Hey there again. Yes, this is another story, although, like my others, it probably won't be continuec. However, if you think it's interesting enough and want me to continue writing it, or my other stories, please review, because I appreciate any advice I can get. Anyways, here's the story.

Chapter 1

Lily Evans-Potter looked down at her two little boys lovingly. Harry, the older of the two, was sitting on the edge of the bed staring in fascination at his smaller brother'stiny red-faced brother. Curiously, he reached out to touch the tiny thing in his mother's arms. To his surprise, it moved, making him fall backwards onto the bed with a thump, causing him to cry out in surprise.

"Come here, honey" Lily said laughingly as she wrapped her other arm around her one year old son. "This is your new baby brother, Silas Evan Potter. I want you to take good care of him, ok?You're a bigbrother now, which means that you have to keep him out of trouble." Lilysaid softly and ruffled the little boy's wild black hair.

Suddenly the door of the hospital room burst open and Lily's exuberant husband, James Potter, came bounding in. He swept over to the bed, put an arm around Lily's shoulder and planted a kiss on her head.

"Where are my little boys?" he asked, tickling Harry's stomach, making him squeal in delight. James then turned his attention to his newest son. Smiling, he stared lovingly at the small face. Lily touched his shoulder to get his attention.

"James, would you like to hold him?"

James looked startled, but agreed. Soon he was cooing to the sleeping face of his newest son. Suddenly, he looked up at his wife.

"Our kids are going to be great wizards some day, Lily, and the only way to make sure of that is that we give them lots of love and care. We can't let either of them feel unloved, because we will be the best parents ever."

Lily couldn't help but smile at her husband's loud declaration. "Of course we shall." She said with a delighted laugh at James' antics. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" She asked, frowning slightly. James shrugged and wandered over to the door and opened it, going out into the hallway.

"Hey there, Prongs old pal, how's Lily and your two little bundles of joy? I wanna see the new one you've been boasting about." Lily grinned as she recognized Sirius' voice coming from the hallway.

"Padfoot, you're making a scene, hurry up and get in the room." This time it was the voice of Remus.

James grinned at his two best friends. "Well, then come on in, Lily's been waiting for you guys to show up for ages." Laughing, the three of them entered the room and gathered around Lily and the boys. James looked around, noticed that Peter wasn't there, and frowned. "Hey, wait a second, where's Peter?" He asked, wondering where their secret keeper had gotten to.

Sirius shrugged. "He said that something came up and that he couldn't come to see the kids 'till next week."

James thought this over for a second. "I guess that's alright. We'll just have to have the welcome party later."

Remus sat down on the side of the bed, and decided that Harry needed some tickling. Giggling, the little toddler tried to swat his favorite uncle's hand away, with no success. Laughing, Remus ruffled Harry's hair.

"Cut it out you two, you'll wake Silas" Lily scolded. A second later, the both Remus and Harry were as calm as if it had never happened. Lily laughed quietly at their antics.

"Moony, you're supposed to be the mature one that keeps my kids from becoming little terrors because of our influence, and here you are setting that kind of example?" James asked, pretending to be appalled. "Out with you. Out," He said, trying to push Remus out the door. Unfortunately, James accidentally looked into Harry's big brown eyes, and couldn't resist the pathetic cuteness that only babies possess, and relented. Both Remus and James fell to the floor laughing, and Sirius, who was laughing the whole time, just laughed harder.

Suddenly, baby Silas gurgled in his sleep and moved slightly, causing everyone to go quiet for a second to look at the newest Potter. Harry just blinked and leaned closer to get a better look at his little brother. "Sma'" he mumbled, looking intently at the sleeping baby.

"What's that, Harry dear?" Lily asked, surprised.

"Sma'" Harry repeated, more confidently this time. Lily stared at Harry, torn between being proud or surprised. James apparently had no such problem, for he immediately picked Harry up and swung him around delightedly.

"That's his first word," Lily mumbled, still half in shock at what her little boy had just said, "His first word ever."

Sirius grinned at Remus who was watching the happy scene quietly. "You know what this means?" Remus blinked.

"No. What does it mean?"

"It means, dear moony, that we get to have a party anyways!" Sirius exclaimed, bouncing up and down happily. Remus just smiled, watching the family interact happily. Unfortunately, there would be very few of these happy moments in the near future.

At that very moment, somewhere, in another part of the country, a little rat was betraying its closest friends.


"Lily, he's here! Take the kids and go" James yelled to Lily as the front door was blasted away.

"No, James, I won't leave you!" She returned defiantly

"Go Lily, I'll hold him off. I promise you, I'll come back! Just go, dammit!" Lily hesitated for only a second longer, but seeing the determination in her husband's eyes, she nodded and ran up the stairs, not even turning back when she heard a scream and then a cold, cackling laughter. She heard a few spells being exchanged, and then a body falling to the ground with a thud.

