A/N: Thanks for the reviews from everyone who reads this story. I'm sorry it took me so long to update and such a short chapter but here it is, chapter 3 of the heir of hogwarts and the snarky potion master. Since its new year already I'm hoping to write more this year, so keep reading my stories and give me more reviews, I just love those reviews. Enjoy.
Chapter 3
The next day, Harry was eating breakfast in his room when Fawkes popped in front of him bringing the Headmaster's reply.
Insolent Brat,
You rummaged my desks? Without permission? You truly are an insolent brat. But since I have nothing to hide, and you did ask Mrs. Granger-Weasley for the parchments so I let this matter go, for now.
About you coming to Hogwarts without any notice are you really uneducated that you don't know the meaning 'conform the other side', and are you not the heir of Hogwarts, the Hogwarts soul should've given you the information of my absence.
Much that I want to scold you, I also have this seemingly strange desire to meet you in person, it has been three years after all. But to mine, and yours of course, disappointment I will be quite engaged for the next four days. By then the only chance for us to meet is on the Weasley-Malfoy's bonding ceremony. So if it's not to inconvenience I would be glad to share a glass of good firewhisky in my chamber after the ceremony.
Snarky Potion Master
Harry always enjoyed the cynical humor that his former professor always sported; somehow the words are more like an endearment than an insult. He finished his breakfast and writes his answer for Severus
Humorless Potion Master,
A glass of firewhisky after the ceremony is probably the thing that I will need most. The Weasleys can be very overwhelming sometimes.
The Boy Who lived and lived again
This time Harry asked Hedwig to deliver the letter. After that he packed his things and floo to The Burrow.
"Harry" Molly Weasley called when she saw him stepped out of the floo connection.
"Yes, Mrs. Weasley"
"Have you gotten your dress robe from Madame Malkin? And have you told the jewelry store that the rings have to be finish today, and you will take it this afternoon? What about Albus? You do remember to owl him don't you, reminding him that he will presiding the bonding ceremony on Sunday?"
"Yes to all Mrs. Weasley" he answered with a grin on his face. It has been more than four days ago that Harry moved in to the Burrow, and since that day he has been doing his duty as Ron's best man.
"Hey mate" His best friend arrived.
"Ron" Harry gave him a pleading look, hoping for once Ron would understand and save him from Mrs. Weasley. Fortunate for Harry, three years dating Draco, has given some slytherin sense into Ron, after stuttering a quite convincing reason, Ron drag Harry to his room.
"Thanks, that was close"
"Yeah, the wedding is in two days and each time mom is getting worse. Do you now that she asks me to confirm the caterer 10 times today? And she asks Draco to cut his hair a bit shorter so it will look a little bit manly?"
"What did Draco said?" Harry ask with a smirk on his face
"He didn't, he apparated and locked himself inside the manor. No one can enter except me and Severus. Since I'm not allowed to meet him a week before the bonding and Severus is way in France, no one has entered the manor."
Harry's laughter fills out the small room.
"Even the slytherin prince can not defy Molly"
Ron just smile at his best friend.
"Speaking of Severus, How is he?" Ron asked
"Why do you ask me? You're the one who's going to be married to his god son"
"Well, it's not me who sends owl two to four times a month"
Harry glared at his friend
"From the last letter I receive I know that he's doing fine. Although I still think that he's overworked"
"Yeah, you can say that again. Draco has been trying to set him up on a date, but none of them worked"
"A date?" Harry asked curiosly
"Yup, from the ministry employee to Hogwarts staff, all first class guys and all rejected by the mighty Severus Snape" Ron explain as he pulled out his wand to conjure some tea and biscuit, he's felling hungry.
"Wait a minute, did you say guys?"
"Yes, guys. You do know that he's gay right?"
"…" Harry stared at Ron with a dumbfounded look
"Oops, I guess you don't know. Are you against gay or something" He ask uncomfortable
"Hell no, for merlin sake, I'm here as your best man aren't I, and if I'm not mistaken your marrying Draco Malfoy which I know HE is 100 MALE" Harry answered as he prepare his tea and took a plate of chocolate cake. Ron took a plate full of éclairs and another plate of butter cake with his favorite milk tea.
"I still wonder, what did Draco sees in a glutton like you?" Harry shook his head as he sized his friends' plates.
"Haaamm nhhoot a ghlluttohhhnn" the red head speak between éclairs and tea. "Hey, speaking of Severus, why don't you take a chance with him?"
"What chance?" Harry replied, he knows the meaning of Ron's question but still it's not good to presume.
"You know"
"No, I don't know Ron, would you care to explain?" with an innocent face he asks his friend.
