the floor behind him.

"Owww…" He cried, rubbing the back of his head.

Harry looked sideways and lifted the bottoms of the covers up. There, He saw Hermione sprawled out across the floor.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, attempting to sit up. Harry failed and fell over. When he tried it again, pain ripped through his lower back, causing him cry out, "Ahhh!"

"Harry!" Hermione called, looking up at him from beneath the bed, "Wait, stop, don't move!"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, I don't think I'll be moving any time soon…"

Hermione lifted herself off the floor and grabbed the bed for support. She steadied herself, before attempting to move. When she had finally reached Harry, he was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling.


"Well, I'm glad you remember my name, Hermione…" Harry said, looking up at her.

"What do you mean? And why am I here?" she asked, sitting down and lifting Harry's head into her lap.

Harry sighed as she began to play with his hair. Shifting slightly, Harry replied, "What was the last thing you remember?"

Hermione thought for a moment, "Uh, I took Darren, my new assistant, out to lunch. So how did I end up here?"

Hermione glanced up at the clock and her eyes widened, "Harry, I was supposed to be at work three hours ago," she added.

Harry's smile faded into a slight frown. Hermione pleaded with her eyes for Harry to explain. Harry grabbed her hand and drew in a deep breath.

"Hermione, you have been here for…"

"For what, Harry?"

"For a month…"

"A month? How? I don't remember even coming here…" she frowned, moving a piece of hair from Harry's eye.

"Do you remember the first night that we were attacked?" Harry asked, looking down at the floor.

"Yeah, I remember, but what does that have to do with any of this?"

"Darren was the boy that had attacked you that night…"

"Darren? The one I took to lunch? How?" Hermione asked, shock written in her eyes.

"Darren was working for Malfoy, Hermione. Malfoy was trying to get rid of all the 'mudbloods' in the country. He was the man the ministry was looking for…"

"He was after me?"

"Yes, so the only way he could get to you without you knowing was to send someone else to do his job. That's why, all of a sudden you had an assistant after all those years you had been working there." Harry said.

"Oh my gosh, I feel like an idiot now…I should have known…" Hermione sighed, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Harry reached up and wiped the tear away, "Hey, why don't I explain everything when we get home? How's that sound? This floor is becoming awfully uncomfortable…" Harry laughed, seeing a smile spread across her lips.

"Oh! Sorry, I got so caught up, hold on," Hermione said, lifting Harry's head off her lap and standing up.

Hermione attempted to leave the room but once she was out the door, she tripped; she fell forward into a pair of arms.

"Woah, are you—Hermione?"

Hermione looked up into Kenneth's concerned blue eyes and grinned foolishly.

"Kenneth, I'm sorry, I guess being here for a month has rendered my legs useless."

"Hermione, you're all right! Oh, thank god Harry made it in time," Kenneth said, lifting Hermione to her feet, supporting her from her waist.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, but decided to hear it later, "Oh, about Harry, uh, he kind of needs some assistance," Hermione giggled.

"Harry? What did he do now?"

"Oh, nothing. I just happened to scare him and he fell out of his bed. So, technically, he's fallen and can't get up."

"Oh, I see, well, why don't I go help him. Come, careful now," Kenneth said, leading Hermione back into the room and helping her into a nearby chair.

"Well, Harry, seems like you could use a little help," Kenneth said, looking down at Harry.

"Hello, Kenneth. Yeah, that would be great; this floor is not the most comfortable thing in the world, you know…" Harry smiled.

Kenneth laughed and bent down, lifting Harry up by his armpits. Once he had Harry standing, he moved him over to the bed, laying Harry down upon it.

"Thanks, sorry about the trouble I've been causing, keeping you here all the time," Harry laughed, winking at Kenneth.

Kenneth laughed and took a seat next to Hermione across from Harry.

"I'm glad to see that you're in full health, Hermione, we thought that you wouldn't make it," Kenneth said, giving Hermione a goofy grin. Then, noticing that Hermione looked rather confused, looked over at Harry, "I'm guessing you haven't told her yet?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I asked her if I could explain it to her later at home, because the floor was killing my back," Harry smiled.

"Oh, all right, as long as you explain. I'll go get a hold of Hermione's parents to come pick you up, seeing as neither of you can walk quite yet," Kenneth said, exiting the room.

Hermione stood and made her way to Harry's side, once again tripping; only this time, she landed on top of Harry.

"Well, Hello, Mione," Harry grinned as Hermione lifted her head off of his chest.

"Sorry, I guess Kenneth was right," Hermione giggled.

