Well, here's my new RENTfic. It's not quite the usual, so I hope you like it. It's short, but I want to know what you think of it, so please message! I like feedback, and I'd really like to know if I should continue this story. Sorry it's short. Hope you like it!
Eight friends exited the movie theatre on a warm December night. They'd just seen the new movie RENT, based off the Broadway play. Needless to say, each kid had been moved by it.
"I want to be just like Maureen when I grow up," said Sabrina, twisting her long, blonde hair around her finger, "She was awesome!"
"I don't think so!" Teddy protested, "Angel was amazing! Wilson Jermaine Heredia is my new idol!"
"Yeah," Jeff said teasingly, "He would be."
"Now just because I'm not one hundred percent sure of my sexuality…" Teddy began.
"Doesn't mean we can make fun of you." The seven others finished, laughing.
"It's all in good fun," Jeff apologized, "You know we don't care about that. We care about the little Teddy inside."
"Well I thought Roger was the best," Keith said, "He did nothing all day except sit around and play his guitar. That's the life for me!"
"Yes, but he also had AIDS and was a druggie and was all screwed up," Paris added, being the most levelheaded of the group, "I thought Joanne was the best. A lawyer, that's my dream. Has been since I was little."
Keith grew silent and Brad piped up, "I liked Benny. He took nothing from nobody! And he was rich."
"Yeah, well, I liked Mimi. She was born to be bad, just like me!" Daphne said, "Hey Nadine, who was your favorite character?"
"I liked Mark," Nadine said quietly, quickly returning to her thoughts.
As her friends continued chatting about the movie, an idea started to grow in Nadine's head. It would be hard, but with her friends, anything was possible.
"Hey guys," she said, "I think I have an idea. Why don't we put on our own performance of RENT and then donate the money to victims of AIDS?"
"You're crazy."
"It's impossible."
"We could never pull it off."
"It would never work."
"What are you thinking?"
"Get real."
"It's brilliant."
"What?" Nadine asked, looking up from the ground. At least one of her friends agreed with her.
"It's brilliant," Teddy repeated, "We have all eight people for the main characters, and we're all good actors and actresses. I don't see why we couldn't do it."
"But it's impossible!" Paris insisted.
"Impossible?" Teddy asked, raising his eyebrows, "Come now, nothing's impossible! If we all work together we can do it! Who's with me?"
"I am!" Nadine shouted.
An awkward silence followed.
"Well," Sabrina said unsurely, "If I want to be like Maureen, this is as good a place to start as any. I'm in!"
The rest of the group quickly followed.
They walked a while longer before going their separate ways to their houses, excited about being able to make a difference in the world. Little did they know many hardships waited, threatening to ruin their great idea.