AN: JM: I'm updating finally


JM: I'm updating finally. Hope you people enjoy.

Disclaimer: Still owning nothing.

Chapter 4: Lexaeus

After Zexion was forcibly removed from the building by two security guards, Lexaeus walked onto the stage. He sat down and the chair collapsed under his weight.

"Damn it, not again." He said as he got to his feet. "Oh well. The thing that pisses me off the most is that everyone thinks I'm on steroids. I would never do something that stupid I just work out a lot." He said.

"Well you do have extremely large muscles." Roxas said. Lexaeus looked at the youngest member with a look of anger in his eyes.

"Are you accusing me of something?" He asked. "No." Roxas said pathetically, cowering in the corner.

"The other thing is that everyone thinks that I am meanest member in the organization. Well I'm not. I'm nicer than most of the members."

"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Roxas and Axel asked simultaneously. "You almost snapped me in half when I accidentally tripped you in the hall."

"Do you really want to push your luck with me Axel?" Lexaeus questioned threateningly.

"No." Was Axel's reply.

"Good." Lexaeus said.

"HEY LEXAEUS!" Shouted a blonde-haired nobody yelled from outside. "THE SUPERIOR WANTS A WORD WITH YOU ABOUT SOMETHING HE FOUND UNDER YOUR BED!" Demyx was now standing next to Axel.

"Oh shit." Was all Lexaeus could say. He got up and walked off, giving Demyx an angry glare.

After Lexaeus was out of earshot Demyx burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Axel asked. "Mansex didn't want anything." Demyx replied.

"Then why did you tell him that?" Roxas questioned. "Well if I'm right," Demyx said, "Lexaeus will start explaining or apologizing to Mansex about whatever is under his bed."

"So he'll basically tattle on himself." Axel said. "Pretty much." Demyx said starting to laugh again. The other two joined in at the thought of what might be happening at the Castle That Never Was.

AN: JM: That's it for this chapter. Again no clue as to whom I'll be doing next. Also, at the top of our profile is a pole to see which video game system people prefer. If you haven't voted yet please do. Till next chapter, JM OUT!