Disclaimer: HP are not mine, although I'm hoping it can be mine.

The Heir of Hogwarts and The Snarky Potion Master

It has been five years since the last time he step into Hogwarts. A long five years full of his journey in finding himself, now he's back. And the only reason for his return is sitting inside the headmaster quarters sipping a glass of firewhisky. Severus Snape, Hogwarts own headmaster and the wizarding world most famous potion master for its breakthrough on the wolfsbane potion, is going to have the most suprising evening in his life.


Harry Potter never wanted his fame, he never wanted the Boy-Who-Defeated-Voldemort-Again title, and it's obvious that he never choose to be the heir to Hogwarts. But what is done is done, except for the headmaster nobody knows about this fact. One thing that the headmaster doesn't know is the castle talks to Harry. Almost everyday the castle will tell him the things that happen inside the castle, about the houses rivalries, about the professors and most of all about the Headmaster.

Harry never bothered himself to have a partner, a loving partner; it never entered his mind because he was so busy practicing defense and commanding the Order after his graduation, at the tender age of 20 he managed to defeat Voldemort and send him to hell.

After the final Battle there was parties after parties, he attended most of them, dragging his two best friends with him. The last party was the one that celebrated in Hogwarts, Dumbledore was resigning, giving the post of head master to Severus Snape, along with Dumbledore, Minerva also resign giving his post to Hermione, Harry's best friend.

That was the night, Harry found himself to be the heir of Hogwarts, and also the night he decided to go explore the world.


The party was getting to its end. Dumbledore and Minerva have announced they are resigning from their post of Headmaster and Transfiguration. Severus will be the next to manage the Headmaster with professor Flitchwick as his deputy, and Hermione Granger Weasley to be the new Transfiguration professor.

Harry was taking a quiet stroll towards the owlery when he heard a voice in his head

'Well isn't the young Potter'

Harry was surprised and took out his wand.

'No, no, dear boy not out there. In here.'

"Where are you? Come out where I can see you"

'Inside Harry, inside your head, I'm talking through telepathy inside your head'

'Who are you?'

'I'm your home Harry, your home since you're eleven, and maybe your home forever'

There's a feeling of warmth when the voice inside his head said these words, the same feeling every time he came back to Hogwarts.

'You're Hogwarts aren't you?'

'Yes, Harry. I'm Hogwarts, actually the soul of Hogwarts my name is Lao and there's a reason why you can hear me'

'And what is that reason may I ask?'

'You're the heir of Hogwarts Harry'

"What!" Harry bellowed, surprising the owls that's sleeping inside the owlery, without he noticed it he has arrived in the owlery while conversing with Hogwarts.

'Don't be so surprised, you are the most powerful wizard, and you are the descendant of Gryfindoor and Hufflepuff with traits of Slytherin and knowledge of Ravenclaw. You are the heir of Hogwarts'

'Aren't the heir supposed to be the headmaster of the school?'

'Not always, in this case it depends on the heirs' ability to manage and lead. You have that potential Harry but you are still young and our Fawkes has chosen Severus for the next headmaster.'


'Yes, that phoenix is as old as Hogwarts and always be the familiar of the headmaster'

Harry leans on the owlery wall and thinking of the new information in his head. It's not until the voice inside his head speaks again he move towards the lake.

'What decision has you made about your future young Harry?'

"My future?" Harry said out loud.

'Yes your future. As I said you're young there are so many places you can visit and so many things to experience'

After a long silence and a good deal of watching the giant squid swimming inside the lake, Harry gave his answer to Lao.

'I know that everybody expect me to be an auror, but I'm tired of fighting dark wizard. Some people expect me to become England seeker, but quidittch is a game not a job. I was thinking of traveling around the world; maybe visit every wizarding part of the world'

'That is a good idea, you have the means and the money you should go for it'

'I think I will'

Having decide his future Harry went to the headmaster room to say his goodbyes to Albus and Severus.

