SS: OK, This is cute and only a few chaptures long. I'm stillworking on Forgotten, so there. That will take a while. This is a little filler to tell you I'm alive. I like it. It comes from a diffrent view, but is not related to my others.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

"The energies are stabilizing. All functions green." A young woman stood staring at the small boy in a large tube in the middle of the room. Wires and an oxygen mask were hooked up, almost completely concealing the boy. On the screen in front of her was a panel glowing green with a diagram of the same boy.

"Stabilizers powering down. Draining in process." A large man wearing orange called over the smaller women. "Oh, this is going to be great! We're finally going to have something to experiment on!"

"Jack calm down. We don't know if it worked yet. Most of his body is composed of biological material." The women turned to her husband, smiling. He could just be so full of energy sometimes. She couldn't blame him though; they had been working on this project for the past four years.

The last time had been a complete blow out.

Maddie placed a hand on her pregnant belly. She was seven months along but she couldn't miss the result of their hard work over the last two years. Inside the tube was a small fox, no bigger than the baby in her belly. She thought that he was pretty cute with his black fur and white markings and tips. Of course she and Jack were going to use it to test trackers and perhaps weapons, later on.

Jack looked over his shoulder and back at her lovingly. The tank finished draining and Jack walked over to the little fur ball and picked him up. The ectoplasmic liquid dripped from his body as Jack carried him over to the table in front of Maddie.

"Shouldn't he be awake by now Jack?"

"Give him a little while. He'll wake-up." Jack said with such confidence she couldn't help but believe him.

They had waited for an hour before heading upstairs. Then three months before liquefying the poor little thing. Ectoplasma was so hard to come by they couldn't waste it. In fact this new project was made out of the same material as the little fox.

The only difference was that they had used human DNA, their own DNA. Jack had wanted have their experiment made completely of his own, but Maddie had spent a few days convincing him that using her DNA too would be far better in the long run. Jack didn't know that she had used MOSTLY her own DNA.

"Draining process complete." Jack said snapping her out of her thoughts. "Hey,
I think he's awake!"

She looked up at the boy who was not much bigger than a new born. His midnight black hair splayed in every direction and slowly he blinked his ice blue eyes at them.

"Ha! Successes!" Jack shouted making the boy flinch. He was about to grab the boy in his excitement but Maddie stopped him.

"Now Jack we don't want to crush him. He's pretty fragile right now." Maddie placed a hand on his shoulder and then walked over to their experiment. "Maybe we should call him something, give him a name."

Jack leaned over her shoulder, "Aw, you're bonding. Don't forget we're going to use it as a test subject for our ghost hunting weapons."

She didn't seem to hear him. Maddie had gotten lost in big blue eyes. Suddenly they slammed shut as tears started pouring out. Then the crying started, startling them both.

Neither had thought that they would have a second child on their hands. Since they had created him from mostly ectoplasma, they hypothesized that they would have a ghost that would instantly start causing mischief. The lab was completely sealed with supposedly ghost-proof paneling and reinforced steal, as preparation.

It seems that they had forgotten that everything starts out a blank slate.

Jack was getting a little confused to say the least. "How do we get him to stop?" he yelled over the cries as he threw his hands over his ears.

Maddie remembered how Jazz had been when she was just born and picked up the small child, placing him to her chest. "Jack could you get one of Jazz's old bottles and fill it with water."

The crying died down, but the occasional sobs could still be heard. Jack looked from experiment to his wife and decided not to question his better half's judgment. He raced up stairs to get the requested supplies.

Maddie stared down at her new charge. His closed eyes and scrunched up face made her smile. Maybe he was half etcoplasma but to her motherly instincts, he was still a baby in need of care, and she was going to give it to him.

"How about Danny?" he snuggled closer and she laughed. "Danny it is then."