A Kind Of Magic

Querl Dox had thought it was nothing more than a jest on Dream Girl's part.

Originally. But recent events had given him cause to reconsider his views.

After all, when one was, quite arguably, the smartest person on the planet Earth, if not the entire (known) universe, and one believed in the scientific method, then magic was…well…anathema to their very way of life. The idea that someone could see into their own future without having to use a time-travel device…


And yet…

So too had he thought of the idea of two so diametrically opposed people falling in love. And he had been wrong about that, as well.

Querl Dox stared down at the black velvet ring box in his hand, the Coluan fire diamond ensconced within sparkling in the light of his lab.

"You'll feel different when we're married."

Nura was undoubtedly right about that. He already loved her, and he hadn't even asked her yet, let alone said, 'I do.'

Though he was still of the opinion that magic was just a form of science he had hitherto not discovered the workings of. And he wouldn't be changing his stance on that anytime soon.

Unless Nura worked her magic on that, too.