Hello there everyone! I appreciate all the kind comments for the last chapter. Thanks for sticking with me! I promise if you stay with me, you won't be disappointed. I will finish it. It's just a lot harder to have the time to do this. I have no plans to give up. It's all planned out in my head here, I just gotta type it up of course ^_^

Disclaimer- I do not own anything but Raene…blah blah blah…

"I still have so many questions," Sora said as we came through the portal.

We all stopped. I was about to say something to him but Riku spoke first. "Sora, I know it's hard to have heard all of that at once back there. Raene still has more to tell too," he said looking at me. Sora looked over at me. "But it'll have to wait," he said with a change in his tone.

We turned to look at him. He was looking up at the heart-shaped moon. A large beam of light was striking it from somewhere further up the castle. "What is it?" Kairi asked.

"It's gotta be King Mickey and DiZ…I mean Ansem the Wise," Riku said.

"My King?" I said excitedly.

Riku nodded. "It's funny. You hated him for a whole year when Naminé was working with us," he said.

"I didn't understand what side I was on. You and DiZ were planning to get rid of Roxas. You have to understand."

He nodded. "We should head higher up."

We took two steps when suddenly a portal popped up between Sora, who was in front, and the rest of us. Luxord appeared from the darkness smirking. He snapped his fingers, and a circle of his life size cards surrounded all of us, minus Sora. They began to spin quickly around in a circle, blocking our view.

In what seemed like the span of a few seconds the cards disappeared. Sora was supporting himself against his Keyblade and was breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" asked Kairi, running up to him. He nodded.

Riku looked at me with a questioning look? I nodded. Luxord was gone, not that I much cared for him anyway. "We can't get up any higher this way. Let's head back and find another way," Riku said turning around and heading back through the portal to the graveyard room. Once inside, he led us to the portal above Saïx's grave. "One of these doors has to lead somewhere."

Inside was a room several stories tall. The far wall was one whole window facing the large heart-shaped moon. Its light lit up the entire room. Saïx stood at the base of the window with his back to us. Upon hearing our entrance, he turned to face us. He smirked and said, "It's not a surprise that the Keybearer is the only one to come this far, Roxas."

"I'm sick of everyone calling me Roxas!" Sora shouted jumping forward.

Donald and Goofy dove in front of him and raised their arms as if forming a protective wall. In unison they shouted, "Yeah! His name is Sora!"

Saïx's smirk disappeared and was replaced by a scowl. "Different name, same fate," he said summoning his large claymore. I saw Kairi hold out her arm attempting to summon her newly acquired Keyblade. I jumped forward to fight, but just then Saïx swung his weapon in a large arc in front of his body. A powerful gust of wind flew forward from him and came stampeding toward us. I was prepared to hold my strength against it, but as it hit us Riku jumped in front of Kairi and I, wrapping his arm around us. The wind was so strong that we were forced backward several feet. Sora, Donald, and Goofy had somehow managed to stand their ground up ahead.

Saïx's body contorted slightly as if something had suddenly possessed him. Then, just as quickly, he was still, standing poised with his weapon in hand and his head bent forward with his chin on his chest. His hair seemed to stand up even more than usual. As he lifted his head to look at us, I noticed his eyes were burning like fire and the smirk he had recently been sporting was now replaced with a snarl. His teeth were bared as if he were some rabid animal.

"No!" I shouted running forward to Sora.

Riku grabbed my arm as I tried to pass him. "They can handle this," he said.

"No. You don't understand. Saïx gathers power from the moon. Look at him!" I pointed a finger at the Nobody who was panting, his chest heaving. He looked like some beast preparing to pounce on his trapped prey. Riku's eyes followed my finger and then, fully of worry, looked back at me. "You see him, don't you? No one wins when he's Berserk like that!" He looked back at the soon-to-begin fight. Sora and the others were watching Saïx carefully as he moved a few feet to either side, as if calculating the amount of damage that would result from his attack.

"You're right. Let's go," Riku said. Summoning his Keyblade, he ran toward Sora. The next second he was lying on his back rubbing his forehead with his palm.

"Riku!" Kairi said dropping her own weapon she had managed to summon. She fell to her knees next to the now sitting Riku. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I already knew what had happened. Like so many times before, a shield had encircled the battle I was not to have any participation in. The three of us stood at the invisible wall and watched. There was nothing else we could to.

