Disclaimers: Everything you recognise is not mine.

A/N: This is not exactly a chapter, it's a kind of an epilogue. I think it's the funniest thing I've ever written, and so you can imagine the others. Well, this is definitely the last chapter, I really hope that you liked this story. I would say that you better stay tuned because I've decided to re-write all my stories and re-post them with better characterization, better grammar, better language and so on.. Anyway, let me know what do you think about this epilogue. Be nice, today is my b-day! LOL!

To Danii: Thanks so much for your help and your patience.

And They All Lived Happily Ever After… Or Did They?

Now, you'll be asking what happened to Emeric, Rachel, Andy and all the others, correct? Well, the story is quite long, but I decided to summarize it for you. Ready? All right, let's go!

During the summer of their sixth year, Emeric and Rachel went to live together at the Nest, with Andy naturally, but came back to school in September. Who did they leave the baby with? Well, Andy lived like a king. He spent a week with Molly and Arthur, another with Ron and Hermione, and another with Pansy and Draco (nobody trusted Narcissa, even if she said that she would have been ten times better than those damn Weasleys with the baby).

At the end of their last school year, Emeric and Rachel had completely moved into the Nest, and Emeric had found a job at the Ministry. Ron was right after all, they had to earn some money. They married at twenty-four, with a great ceremony at the Malfoy Mansion, but Ron almost didn't show up. He had just had another row with Draco about the colours of the tablecloths on the buffet.

Malcolm and Su went out for about two years, until the evening before prom. Malcolm finally found the courage to tell Su that he really couldn't take her anymore. Unluckily, Su had to tell him something: she was pregnant. Su's parents, Cho Chang and Roger Davies, fainted when she told them. Malcolm's were a bit more prepared.

Ron told his youngest son, Daniel, that if he even got close to a girl before he had a job, he would kill him and cut his corpse in pieces so small that nobody would ever recognize him. Daniel never married.

Narcissa had to move in with her son, to the great displeasure of Pansy, because Narcissa had spent all her money on expensive gifts for Andy, just to prove that she had more money than the Weasleys. "As if it's necessary," had muttered Pansy once.

Draco, Pansy, Ron and Hermione became, if not friends, at least closer acquaintances than before, since they had to spend all the holidays together. Draco and Ron had also exchanged a kiss on the cheeks once, but they were both utterly drunk, or pretended to be.

Harry asked Ginny for another son, since he had always been fond of big families, but Ginny told him that he had to knock her out if he wanted to have another child from her. Inexplicably, two days later, she was hit by a Bludger while taking a bath, and nine months later, Harry was holding his third son, Martin.

Fleur protested that she had never said that the baby would have been a girl, she was talking about the curtains. What that meant nobody knew. She said that it was all the fault of her terrrible Eenglish.

And Andy? Well, Andy grew up as the most spoiled kid of his age. As soon as he opened his mouth, someone gave him whatever he had asked. Luckily, Hogwarts made him behave properly, especially when both his grandfathers threatened to take away the Quidditch pitch from behind the Nest the moment he was sorted into Hufflepuff. But then he was made prefect and Head Boy. The only real problem he had was when he impregnated the Head Girl…

But that's another story.

The End