Frantically, she ran into the nursery, hoping beyond hope that she and her babies could escape. She had just finished packing up the bags when the door swung open, revealing Voldemort, the dark lord himself. He raised his wand and pointed it at Harry's forehead. Terrified for her child's life, Lily flung herself in front of her baby. Voldemort glared at her for her defiance.

"Move aside you silly girl, and I may spare your life." He said coldly.

"No. Not Harry. Take me instead. Please, I beg you. Kill me instead." She knew it was pointless to plead with Voldemort, but she had to try. She would give anything so that her babies could live.

Voldemort laughed coldly. "It would appear that you have made your choice. Avada Kedavra." He smiled cruelly as a jet of green light emerged from the wand, and hit the ceiling, making it collapse upon the unsuspecting woman, knocking her unconscious.

"If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you without offering you your life." He informed the unconscious mother, before turning his attention to the one year old boy in front of him. In the cot next to Harry lay Silas. Smirking, the self-proclaimed dark lord raised his wand once more and cast the killing curse on the young boy, sending a blast of green light at the small brown eyed child.

The beam hit the child, and deflected somehow, causing it to rebound onto its caster, banishing him from his body. Unfortunately, the magical backlash caused the roof and most of the house to collapse, one piece falling onto Silas, causing a large jagged scar to run across his forehead, but other than that, he was unharmed. Harry on the other hand, was blown across the room and into a wall, knocking him unconscious.

The dark lord, though, had been prepared in case an incident such as this was to happen. He had created a collar that allowed him to control a werewolf, and he had given it strict orders that if he were to fail in his attempt, he was to bite the child the spell was aimed at.

Slowly, the large wolf wandered into the room, sniffing around curiously. Soon his gaze rested upon the child that lay on the floor. On the child's forearm was what looked like a small tattoo, shaped like a running wolf. Somehow the werewolf new that this was the child, and he slowly moved forward and wrapped its jaws around the small boy's arm. Carefully, it bit down, puncturing just around the mark. Once it removed its jaws, it lay down beside the newly turned werewolf.

Suddenly, there was a sound of approaching footsteps, waking the werewolf. In a panic, it jumped out the window and ran as fast as it could to the nearest forest, on the side of town. A lone figure ran into the room. Seeing the prone form of Lily on the ground, he ran to her side and crouched down.

"Lily, Lily, answer me." When she didn't respond, he checked her pulse. Sighing with relief, he stood up and went to the door. "I found Lily. She's alive, but she's unconscious and I suspect she may have a concussion," he called to his companions. "Good job, Black, now see if the children are ok."

"Yes Sir." Sirius answered and went back into the room. He saw Silas lying in his cot, sleeping fitfully, and then he frowned, unable to see Harry. It took him a little while to locate Harry, but when he did, he was relieved. He picked up his best friend's oldest child and placed him in the cot next to Silas.

"Sirius, are the children alright?" Sirius whirled around and sighed in relief when he saw that it was just Dumbledore.

"Yes, but Silas has a large gash on his forehead."

Dumbledore nodded and went over to inspect the wound himself. He also noticed the robes of lord Voldemort lying in the wreckage. He frowned and turned his attention to the small baby in front of him. "It is as I suspected. Voldemort tried to kill Silas. But Silas' power was so great and so good, that it rebounded off him and rebounded to its owner, causing Voldemort's spirit to flee his body. I suspect that the magical backlash caused Harry to be thrown across the room." He picked up Silas and carried him downstairs. Sirius hastily picked up Harry and followed.

Once the medical team had rescued James and Lily from the wreckage and had taken them to saint Mungo's, Dumbledore turned around to face the aurors who were still milling around. "My friends, I now present you, Silas Potter. Saviour of the wizarding world!" This announcement was met by cheers, and while everyone was doting over Silas, nobody noticed the strange mark on Harry's forearm, or the perfect circle of puncture marks that surrounded it… all except for his favorite uncle, that is. Needless to say, the fate of the two young brothers was dramatically changed that day. In another universe, a tall, horse-faced, woman opened her front door and screamed.

...End Chappie ...

AN: Ok, I don't want to give too much of the plot line away, but I'm going to say this - Harry is going to be sorted into Gryffindor. I hope I get lot of advice from readers, and I assure you, this is not going to be like any of the other 'Harry's brother is thought to be the BWL' stories. I'm hoping to make this very unique, but if you see anything that looks like something from one of those other stories, please tell me so I can go change it. anyways, I'm hoping that you'll all go over and look at my other stories, especially the one called 'Shrouded Eyes' which is a Naruto fanfic. Anyways, if I don't get enough reviews, then this will probably stay a one-shot.


-Crimson Dragongem