Saïx attacked first. He moved in circular movements around the room so that by the time his opponents knew it, they were already trapped. Once he was in striking distance he would swipe rapidly with his massive, spiked weapon. Every few minutes, his advanced power would wear off, and he would have to rely on his natural abilities. However, the more and more Sora and the others got a hit on him, Saïx's anger would rise even more. After a certain point, his anger was so high that he could call upon the moon's power again.

We helplessly watched at the fight raged on. After three or four times of Saïx regaining his Berserk abilities, Sora and the others were barely able to stand up. Donald, after getting hit over the head, collapsed unconscious. Kairi and I both winced. Sora and Goofy were both too occupied, either fighting Saïx or one of the dozen Berserk Nobodies that he had summoned, to help him.

After several minutes four lesser Nobodies jumped on top of Goofy, creating some sort of dog pile. When they all clumsily stood up, Goofy too was unconscious. At that exact second, Saïx, who was fighting Sora, regained his animal like appearance and began circling him at speeds far too fast for Sora to follow. The attacks happened quickly now. Sora wouldn't last much longer without back up.

"That's it!" I shouted. My outburst caught Riku and Kairi off guard, because they both jumped suddenly. "I'm not going to sit by and just watch them die!" I passed between them. I reached the see-through wall and held out my hands to summon both Keyblades. The air near my hands visibly shifted and the image of my two weapons appeared. But they were see-through. They disappeared, and I staggered.

"Are you alright?" my sister said grabbing my upper arm with both her hands. I nodded and tried again to summon them.

The same thing happened twice more. "I'm just too weak," I said. I took two deep breaths and looked up at Sora who was struggling to keep up against Saïx. As I tried once more to summon a Keyblade, Riku grabbed my hand in his and helped steady me.

"It's okay. I got ya," he said. The formation solidified until the black Keyblade appeared firmly in my hand. Riku kept a hold on my hand for a few moments to make sure I could handle it. When he finally released it, I thrust the blade into the wall. I grasped the handle with both hands and twisted it into the barrier, deeper and deeper.

It wasn't giving in. I could feel Kairi and Riku's eyes upon my back as I fruitlessly attempted to help my friends on the other side. I knew that Riku wouldn't try to stop me or offer help; he knew this was something I had to do. I couldn't just sit there. I had to try the impossible. I kept pressing all my weight against the Keyblade, but nothing broke through. Drops of sweat appeared on my forehead, and my knees began to give out.

"Raene," Kairi whispered behind me. Even though her voice was quiet, it rang out louder than all the sounds of the battle in front of us. I did not respond to her pleading whisper. When she repeated my name with more urgency, I glanced over my shoulder at her. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear. She was looking at my body. I looked down and found that I could see the tiled floor through my slightly transparent legs. I was fading again.

I looked at Riku who was watching as my body flickered between opaqueness and transparency. My eyes questioned him. "Raene," he spoke quietly, "You're not done." I knew what he meant. He wanted me to stop struggling, for I'd disappear if I tried much longer.

I bit my lip, not loosening my grip on the Keyblade. I stole a quick glance back at Sora and the others. Saïx swung his weapon and hit the brunette squarely in the chest, sending him back several feet. I looked back at Riku. Kairi stood by his side now, her face full of worry. "I—I can't just let…." I began.

"I know," Riku interrupted. "But these two need to know everything. If you continue like this, they'll never know." Kairi looked at him trying to understand what he was alluding to. "You'll disappear and they'll never know the truth."

"You could tell them, Riku," I said firmly turning my attention back to pushing through the shield.

"Raene!" Riku said forcefully. I struggled against both his stern tone and the jelly-like feeling that was taking over my lower body. Just as I was about to give up, the shield suddenly gave way. My Keyblade fell from my hand, hit the ground, bounced once, then disappeared. The strength slowly started crawling back up my legs. I straightened up and looked ahead where the battle had suddenly stopped.

Sora was standing in front of his still recovering friends while Saïx stood hunched over in front of the gargantuan window. With one hand he held his claymore, which now seemed too heavy for him to hold, and with the other he grasped his forehead in pain. After several seconds of tense silence, he straightened his pose, lowered his hand from his face, and dropped his weapon, which vanished as it hit the floor. He turned his back on us and looked up at the large moon floating above the castle's tallest tower.

He limped closer and closer to the glass of the window and then lowered himself onto his knees where he began to take huge, heaving breathes. He snickered quietly, and I tensed up. "Raene," he spoke. His voice, like Kairi's, had been nothing more than a whisper, yet it still carried across the vast room to me and sounded as loud and clear as if he was standing right beside me. He snickered again. "It's extraordinary that you two—the youngest—were able to last this long."

