
Story of Manjyome Jun. Made up. This is only what I think happened to him. (:


Happens after episode 26!


Note: niisan means "older brother"

Manjyome is Chazz

Chousaku is Slade

Shouji is Jagger

Yuki Judai is obviously Jaden Yuki

Odd names…


I was standing outside the room. It was my tenth birthday. I was old enough to understand things other ten-year-olds don't. For example, my high-tempered father.

"Don't say things you don't understand, damnit!" My father's rough voice raged through the whole house.

"How can you say that? I'm his parent too!" My mother's voice was ant sized compared to my father's.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!"

"You're wrong!" I knew my mother was on the verge of tears by now.

My parents are like this. Every birthday of mine, they argue. What a nice way of spending your birthday, huh? I sighed in my mind as I listened.

"How can you treat our son like this!" my mother's voice was breaking up.

"Don't cry! You know I hate that, damnit!" Father was losing it. My mother was the only one who cared about me. Glass broke on the floor in the room. I walked away silently. No cake, no cards, no greetings. Not even from my older brothers. They were about 15. They avoided my all day. Tears met my eyes. I blinked them back.

No, I won't cry. Not on my birthday. I thought. In my room, I sat on my bed. I looked around the room. The walls were painted light blue. My TV was big and nice. Well, they used to be my brothers'. I found my head hanging. Straightening up, I rubbed my clothes freeing it of any wrinkles.

Another shower of glass had struck the floor. I sighed loudly this time. I shook my head and got up to lock the door. I slid under my bed.

A handkerchief, old crackers, and my old purple bear with a missing ear. I had planned to run away for quite some time. I thought of where to go. I thought of what to do. But in the end, I couldn't do it. I put up with the constant fighting of my parents. I sat silently in my room, listening to the words being thrown at each other.

Someone knocked on my door. I ran to open it. I could use some company. Just.. not from my father.

My niisan stood at the door. Chousaku and Shouji stepped in. I couldn't read their expressions. I stood at half their height. They both sat down with me on my bed.

"You okay, Jun?" Chousaku asked. I nodded pitifully.

"You don't look it." Shouji said. I shrugged. They both stared at me until I couldn't take it anymore.

"I just don't like Mom and Dad fighting, okay?" I admitted. "They always fight. Especially on my birthday." I sniffled. They put their arms around me. It was hard to believe that in just a few years, they'll despise me.

"It's okay, Jun," Shouji whispered.

"You still have us," Chousaku said. They put their heads on my shoulders. I gave up. The tears flowed down my cheek. I was so glad they cared. I was so glad they came to comfort me.

"Niisan!" My voice was breaking up. It was so squeaky. It always was when I cryed. I started sobbing. They patted my arms. They comforted me. Now, I'll never experience it again. Because I failed them. I failed my place in the Manjyome family. I was a failure.

I'm standing here, gazing at the bright red-yellow sunset. The breeze rushes through my hair. My eyelids lower as my vision blurs. I can see their faces. Chousaku and Shouji.

"Oi! Manjyome! Manjyome-kun!" A familiar voice called me out. Yuki Judai. I sighed. "Party, Manjyome!"

I turn to join them. My friends. But I turn back to the sunset. I wanted one last look at its beauty. I whisper only one word, hoping it would reach them.



Aw, I make myself cry!

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