"Aah, Harry. By know I presume you already know that you're the heir of Hogwarts" Albus greets him from his seat infront of the fireplace, sipping a cup of tea while Severus is seating beside him also sipping a cup of tea.

"Yes, I know that already Albus, actually I'm here to tell you about my decision of my future"

"And what will you do with your future Mr. Potter?" Severus ask

"I'm going to travel the world"

"A very good decision I might say Harry" Dumbledore reply

"Might I ask for how long you intended to travel?" Again the potion master ask

"I don't really know, I want to visit every part of the world wizarding or muggle"

"Then, how will we contact you Harry?"

"I will bring Hedwig with me, Albus. If there's something important than Fawkes can give me the message, Lao will know where I am and he will inform Fawkes of my location."

"Well you have thought about this traveling thing quite well Mr. Potter"

"Yes, I have and I will say my goodbye now. Tell the Weasley I send them my love and I will write to them at least once a month"

"You wont be saying goodbye to them Harry"

"I don't think so Albus, Molly won't let me go if she knows my plan"

"Well then good luck and have a save journey Harry."

"Thank you Albus"

"It's a goodbye then Mr. Potter, I'm heavy to say that after seven years of teaching you and another three of becoming your comrade in the Order, you're quite surprising and you're simply not your father, you have a lot of your mother inside you."

Harry and Albus were stoned into silence after hearing the compliments that came out from the acerbic potion master.

"Am I hearing this right, are you giving me compliments Professor?"

"I am not in the mood to repeat what I have just said Mr. Potter, you better hurry up prepare your journey"

"Yes professor" Harry answered with a big grin on his face. He said another goodbye to Albus, walk towards the fireplace to use as its floo connection to his own quarters. The last thing he saw was the twinkling in Albus eyes.

End flashback

The journey was exhilarating for Harry, he started with Europe, visiting Drumstrangs and Beauxbatons then moved towards Asia. The first correspondence he had with Severus was about a calming potion that he encounters in Eastern Europe

Dear Headmaster Snape,

I've found another kind of calming potion in Eastern Europe that might interest you. On the other parchment are the lists of ingredients of said potion. Hope you'll find this potion useful. And if you be so kind enough to call me Harry, after all we've been comrades for three years now.

Harry Potter.

No more than two days Harry accepted the reply from Fawkes

Dear Harry,

I've experiment the potion ingredients you send me and found out that they are useful for other than calming potion. Some of the herbs can be used as a headache potion and some for a numbing potion. It is quite intriguing that you can still remember potion in the midst of your journey. If you encounter another potion please be so kind to inform me, and please call me Severus.

Severus Snape.

And so the letters keep coming and going. Sometimes it's about a new potion others are about Harry's journey. It's not until Christmas the relationship between the two men became closer than the usual comrades.

It's early in December when a white snowy owl swoops down towards the Head Table, landing gracefully in front of the headmaster. Students and professors both gave a curios glance towards said headmaster as he unties the letter from the owl. Everybody who knows Harry knows that the snowy owl is Hedwig, Harry's own familiar, and anyone who knows Hedwig was dying for a little bit of information about the wizarding world savior. But much to their disappointments the headmaster left with a frown on his face without saying anything to the waiting audience. The snowy owl gave a loud hoot, then flew and perched himself on the headmasters shoulder while he walk towards his room.


If its not to inconvenient for you may I ask some numbing potion, along with a pepper-up, blood replenishing and some concussion potion, ask Fawkes to delivered it for me. Thank You

Harry Potter

"What has the boy caught into now" Severus muttered by himself as he rummaged his potion stock for the mentioned potions. He keep muttering about impertinent brats and their ability to attract trouble when he managed to find all the potions and calling Fawkes to send it to Harry.

The worry frown still marred his face when Severus realized that Hedwig is still in his room.

"And what are you doing here?"

The snowy owl gave him a disapproving hoot as if saying 'don't you want to give a reply to him you snarky git'

"Oh.. Alright I'll write him a letter"


What have you got yourself into boy? You should be on a journey exploring the world not attracting troubles.

