I don't own any of the Harry Potter Charters. J.K does and only she does.

Hermione finds out she is adopted and has to go live with her aunt and uncle. But she will never guess who her aunt and uncle are.



10 years later

End of Recap

Tristian walks into the cemetery and over to his mom grave. He could get to it with his eyes closed. He had been here so many times to talk to her. He finally gets there and lays down next to the grave and says, "Hi Mom."

The wind picks up and you hear, "Hi Tristian. How have you been baby."

He smiles and says, "I have been okay. It lonely without you."

"That's good. I am sorry it is lonely without me. Do you want me to try and find a way to come back?"

"Could you mom? I miss you and I really don't wanna be King yet. I am just not ready."

"I will try but I can't promise you anything love."

"Okay Mom. Well I have to go Blaise and I are going to go out to eat"

"Okay Honey. Be careful and I love you."

"I love you too mom."

"Hun can you do me a favor?"

"Anything mom."

"Don't tell Blaise about how I might be coming back because I don't know if it is possible and tell him that I love him."

"Okay Mom. See you tomorrow."

"Talk to you tomorrow."

The ghost of Hermione watched him walk away. She hated not being able to be with him. He was her life when she was alive and even now when she is dead. She waits and counts down the time to when he will come talk to her again. She just hoped she didn't raise his hope of her coming back when it might not even be happening. The ghost of Hermione disappears with a single tear running down her face.


Tristian walks back to Hermione's grave to see his mom waiting for him. His mom as in flesh and blood. He runs over to her and pick her up in a tight hug. She hugs him back crying. He lets her go and says, "Are you okay mom? Did I hurt you?"

"I am fine. You didn't hurt me. I just never expected to be able to hug you ever again."

"Same. I missed you hugs."

Hermione whips her tears away and says, "I missed your hugs too. So how about we go tell everyone?"

He nods and they start walking back to the car when he ask, "How long do you have mom?"

"I have a month."

"A month?"

"I am sorry it all that I can do for now. I am not use to this plane. If I stay longer I could blink out of existence."

"I understand mom. I just wish I had more time."

Hermione laughs and says, "Just cause I only stay for a month doesn't mean I won't come stay for another month as soon as I can."

Tristian laughs and puts his arm around her shoulder. Loving the feeling of having his mom around again.

They get into the car and head over to Blaise's house. Hermione sits in the car for a couple minutes before getting out and walking up to the castle with Tristian. The guards bow their head and the one by the door says, "Prince Tristian and Queen Hermione have arrived."

All of a sudden everything gets silent and you see Blaise come running down the steps. He stops right in front of Hermione and says, "Are you real?"

"Yes I am real. But I can only be here for a month at a time."

He nods and hug her to himself tightly. He couldn't believe she was back even if it was only for a month.

Month Later

Tristian, Hermione and Blaise all walk into the cemetery and over to her grave. She looks at them both and hugs them crying. They hug her back and kiss her cheek. She smiles and slowly starts going back to her ghost form. They smile sadly back before saying, "Bye and They love her."

Hermione stands there staring after them with a single tear going down her face. She missed them to so much. Even though she got to spend a month with them it wasn't enough. She wanted to be able to spend as much time with them as she wanted. Not being able to only have a month at a time before she had to go back. Hermione sighs and whips away the tear and disappears into the wind. Nothing shows that she was there besides the diamonds in the shape of tears on the ground where she had been.

A/N I know I said that the one chapter was the end. But someone who had been reading the story for a while didn't like the ending so I thought I would change it a little. I hope she like this was better. I might even make a one shot sequel to this story.