AN: Now please for those who are fans of Doctor Who do not flame me for handling your precious television cult but I do love the series. Understandably I doubt any fan fiction can ever do the Doctor justice but I really liked this cross over idea. If anyone else wishes t take up this crossover idea (if someone hasn't already done so) then please take it! I don't own anything, please read and review. My grammar and spelling has improved a little but it is still not perfect. So bare with me.


Doctor in the House

Synopsis: When the Doctor arrives unexpectedly at a tea party in Hogsmeade not only is the Doctor confused but so too are the witches and wizards who have been rudely interrupted….

'So where is it we're going,' Rose questioned as she watched the Doctor switch many different leavers around the Tardis' core.

'Don't know till we get there,' the Doctor replied bemused 'the Tardis isn't sure-'

'How can it not be sure,' Rose said worriedly 'don't you set the dates and-'

'It's a little more complicated than setting your mobile on January 1st to the correct date Rose,'

Rose sighed and looked wistfully around the Tardis looking desperately for something to do other than watch the Doctor swizzle more levers and buttons.

'Hang on,' Doctor muttered he began fiddling in his jacket pocket for his wallet 'aha,' he added flipping the wallet open.

'You want to know where we're going, well we're about to find out,' the Doctor explained.

Harry Potter sat at the bar in the Three Broomsticks slumped over a large pint of Rosmertas home brewed finest ale. On the bar next to him was a pile of essays he had to mark before the day was out. It had been a bad few months, Harry thought and he knew that if he didn't leave the pub soon he would never get back up to Hogwarts.

Harry had been in the three broomsticks nearly all afternoon and an assortment of witches and wizards had drifted in and out, including a group of rather important ministry wizards who had congregated around a large table and admired bewitched crockery. It had thoroughly annoyed Harry that every few seconds a tea pot would sing shrilly 'I'm a little tea pot short and spout…'

'Want another one Harry?' Rosmerta asked, cleaning out a glass roughly 'or are you done?'

'Well, I have a feeling no matter what I reply you still wont give me another one especially after last time-'

'Now Harry, that was for your own good, you remember what you get like when you've had fair few-'Rosmerta explained and Harry nodded in agreement before she had even finished the sentence.

'Well, if I don't get back soon I am sure that McGonagall will send a search team for me,' and Harry drank down his last swig of ale before gathering up his papers.

'Well g'night Rosmerta,' Harry said and wandered out of the three broomsticks quickly and back up to the castle.

'Welcome Mrs Puddifoot, yes please make yourself comfortable. Ar Mr Hatter please head of the table I insist. And Mrs Goshawk pleas sit next to me and my young friend, Ginny Weasley,'

They all sat at a long wooden table that was decorated superbly with plate upon plate of cakes and different types of cookies accompanied with butterbeer and pumpkin juice as well as large pots of tea and coffee at the centre of the table. Mr Slughorn took up his position quickly at one end of the table and beckoned them all to begin tucking into the meal generously. Mrs Goshawk was leaning over to take an iced bun when a most peculiar sound filled the room and at the centre of the table the air began to glow. The sound grew steadily louder and louder until a large blue police box appeared in the centre of the table, crushing the plate of cakes and smashing a large teapot.

As the police box came into full focus its doors opened and out stepped a petite blonde girl with the largest brown eyes and she gingerly stepped onto the stained table cloth. A man followed her shortly and surveying the room he turned to his female companion.

'I may have got it slightly wrong,'

'So the Tardis is just like setting a mobile phone on the first of January, it can get confused too,' Rose smirked.

'Hello,' the Doctor then said brightly, choosing to ignore Rose's comment 'I'm the Doctor and you all are?'

AN: I am very new to the Doctor Who thing, especially the writing of it and I hope I get all the little details about the Tardis right, I probably haven't got them right but I do hope that it all makes sense ect. Please read and review. This is my first attempt ata crossover fic. I don't own the Doctor, Rose or HP.

Lots of Love Louise aka Halle