Severus Snape

Severus watch Hedwig flew, heading towards the sun, 'Maybe Harry's around China or somewhere east'.

The next letter came around two days after the last, Fawkes emerging quite suddenly in front of Severus when he was teaching the sixth grade potion class. After a glare and a curt 'Continue your work', he grabbed the letter and read it while stroking Fawkes who was perched on his knee.

Severus the snarky potion master,

I, Harry Potter do not search for trouble, troubles find me attractive and so they came after me. I'm fine, only a few scratches and a minor concussion, not to worry I can managed my self quite finely. Although I am flattered that you, Severus Snape worried about me, Harry Potter, who as you say so yourself is an impertinent brat.

But seriously Severus, I'm fine, and thank you for worrying about me. It's nice to know that I managed to befriend you. I thought that you'll always think of me as James Potter son, and the reason that you still corresponded to me is that you're interested by the new potions that I've discovered.

Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Attracts-Troubles.

NB: I'm in Xi'an, a part of China, and found some great artifacts, this silver pendant is from the Ming dynasty and I'm sending some of my photos hope you like it.

Severus lifted the pendant, it was a silver dragon coiling in a piece of bamboo, and its eyes are green from the emerald stone, reminding him of the sender. The chain that attached to the pendant was also silver colored. He put the chain over his neck and found that the pendant fall in the middle of his chest, making it more of an accessory than a necklace. The photos that Harry sends him are of the said boy wandering around with native clothes or with various magical creatures.

By the end of the class, one Gryfindoor student were amazed, the headmaster known as the greasy git, Gryfindoor hater, and He-Who-Shall-Not-Laugh, have just gave a small smirk while reading a letter, and when he informed his friends they just told him that maybe he was dreaming.

Later that evening Severus writes the reply for Harry.

Harry was in the middle of an excavation of a newly founded burial chamber in Xi'an when, the phoenix popped in, surprising his associates and himself. He took the letter from Fawkes and sends him back to Hogwarts.

That night inside his tent, Harry sat reading the long parchment that his ex-potion masters send.


I'm sure that you can 'managed yourself quite finely'; you ARE The-Boy-Who-Lived –Again, but still I'm not rest assured when I can not see you by myself and your letter doesn't assure me of your well being. I guess it has been ingrained in my blood, the urge to protect you. I hope you're sending The Weasleys a more calming letter, if not be prepared for Molly to came after you.

For your information, I don't think you as James, not anymore. I hated you, even more so after the pensieve accident, but then Black came to his own accident. Somehow losing someone you care has changed you. On the sixth grade I found you more pensive, and Albus keep sending you to me to get more of those 'remedial potions'. I thought you're going to be the same emotional brat, who doesn't want to think and to lazy to review, but my thoughts are proved wrong.

This time you tried, and I was too stunned by your changes that I can't say anything but a small praise. You heard my praise because I caught you gaping like a fish after that; it's only my skills as a spy that holds my laugh. After that, you managed to earn my respect not only by achieving the best in potions, and of course Dark Against the Dark Arts, but also you managed to get the second place in Charms, and Transfiguration. As my comrade in the Order, you're the only one that I trust other than Albus.

This has been a letter which held most of my truthful opinion about you, don't you dare lose this letter, better burn it after you read it or give it to some hungry dragons in China to chew on. I'm glad you're fine and please keep me inform of your well being.

Severus Snape

NB: Thank you for the pendant, and I found that your photos are a great stress reliever. I was hoping that this charmed cloak clasp can help you in your journey.

A golden panther with ruby eyes cloak clasp lay on Harry's lap, a shimmering silver light surrounding said clasp, indicating the powerful charm that is stored within the clasp. Harry gave himself a silent smile and put the letter on his leather pouch hidden inside his traveling cloak. That night he sleeps without nightmares or dreams, one hand grasping the golden panther tightly.


A/N: Hope you all like the story, Snape is a bit OC but I like him this way. Hoping for many reviews.