"Don't act all innocent Harry. I know you like both witches and wizards, probably more on the wizards side rather than the witches side. Remember you live with a Weasley for more than eight years, and you are an honorary Weasley, no secret on that side."
"So, you know my preferences, big deal"
"Yeah big deal, then why don't you have any boyfriend or -ends in the last two years? Wasn't that the beginning of your correspondent with our former potions professor?" Ron exclaimed with a knowing smirk.
"I don't have boyfriend or –ends because the people who are close to me just trying to manipulate my title. Either that or the enormous fortune I make by compiling the Potter and Black vaults. With Severus is just friendship. I know I have you, Draco and Hermione as my close friends but there's something about Severus that made me want to befriend him"
"And that feeling isn't love?"
"Love? I don't know nothing about love Ron. I know that I love you, Hermione and the Weasley as a family, I love Albus like he is my own grandfather, I love Hedwig and Fawkes, and I know I love Hogwarts 'cause he is my home. But that's the only love that I know, I don't think I know what love is between people even if it's knocked me on my head"
Ron put his plates on the table and regard his friend with calculating looks "Just take it easy mate, even if it knocked you off your feet you will find love, just like me found Draco" he comforted his best friend. "Now back to Severus. You do know that you're the only person who owl him regularly don't you?"
"Really? I thought he has a lot of correspondent friends?"
"Yeah, he has a lot of them. But only Hedwig arrives promptly every twice a month, and if in two weeks he hasn't received your letter he'd became the untouchable, totally unbearable and more than the usual snarky-ness headmaster, even the first years know that its save to walk pass him if a certain snowy owl has send your letter."
"Wow! That bad"
"Yup it's that bad. I know he thinks highly of you Harry, but this condition made me think that he has some romantic interest in you"
Harry regards his friend with a surprised which turns into a calculating look.
"I don't know Ron, he's still his snarky self although I feel that his snarky-ness is a part of his mask. I do like him, and I do have some feelings for him is it friendship or more than that I still don't know. Like I said before, I don't really know much about love. I talked to Hermione about this, but I still don't know"
"Well mate, maybe you can consider him as a candidate for someone to love" Ron said with a smirk
"Yeah, maybe"
On Sunday, the weather was clear and bright, birds chirping and one nervous groom was having a love affair with the nearest porcelain bowl.
"Ron! Are you okay in there mate?"
"Yeah, Harry I'm okay. Just some stomach bug"
"Okay if I came in?"
"Go on"
Harry entered the bathroom and saw his friend crouching and hugging the toilet with loving care
"You looked awful Ron! You shouldn't have eaten that extra spicy burrito and downed it with three cups of black coffee"
"Yeah, but it's a god-damned good burrito and the coffee was better than anything I have drank…" a pause from the red head, and Harry saw his friend's face turn green and then another act of porcelain worshipping "God.. I need something, or else I can't go down this afternoon" Ron said after that last act.
"You wait here and I'll bring you some hot tea, maybe I can reach Severus and get some stomach calming potion from him"
"You do that mate, you better do that…Oooohhh… not again…" Thus the former act repeated itself.
Harry told Ginny to bring some hot tea for her brother, while he reached for the floo powder and went to the fireplace
"Hogwarts headmasters office" The fire turned green "Severus, are you there?" Harry asked
"Yes, I'm here Harry. What do I owe you for this early morning call?" Severus sneered to his fire place in which the silhouette of Harry's face can be seen.
"Awww, looked at that sneer, you missed me. I know, I missed you too" Harry replied with an annoyingly cute voice, as if to indulge a spoiled child "Anyway, on to the real problem, Ron needs a stomach calming potion right away if you please"
"What did the boy do to want that potion in his own bonding day"
"Alas, the boy is the epitome of gluttony if I may say so"
An upward twist on one side of Severus's mouth can be seen through the fireplace in the burrow "There's some hope in you. Maybe you're not always the gryfindoor I always assume"
"You don't want know how slytherin I am" Harry said jokingly while the headmaster answered with one uplifted brow "The potion please Severus"
"Ah, yes I'll send fawkes with the potions"
"You're not coming to the burrow?"
"Of course I'll come, but since I'm Draco's best man, that means I can't step into the other groom's house before the groom I re-present"
"Oh, Okay then. See you at the ceremony"
"Very well" Harry's face gone from the fire place and the fire turned normal again. The same can not be said for the headmaster, his heartbeat is still faster than normal it has been like that since he knows the floo caller to be Harry Potter. He can feel excitement, and some nervousness flows inside him, but still he can't help feeling contented after Harry's call. 'Hmm, strange I never felt like this before. Maybe something I ate in France, I'll ask Madame Pomfrey later'