Disclaimer – I own nothing. If I did I wouldn't be writing this, I lol would be in New York, shopping

AN: hello all Harry potter fans! Lol, I am writing this fic because I like writing and getting reviews and I have nothing else to do. Well I do, but I want to write a story. didAnyway please review and tell me what you think! P.S. you know that 'AN': means Authors Note and POV: means Point Of View? I didn't lol, so I thought I would just make sure you did. : P.Oh and this fic is sort of Draco Hermione, but sort of not. Lol I don't know. Italics are thoughts. The first chapter is a bit of dribble lol but it will get to the plot soon. In the 2nd or 3rd one.


It was a warm summers day and Hermione sat between her two best friends, Harry and Ron, waiting for their transfiguration lesson to start.

Ron and Harry were making her laugh as usual, when Lavender Brown came over, Ron's ex-girlfriend.

"Okay, Ron. I have decided to give you another chance." She said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at Ron. Hermione turned towards Harry, to hide her sniggers from Lavender.

"Give me another chance?" Ron asked her, also trying to hide his laughter.

"Yes," she said patiently, "I know I broke your heart when I dumped you and I ha-" Dean cut her off

"You didn't dump him! He dumped you!" he exclaimed

Lavender carried on without even looking at dean. "Okay maybe it was mutual! But, I have decided to give you another chance to take me back." She looked satisfied with herself.

"Er, no thanks" said Ron, turning away from her.

"Ron!" Hermione hissed; she was shocked by Ron's lack of tactfulness. A lot of the class were laughing at lavender now and she was blushing and looked on the verge of tears "That's so mean! Apologise!"

"Um, sorry." He said without even looking at her. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well, it's the best were going to get I suppose." she thought. She looked apologetically at Lavender.

"Well…Hermione can I talk to you a minute?" she asked.

"Sure." Hermione looked up at her expectantly.

"Away from them" She spat, eying Ron and Harry.

"Oh, okay, " she was struggling not to laugh again. "Lets, er go over there." Hermione got up and followed Lavender to the corner of the room.


I watched Hermione Granger walk to the corner of the room with lavender. She looked really HOT. She had changed so much lately, she used to have big bushy hair, but now her smooth shiny hair, fell in spiralling curls around her face. I used to call her bucktoothed, but her pearly white teeth looked perfect to me now. She used to be kind of scrawny. But now she had filled out a bit, in certain places. She had a nice body. Really nice…what are you thinking? This is Hermione granger, the stuck up, mudblood who hangs around with potty and weasel! Oh…oh yeah…

H E R M I O N E P O V:

As I walked to corner of the room with lavender, I could feel eyes watching me. When I got there, I turned around, and prince of Slytherin, Draco Malfoy, was staring at me. Oh my gosh, what is he looking at?

"What are you looking at?" I snarled, as I voiced my thoughts. He looked kind of surprised, but he soon came back to his normal obnoxious self.

"Nothing, " He smirked "Nothing at all…" he was eyeing me up and down, and even though it made me feel uncomfortable, I just ignored him, and turned back to talk to Lavender.

"Thanks for sticking up for me Hermione." She smiled.

"No problem, " I grinned back "Ron is such an ass some times, just ignore him. He doesn't mean it, it just sort of slips out of his big mouth." I said. She laughed,

"Yeah, your right. I just…" she trailed off

"Do you still like him?" I questioned

"Well, I did, but after the way he just treated me, I don't. I want revenge." She said bitterly, looking surprisingly scary for a girl whose bed is piled with fluffy stuffed animals. I nodded. Psycho…I made a mental note to remind Ron to look out for her and her freakiness. I walked back towards my table…


"C'mon Draco!" Blaise whined, interrupting my staring-at-Hermione time.

"What?" I said irritably

"Pick one, truth or dare?" Blaise said, nudging me. I can't believe we're playing this, it's so sad.

"I don't want to play." I said slowly through gritted teeth.

"Why? Are you a chicken?" he said, smirking at me.

Draco Malfoy is no chicken. I rolled my eyes. "Fine…dare." I chose.

"Okay…" Blaise said, picking my dare, he looked around the room, and his eyes locked on Hermione, who was starting to walk back towards her seat. A malicious smile took over Blaise's face. "I dare you, to smack grangers arse." He grinned in triumph. Crabbe and Goyle made "ooh!" noises, (which irritated me a lot). You've got to be kidding me?

"Er, excuse me? That's the dumbest most perverted dare tha-" I started

"C'mon! Its just a dare, you know you want to…" he grinned. I rolled my eyes. Yeah I did want to. I wasn't going to tell him that though.

"Fine." I muttered, pretending to be annoyed. I was kinda happy I had an excuse to do it.

She was walking back to her seat; I took a deep breath and did it. She jumped in shock I suppose. She whipped around and glared at me. I smirked at her.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" she screamed. I laughed as she was getting all stressed. I looked over at Potter and Weasley, Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas were restraining them. I laughed again.

"Lighten up babe." I smirked. She looked livid, she pulled her wand out of her robe and –

"Miss granger, Mr potter, Mr Weasley, sit down!" said the voice of McGonagall from somewhere behind us. Hermione gave me a deathly glare and stormed back to her seat. Truth or Dare rules…

Wooo the best bit will come up in the next chapter. Read and review please!