Harry smiled and touched her cheek with his hand, then, cupping her chin, he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. After a few moments, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey, Hermione's parents are here. They're ready to take you guys home," Kenneth said, wheeling in two wheelchairs for them.

"Great, finally, we can go home and rest," Harry said, as one of Kenneth's assistants helped him into the chair, before following Kenneth out the door.

Once they were settled in the Granger's car, they said their goodbyes and headed for home.


"Oh, it feels so good to be home," Harry said after the Granger's had left.

"Yeah, though it feels as though I never left," Hermione giggled.

Harry pulled her close to him and hugged her. Then, leaning back, he spoke.

"Hermione, you remember the day you took Darren to lunch, correct?"

"Yes," she said, leaning her head against his chest.

"We believe that Darren slipped a potion into your drink, either when you weren't there or not looking…"

"Huh, I went to the ladies room, do you think he did it then?"

"He very well could have. Well, that day, you came home and rushed to the bathroom. When I started asking you questions, you complained about not being able to remember what I had said, so I flooed us to St. Mungo's and that's when Kenneth helped us the first time. He did tests on you and when he looked at the results, he said that you had been poisoned with a memory charm. So, I asked how long you had, and he replied a month."

"A memory charm? You mean I was losing my memory?"

"Yes, Kenneth mentioned a cure for it but there were only two options…"

"What were they?"

"Well the first one was to ask the person who did it for a cure…"

"Are you serious? That had to have been out of the question…" Hermione said, looking up at him.

"Yeah, so he told me the only thing left to do was find five ingredients. But the trick was that they were located in five different locations," Harry said, shifting slightly.

"Five different locations? That must have been hard," Hermione said in awe.

"Well, I would have gotten them sooner if it wasn't for the side trips I ended up making, which one wasn't my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the first item I found was easy and, by the way, Neville's wife says hello," Harry laughed.

"You ran into them?"

"Well, her at least, she helped me in the store, didn't know it was her though, seeing as though I had never met her before."

"That's ironic, don't you think," Hermione giggled, shifting so that she could lay her head in his lap.

"I guess, but when I had arrived at the second location…I was knocked out with a crowbar to the head…" Harry said.

"Oh, Harry! That's awful, what happened next?" Hermione gasped.

"I woke up in room I had never seen before and then Darren entered. Later Malfoy entered with Darren and explained that he was the one killing all of the mudbloods and that the potion Darren had given you had also contained a poison, which kills the user in a months time, unless they find the cure to stop it…"

"He tried to poison me? That sounds pretty dang low for Malfoy, seeing as though he could have easy killed me with the killing curse…" Hermione muttered.

"Yeah, that would be the easier way to get rid of someone. But why, then, did he drag your death out? That I have yet to understand…" Harry said, moving a piece of hair off her face.

"I don't know, but then what happened?" she asked, rather excitedly.

"You're rather enjoying this," Harry teased.

"No, I'm just really curious, that's all," Hermione giggled, punching Harry in the arm.

"Ouch…" Harry laughed, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh, you big baby, continue!"

"Fine, Mrs. Impatient," Harry smiled then became serious as he continued the story, "Well, after they had left the room, a woman in a cloak appeared and untied me. When I asked who she was, she wouldn't tell me. So, I fought hard not to ask her any questions. Once we had gotten away, I found the next item; which she helped me with. I gathered the right amount and we were off to the next location."

"So, you're saying a woman appeared and helped you escape from Malfoy and Darren?"

"Yes, though, at the time I did not know who she was, but the whole time, I thought I knew her somehow…"

"Did you ever find out?"

"Yes, but I'm not there yet! You're the one who asked me to tell you everything, remember?" Harry said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, go on," Hermione muttered under her breath.

"Good, now, where was I? Oh, yeah, after we had reached the fourth location, which was in New York, we were headed towards the library to look up what herb we needed and I was pulled backwards out of the way of an oncoming car. When I looked back up, I noticed that the woman driving was saying she had no brakes. People screamed and ran off the streets for cover. But the next sound made my stomach churn…"

"What, Harry, what was it?" Hermione said, sitting up; her eyes as wide as quarters.

"I heard a woman scream off to my right; someone was apparently still in the street. When I looked, I noticed a small child standing in the center of the road. The girl was so scared that she couldn't move. Without much thought, I dove into the street, pushing the child out of the way just as the car collided with my side. I was sent into the car and hit the roof several more times before landing on the ground behind it," Harry said, waiting for Hermione to reply.

"What! You dived out into the path of an oncoming car!" Hermione shrieked.

"Ye-" Harry tired to say.

Hermione throw her arms around Harry's chest and squeezed him to her tightly. Harry then heard a soft sniffling sound from her and rubbed circles upon her back.