"You just couldn't accept the truth," I said. I was astonished that my voice came out as loud as it did. I had been certain that I was too weak and frightened to sound at all brave and strong.

"And what truth is that?" He asked.

"That our hearts are, and always were, stronger than yours could ever have been."

He snickered for the last time. "Hearts? You still think that you have one? That any of us have one?" He looked back at me for the last time. "You lost yours nine years ago. You have no heart! I'm only ashamed that we couldn't raise you to understand that fact."

"No, you're just ashamed that you couldn't reach your goal to regain one," I replied. He looked away. "You weren't good enough to have such an honor."

He was silent then for several moments. In that quiet span of time, Kairi, Riku, and I managed to scoot forward to stand beside Sora and the others, watching the Nobody as he pondered his fate. We heard a sigh and waited for him to speak. When he did so, it was not directed at us. He reached, with the last bit of strength, a hand up toward the heart-shaped moon and whispered, "Why? Kingdom Hearts, where is my heart?" And then, as I had witnessed far too many times for one life, black specks began to fly off his body and float upward. This continued until he was just a fleeting cloud of black nothingness. And then Saïx was no more.

Sora turned to Riku and I then. He was wearing a frown on his usually perky face. He looked the two of us in the eye and then asked, "Why does everyone keep calling me Roxas?"

Riku looked at me. He corner of his lip curved into a smirk. I nodded slightly, ashamed that I couldn't do this myself. "Because, Sora," he said, "Roxas is your Nobody."

"What?" His eyes opened wide. Kairi did not appear to be shocked by this news. "How is that possible? When did I ever turn into a Heartless?" By the time he finished the question, however, he looked as if he already knew the answer.

"When you came to rescue me, remember?" Kairi said smiling.

Riku spoke. "Xemnas brought Roxas into the Organization because he, like you, could wield the Keyblade. Roxas found out about you and betrayed them. He left them to find the truth. I fought him, hoping I'd win and be able to help you wake up. But I lost." He looked ashamed. "I had to call upon the darkness inside me to help me win the second time I fought him. That's how I came to look like this."

"He really wanted to meet you, Sora," I said. "He wanted to know the truth. But Xemnas wouldn't allow him to; it would ruin everything he had been planning."

"I want to meet him too. I guess you do as well, huh?" He said looking at me. Riku stepped forward and pointed a gloved finger at Sora's chest. "He's in here?" he asked.

"Yes. He's your Nobody, Sora." I answered. "When you woke up in Twilight Town, he had to go somewhere. It was the darkness to which he traveled. A part of him still resides in your heart, though. When the time comes, he'll fully join with you. And then all of him will be there."

"It's the same with Naminé," Riku added. Everyone looked at him. "Kairi, when you accepted the darkness into your heart to change Sora back, a Nobody was created too. She was different, because she was never supposed to exist…you being a Princess of Heart and all."

"I met her. You and her helped me escape," Kairi said, looking at me.

"She was working together with DiZ and Riku to help you wake up, Sora," I said. She wanted to fix everything that she had done in Castle Oblivion. Riku wanted his best friend back. And DiZ wanted to destroy the Organization. The original six members were his students a long time ago and they turned on him. He's been seeking revenge this whole time. He needed you to awaken so you could finish the job. I was angry at what the three of them were doing. They had taken Roxas away from Axel and me, and I felt betrayed by Naminé since she was my best friend too. It took a lot of reasoning for me to understand. I was stubborn and sometimes I still get angry thinking about it. More than anything I just want my friends back, the four of us. But Naminé, like Roxas, is soon to join with her other—you Kairi. But I guess you already figured that out somehow?"

"I felt something," she answered simply.

I nodded and then said, "We better get going. We have to get you to Xemnas, Sora. You have to fight him. You have to put everything right. And you too need to be whole."

"Why do you keep disappearing, Raene?" Kairi asked. "You and Naminé both kept doing it earlier. What's happening to you?"

I turned and began to say that it could wait, but Riku spoke instead.

"You need to tell her, Raene." I turned slowly and faced my twin. I knew everything, and she knew so little.

"Tell me what?" Kairi asked. She was looking at me, wanting me to answer, but I could not do it. I was too weak.

"Kairi, Raene is your sister."

There you go guys. I know, I know, It's been forever. But I'm getting it done slowly but surely. Here's chapter 37. We're so closed to being done. And I'm so happy to have you all to stick with me. Enjoy, and I'll be out with 38 as soon as I can =)