
"We're friends, right?" Troy asked Kelsi shifting his position on the ground they were laying on.

Kelsi smiled lightly in the dark as she stared thoughtfully at the stars above her. "Sure Troy." She answered and she almost hated answering it. She loved Troy, deeply and truly, but he didn't seem to want to go anywhere else but friendship.

"Good. I have to tell you something." Troy told Kelsi and she pried her eyes away from the stars and she shifted her gaze at Troy.

"What?" She asked him wanting him to spill everything to her, she loved listening to him talk, and she loved to be there for him.

"I don't think I'm going to go into basketball next year." He told her refering to entering their senior year.

Sitting up on the grass Kelsi looked at Troy with a twisted look on her face, she knew he was being way past crazy. "Your Dad will kill you. You know that right?" She asked him and Troy nodded his head lazily.

"Yeah, I know. But I don't care. I think I just want to concentrate on music and the school musicals." He told Kelsi and she couldn't help but smile at him, every since that school musical two years ago Troy had been talking to Kelsi about music, but she never thought he was for real.

"Wow Troy. That's big." Kelsi told him her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know. But I had fun that year with you and Gabby and everything. I want to have that year over again, for as long as I can." He told Kelsi and she smiled again, and part of her face flushed red and she prayed that Troy couldn't see it.

"You want Gabby and everything?" She asked him, her heart racing one hundred miles per hour, she wasn't meaning to, but she could feel the conversation slipping into a certain direction.

Troy lightly shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. I mean we had fun when we dated, but we broke it off…" He trailed on and Kelsi nodded her head again.

"Well maybe it wasn't supposed to be." She told him, hoping that maybe he'd see her in a different light.

Kelsi turned her head to Troy and she saw him smile at her. "That's why you're my friend Kels, you always know what to say to make me feel better." Troy told Kelsi and she turned her head away from Troy. Friends. That's what she was to him, and she knew part of it was her fault.

"Friends." She whispered in the dark and she could almost feel Troy nod his head in response.

"Yeah…" He said and Kelsi could feel the tears rise to her eyes. She knew it wasn't fair, but she couldn't be Troy's friend anymore. She wanted to be more. She'd wanted to be more since she was a freshman and she was sick of never getting what she really wanted.

Turning from the opposite side of Troy Kelsi faced him. "Troy…" She let out, not sure of what she was even going to say.

"What?" He asked facing her instead of the stars.

Kelsi looked into Troy's eyes and she smiled lightly at him. "I really like you." She told him hoping he'd just get what she meant so she wouldn't have to further explain.

"Yeah…I like you too." He responded and Kelsi knew that he didn't really know where she was getting at.

Sighing more to herself then anyone else Kelsi tried again. "No I mean, I like you. Like really like you." She spat out and then she felt her head grow light. He would think she was crazy, he wouldn't want to be near her after this. She knew it.

Twisting his face in a confused look Troy shrugged his shoulders. "What do you mean?" He asked and Kelsi sighed again.

"I mean I like you. I've liked you since we were freshman. And since that musical and our friendship I think I've grown to love you." She told Troy and she felt his eyes burn holes into her.

"Really?" He asked and Kelsi nodded her head, making her glasses bob on the bridge of her nose.

"Yeah. You think I'm insane." She told him, predicting his thoughts.

"You're right I do." Troy replied and Kelsi felt herself go fainthearted. "I think you're insane for not saying this earlier." And then Kelsi felt a smile spread across her face.

"Really?" She asked needing that confirmation.

"yeah." Troy replied and then he reached across the grass and pulled Kelsi's head towards his. He gently laid his lips on hers and then pushed his tongue in her mouth.

In a motion Kelsi massaged Troy's tongue with hers, and she felt her heart explode at the feeling of actually kissing Troy Bolton. Pulling away Kelsi smiled at Troy. "So friends?" She asked him and Troy nodded.

"Yeah…friends." He answered and then he pushed his lips against Kelsi's again. Falling on the grass the couple found themselves in tangled in each other for hours.