Pain and Destruction

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Naruto the series ok

As I lay there wishing that it wasn't real even though I knew it was. I was wishing it was a dream or in this case a nightmare. All I saw was blood and tears. I still remember how it happened but its all in a blur like I was looking through another's eyes not my own.


We where charging our most powerful attacks. Both ready for the blow that would end the fight we charged at each other. His chadori my Resenga the supposedly strongest attacks in konoha, but this last blow will truly tell what is more powerful. As they hit I felt another source of power coming from within me so naturally I took it. The power felt good but wrong at the same time and it was then I figured out what it was 'damn that fox.' I thought as I figured out what it was, but it was to late the chakara was already in the Resenga and with that all hope of taking him back home, the promise I made to sukura-chan, and my only one true friend the only one that understood how I felt to be lonely, to be sad, and to feel the pain of having no one.

That's when it happened his chadori rammed through my shoulder well at the last minute I turned the Resenga to make it run in his side and to put it simply gutted him in do to the sheer power in the attack. And we both fell to the ground and I saw black.

End Flashback

Here I sit looking at what used to be sauske the blood still flowing out of him like a river. His insides hanging out I felt like I was going to throw up. Correction I was going to throw up and there it went my lunch mixed with breakfast. I just sat there staring at him after I threw up just looking at nothing wondering if I did the right thing.

"Of coarse you did kit, he was going to kill you if you hadn't so you know what they say survival of the fittest so nature took its course and you won be happy" said a booming from uhhhh somewhere I personally don't know.

"Ok yea right and I'm listening to voice in my head god I think I'm crazy" I said to no one in particular.

"All humans are crazy." Was its simple reply

"You got that right………wait now I'm agreeing with the voice in my head"


"Wait are you that good for nothing fur ball I'm me or did I overdose on ramen again"

"Hay this 'good for nothing fur ball saved your sorry ass back there"

"yea thanks for killing my friend and the only one that I can relate to"

"no problem the basterd deserved it remember karma" the fox said in a sarcastic voice.

"yea well karma screwed me over as you can see"

"Hey same here I was a cute little fox minding my own business when a evil man seal me in the idiot aka you"

"You killed thousands and destroyed countless lives!" I yelled

"Details details any way you are just an unlucky basterd. So how are we gonna get out of this mess"

"I have no cl- "I wasn't able to finish what I was going to say because kakashi jumped into the valley

"What did you do" said kakashi in a not so happy voice

"I killed him" I said in a not to caring voice thanks to the dammed fox.

the end tale me what ya think and for parrings here are the guid lines no yaoi i have no problem with it theres just to much and no naruto/sakura i dont like sakura