Disclaimer: Never.

Summary: Rocky and Adam are enjoying their date, when Rita and Zedd decide to kidnap one of them. How will the others help? Set during Power Rangers Zeo.

Chapter One: Gone

Rocky and Adam were sitting under a tree in the middle of the park while enjoying the warm spring day, a fast-food bag nearby (the remains of their little romantic picnic). They had spent the day walking, talking, making out, eating, playing Frisbee, and making out some more. Right now, they were sitting under a tree, watching the sunset.

"I enjoyed our date," Rocky said as he kissed Adam on the lips.

"I enjoyed it, too," Adam said, returning the kiss. Rocky put his hand into Adam's. "So what do you want to do now?"

Rocky sighed. "I have to go to Kat's and report to her about our date."

Adam laughed. "You don't want to miss that." Rocky laughed, too.

"I know. She might skin me alive if I don't tell her." Adam stood up, then helped Rocky to his feet. They grabbed their bag and walked over to a trash bin to chuck it in, then went over to Adam's car.

"Do you want a ride to Kat's?'

Rocky shook his head. "No, I'll be fine. Besides, it's only a few minutes from here."

Adam pulled Rocky close to him. "Alright. I want a long kiss goodbye, though." And Rocky was happy to give it. Fifteen minutes later, Rocky was walking down the street with a hop in his step and a big smile on his face.

"Oh, God, this is one of the best dates I ever had," Rocky sang as he did a little spin on the spot. 'I hope I can get to Kat's before she gets a knife ready.' Rocky turned the corner; her house was only a few seconds away.

As soon as Rocky turned to walk to the front entrance of her house, he felt something grab at him. A hand pulled his arm behind his back and another covered his mouth. At that moment, Kat had looked out of her window just in time to watch Goldar disappear with Rocky.

"Rocky!" Kat called, then rushed outside, but there was no sign of Rocky anywhere. She looked around, hoping to find some sign of him, but there was none. She quickly pressed her communicator to call Zordon. "Zordon, this Kat," she said in a panicked voice. After a few seconds, Zordon spoke.

"This is Zordon. What is it, Kat?"

"Zordon, it's Adam. Goldar kidnapped him and I don't know where they went."

"Kat, come to the command center. Alpha will call the others to join us," Zordon said.

"Okay, Zordon, I will be there in a few seconds." Kat was lucky her parents were gone for the weekend and there was hardly anyone in her street. She pressed a button on her watch and teleported there.

Meanwhile, on the moon...

Rita and Zedd were sitting outside of their RV, with Squat and Bamboo both taking naps inside. Finster was busy with a portable lab while Rita's bother was doing something on the hill. Suddenly, Goldar came out of nowhere with a bound, blindfolded, and gagged Rocky on his shoulders. He stopped in front of Rita and Zedd, and dropped Rocky on the ground with a thud. Rocky groaned in a little pain through his gag.

"My emperor and empress, I bring you the Blue Zeo Ranger," Goldar announced. Rita and Zedd quickly stood up, both looking at Rocky, who was moving a little on the ground.

"Finally, the monkey did something right," Rita said as she moved to take a closer look at the Ranger, who was lying facedown on the ground. Lord Zedd crossed his arms.

"Rita, are you sure you want him for this plan?" he asked in a doubting voice.

Rita stood up and said, "Listen, Zedd, this is my plan, and I say we use him. Got it?"

"Fine, my queen," Zedd said. No way was he in a mood to argue with her.

Rita stood up and walked over to Finster. "Finster, is that potion ready yet!" she shouted in a high-pitched voice.

Finster kept working as he answered her. "Yes, my queen. It should be done within thirty minutes." Rita nodded and turned toward Zedd.

"Now, Zeddy, you go and find Scorpina."

Zedd looked at her with a shocked look. "Why do you want that useless minion?" Zedd asked. Rita gave Zedd an evil look that told him just do it, so Zedd grabbed his staff. "Be back in a few seconds, my evil wife." With that, Lord Zedd disappeared to go to the location where he had locked Scorpina up years ago.

Rita picked up her wand and pointed it at the ground, and a pole suddenly came out from the floor. She turned to Goldar. "Goldar, I want you to tie him to the pole and keep an eye on him. Is that understood?"

Goldar nodded. "Yes, my empress." He grabbed the Blue Zeo Ranger and dragged him to the pole, causing Rocky to wondering what they really had in store for him. But soon, whether he liked it or not, he would find out.


TBC. Next chapter coming soon. Oh, it's been a while since I had to spell any MMPR villains' names, so please forgive me if they're spelled wrong.