Epilogue: Because 'Shadow' Isn't A Color

Syd, Z and Jack watched the events unfold from the kitchen. Syd had commandeered some of the SPD surveillance equipment earlier in the day, telling Boom that she wanted to re-familiarize herself with it. A microphone was taped to the underside of Bridge and Sky's table, and the trio had listened to the entire conversation covertly. When the conversation stopped, Jack would poke his head through the kitchen door, making sure he wasn't noticed, and reported the details back to the girls, much to their disappointment. They would rather have seen all the action with their own eyes, but hearing about it was better than nothing. After Sky and Bridge had retreated from the cafeteria, the three rangers entered into the vacated room.

"Oh, man, I can't believe they finally did it!" Z crooned, pleased with the small part she had to play in the romance.

"Yup, and now that Sky and Bridge are very much the happy couple, that will put all those rumors about me and Sky to rest," Syd added as she retrieved the microphone.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "You know, I know of another way we could put those rumors to rest," he commented silkily.

"Not on your life," Syd shot back without even looking up from her work.

Jack scoffed and made a disappointed face, while Z just patted him on the shoulder. "She's a cold, hard bitch. I told you so," she said.

Just as she finished speaking, the doors to the cafeteria opened and Commander Cruger stepped inside. He coldly looked over each of the three rangers, who had overcome their initial shock to snap to attention. Doggie groaned softly, as now the image of the three of them would be burned in his mind forever: Z in a tank top and starred pajama bottoms, Jack in a red wife beater and his plaid boxer shorts, and Syd in a pink t-shirt that said "princess" in white, short shorts, giant pink bunny slippers and wrapped up in a fluffy pink robe. All standing at attention. These were his rangers. And they looked ridiculous.

"Rangers," he growled. "Do you have any good reason for being out of bed and roaming the complex at this hour?"

"Sir, no sir," they responded, because they had no other answer.

Doggie's growl grew. "Then get outta here!" he barked, sending them all scurrying for the exit.

Z and Jack sprinted down the hall and around a corner, and Syd followed as best she could, but running on a polished surface in fuzzy slippers isn't easy. When she reached her two fellow rangers, she gasped. "Oh no!"

Jack frowned at her. "What?"

"I got the microphone, but I left the player sitting on the counter!" Syd cried, worry painting her features.

The red ranger cursed softly under his breath and hit his head against the wall.

"Well, we can't go back for it now," Z reasoned. "Maybe Cruger won't even notice it. We'll get up early tomorrow and grab it before anyone notices."

Syd made a face when Z said 'early', but having no other option, she agreed. They all went back to their bunks to sleep.

Cruger, however, did find the player. He chuckled softly after listening to the tape, and then pocketed the device before heading to bed with his mug of warm milk. "It's about time."