Written for Tiptoe39 by request, Challenge: Cherry Blossoms

Disclaimer: I don't own HYD, wonderful Kamio-sensei does.

Cherry Blossoms
A Hana Yori Dango Drabble
By Maho-chan

"This is stupid."

Tsukasa muttered as cherry blossoms showered down from above, landing on his clothes and in his unruly hair. It had been his idea in the first place, wanting to see the "poor man's" Hanami, but after the third deluge of petals he was ready to go home.

Impatiently brushing the petals off and trying not to think about how they were the color of her soft lips, Tsukasa growled out her name.


"What?" Tsukushi answered back, feeling irritated.

Annoyed at his tone, she dropped the picnic basket and turned to look at him. But any exasperation she felt was lost at the comical sight of Tsukasa covered with cherry blossom petals and trying without success to brush them off.

The wind picked up and he practically snarled, then doubled over to run his fingers through his hair to shake and pull the petals off.

Stifling a laugh, Tsukushi moved to stand before him. She regarded Tsukasa for a moment then pushed his hands away, using her own fingers to pick the petals off.

Tsukasa looked up at her, meeting her eyes. Seconds later, there was a rush of movement and she found herself being held off the ground in his arms, her feet dangling, her eyes level with his.

Mesmerized by the intensity of his gaze, she was startled when his lips were suddenly upon hers, kissing her incessantly.

In between kisses, Tsukasa whispered,


then moaned in annoyance when she pulled way and whispered back

"This was your idea remember?"

His final reply was to cover her lips with his.