"You did that? You put your self in danger, just to say a little girl you didn't even know? One of these days, Mr. Potter, your heroism is going to cost you your life. I was surprised that you had lived long enough to marry me," Hermione giggled, wiping the tears from her eyes and looking up at Harry.

"Hermione, I'm alive aren't I? They got me to a hospital, but it was a muggle one. After I woke up, something shocked me…"

"Huh? What was it?"

"The woman under the cloak was who I had suspected…"

"Who was it Harry?"

Harry shifted his eyes to the floor and replied, "You."

Hermione gasped and her hand went to her mouth, "Me? Are you positive?"

"Yes, Hermione, I know you better than anyone else. When I said your name, you looked up at me with worried eyes. You said that I wasn't to ask any more questions, seeing you was enough. Kind of like our third year at Hogwarts, when I saw myself, only you knew that…"

Hermione remained silent, so Harry continued.

"From there, since my wounds were not yet healed, you took me to St. Mungo's, where you left me. You said no one could see you, so you disappeared. I was treated and sent home. After that we headed out for the final items and when we had finally gotten the last item, Darren attacked us. Shortly after, Malfoy appeared. When I had gotten Malfoy to the point of death, I was going to end it, but something stopped me," Harry finished.

"What stopped you?" she asked.

"That is something you will find out, that's all I'm going to say. Thank you for your help and that one day you will see it all for yourself," Harry said, moving to stand up, but Hermione's hand grabbed his wrist; stopping him.

"Harry, did I tell you when I would come to help?"

"You mentioned that it was three months from now and that you will know when it is time," Harry replied, still facing away from Hermione.

Hermione frowned and studied Harry's face. She let a tear roll down her cheek before letting out a soft sob. Harry quickly turned and noticed that she was looking at the floor, crying. He turned around pulled her to him, cradling her in his arms.

"It's all my fault! If only I hadn't gone to—"

Harry stopped her by pressing his lips to hers. Hermione's eyes widened then softened as she relaxed into the kiss. Harry hugged her tight before letting her go. He rested his head against hers and looked into her eyes.

"Hermione, don't ever say that it was your fault. It could have happened at any point in time," Harry paused for a moment, thinking of what would have happened to her three to four months from now. Shaking his head, he continued, "Lets get something to eat and discuss the rest later. Does that sound all right?"

Hermione nodded and followed Harry into the kitchen. Harry told her to take a seat while he stumbled around the kitchen trying to prepare sandwiches for them.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

"I'll get that!" Hermione called as she saw Harry make a move for it.

Hermione pushed her chair back against the wall and reached to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hi, is Hermione there?" the voice on the phone asked.

"This is, can I help you?"

"Hermione, it's Kenneth."

"Kenneth, Hi!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry paused what he had been doing and turned around to listen. As Harry watched her, he saw her eyes widen. Then he watched her move a hand to her stomach.

"Are you sure?" she asked into the phone.

"I'm positive, Hermione. Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Kenneth; I really don't know what to say…" Hermione replied, as Harry approached her side.

"Just tell Harry, I'm sure he'll be glad to hear this too. I'll see you next week, rest well and take care. Bye!"

"Bye!" Hermione called back, before hanging up the phone.

Hermione looked down at her stomach and was startled when Harry spoke.

"What did Kenneth have to say?"

Hermione stood and hugged Harry tightly; then looking up, she smiled, "I'm Pregnant."

Harry's eyes widened and a grin spread across his face, "Were going to have a family of our own?" he whispered, as a tear of joy slid down his face.

Hermione nodded and let out a squeak as Harry lifted her off the ground. He twirled her around before setting her back onto the floor. He leaned forward and kissed her. Hermione smiled into the kiss before pulling back.

"Now you'll get the family you've always wanted," she said, leading them back into the living room; both forgetting about the food on the counter.

Harry sat and pulled Hermione down on top of him, "I love you."

Hermione nuzzled her nose with his, "I love you too."

Harry smiled and looked up at her, "As someone wise once told me…No one can stop tragedies from happening, or deaths from occurring. Memories of these emotions as well as the hope, are looked upon with open hearts. But the love captured during these moments will always be remembered. To some people, through tragedy, comes hope, and through that hope comes love…"


This was the final chapter to Lost Memories. I really hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sorry for the wait, but here it is. Thanks for being patient with me. I would encourage you, if you liked this story, to look at my other pieces. Some are complete, while the others are in-progress. Thanks again for reading this story. A big thanks goes out to my editor, Amber Komaski, my firend, who read and corrected each and every chapter, thank you, Amber! Reviews would be much appreciated. Thank you all for making this happen! - Amara Mizuki.