A/N: Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in like…forever…but, I'M SORRY! I've just been so preoccupied with other things…like school, piano, and my other obsessions. xD

Anyway, I was like super bored so I decided I should update this. I mean, I practically know everything that's going to happen in the rest of this story. I was just never in the mood to actually write it.

Well, just so you know, there will probably a lot of Squiffie stuff in these next few chapters, with Lewis here and all.

Oh, Chanelle, Glynis, Noelle, and Rhi: sorry but you AND me are not going to be in these next few chapters! I felt like we were sort of taking the place of the "Two Troublemakers" (that would be Axel and Ansem) and we were way too main in the story, so I wanted to take us out for a while. (To those of you who don't know who I'm talking about…I mean Xonny, Rihx, Roxanne, and Lyxsing.)

So yeah! I think this author's note is completely long enough so I'm going to actually start the chapter now! Hehe! Enjoy! (Sorry for the wait)

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the characters! (Not counting the 50 trillion OCs in here)



Kairi plugged her ears. Axel's singing really wasn't something she wanted to hear. In fact, this entire day wasn't too pleasant for her. After Lewis' visit, the group packed their things and excitedly prepared for their camping trip. Now that the time had come, though, it wasn't quite what Kairi had expected.

Of course, they hadn't even gotten to the actually camp yet. No, they were just in the car. The very cramped, dark, loud, and disgusting smelling car that made Kairi feel very claustrophobic. She was crammed in the very back seat between Axel and Ansem. Axel was currently singing very obnoxiously, and Ansem had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She tried to brush him off, but his head was as heavy as a boulder.

"Yuck," Kairi gave a look of disgust at her shoulder, which was being drenched in Ansem's drool.


"Hey, Kairi! Could you pass me the shovel, please?" Yuffie called from the front seat. She was sitting in the passenger seat next to Leon, who was driving.

"Uhh…" Kairi awkwardly shifted so that she could grab the shovel out from under her seat without being drooled on anymore by Ansem.

"Wait, why do you need a shovel? And why do we have one in here anyway?" She shouted over Axel's loud singing and Sora's screams.

"In case of emergencies! Now give it here, Sora needs to be whacked on the head!" Yuffie yelled excitedly.

"What?! No! I'm not giving it to you then!" Kairi protested.


"Oh come on, Kairi! He really needs it! I mean, look at him!" Kairi looked over at Sora, who was sitting in front of her. He looked like he was going insane. His whole body was twitching, and he was screaming weird things.


"See? Now gimme the shovel!" Yuffie ordered. She held her hand out so Kairi could give her the shovel.

"No way! I will not let you hit Sora on the head! He's always like that. Just let it be. He'll be fine!" Kairi stowed away the shovel.

Yuffie whined. From behind the wheel, Leon laughed.


"AAAHHHH!!!" Riku screamed and cowered against Cloud's shoulder, who looked at him like he was crazy and tried to push him off. Riku stood no chance against Cloud's muscles. No matter how hard he clutched, Cloud still pushed him off.

The source of Riku's frightened cowering was of course, Cuddles. They had to bring her along, I mean, they couldn't just leave her at the house alone. She had been actually pretty quite the entire ride, which was a relief, but it must have been Sora's seizure-like behavior that had riled her up.

Cuddles barked loudly again and Riku began to cower against Cloud once more.

"Hey, someone get this idiot off of me!" Cloud shouted.

"Hey, Cloud, just ask Kairi for the shovel!" Yuffie said. She seemed very intent on seeing someone get hit in the head with the "weapon".

Cloud shrugged. "Okay. Hey Kai, hand me the shovel, will ya?" He looked back at Kairi.

"NO WAY! Jeez, what's with you people and your obsession with hitting my friends with shovels?" Kairi complained.

"I don't know, Kairi, looks to me like Ansem could use a whack himself. Unless you want him to keep drooling on you," Leon said.

"Ugh!" Kairi had forgotten about the disgusting, darkness-crazed man. She tried once again to push him off of her, but of course, failed.

"You sure you don't want to use that shovel?" Yuffie said.

"No, guys, that's stu-"

"SPOONNS!" Kairi and the others had mostly blocked out the sounds of Sora and Axel, and had completely forgotten about them. Everyone turned to look at Sora, who seemed to have woken up. He was sitting stiffly upright in his seat, with his eyes wide as if he had just seen a ghost. He was gasping and breathing heavily.

"Sora, are you alright?" Kairi asked worriedly. Sora didn't answer. He just kept staring blankly in front of him. Kairi shrugged.

"Anyway, as I was saying, that's stupi-"

"45 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL! 45 BOTTLES OF BEEEEEEEEEERRRRRR!!" It seemed that Axel was feeling left out of the conversation. (If you could even call it that) He had raised his voice, and everyone flinched and plugged their ears.

"Axel, how are you still not done with that song??? You've been singing it this entire time!!" Cloud asked wondrously.

Axel replied with another chorus of his lovely song, and Kairi gave up on trying to restore order to the group. She dropped her head into her hands, droned out the loud noises, and tried to fall asleep.


"Here we are, Camp Huwaka!!" Kairi was awoken by the sound of Yuffie's excited voice. She sat up and looked out the car window. Just as Yuffie had said, they had arrived at the camp.

Kairi yawned and noticed that she was the only one remaining in the car. She took off her seatbelt and got out of the oversized vehicle.

"Hey Kairi! Have a nice sleep?" Sora asked casually. He seemed as if he hadn't even had that weird spaz-attack a few hours earlier.

Kairi laughed quietly and gave Sora a bright smile. "Of course! But it probably would've been 100 times better if someone wasn't drooling disgusting spit all over my brand new shirt," she pointed her head towards Ansem, who was currently the victim of a game of "Monkey in the Middle" played by Axel and Cloud.

Sora laughed. "Well, we better start setting up camp. Hey Yuff, are we sleeping in tents, or cabins?" He yelled to Yuffie.

"Don't worry, my dear Sora! Lewis has already reserved a camping area for us!" she shouted excitedly.

"That didn't really answer my question…but okay," Sora scratched his head.

"Come on, Squally, time to go pitch tents!!" Yuffie screeched and grabbed Leon's hand, pulling him towards their camping area.

"Wait! Yuffie! What about our luggage!" Leon protested while being dragged by the overly-ecstatic ninja.

"Come on, guys! Give me back my flashlight!" Ansem whined. Cloud and Axel laughed and threw it on the ground nearby. "Eek! Don't break it!"

"Dude, don't sweat it, it's not broken. Now come on, we better follow Yuffie before we all get lost!" Axel said.

Everyone agreed and grabbed their luggage. Kairi insisted that someone take Yuffie and Leon's, and the task was unfortunately assigned to her.

"You're the only one who cares! So you take them!" Axel shouted as he ran off with Ansem and Cloud following. Riku walked indifferently behind them, carrying his small, solitary bag.

Kairi sighed and began to pile Yuffie and Leon's bags on top of her own, trying to find a way to successfully carry all 5 bags (Kairi and Yuffie each had 2) at the same time.

"Hey Kairi, I'll help you!" Sora smiled his goofy grin at her and grabbed one of Yuffie's bags and Leon's.

"Thanks, Sora!" Kairi smiled warmly and the two of them set off after the others, pulling Cuddles by the leash.


Pitching tents took about 4 hours total, due to the crazy acts of everyone in the group. Lewis had arrived, and was currently chatting with Yuffie and going over "Safety Procedures" that no one was listening to. Sora, who was sharing a tent with Riku, was having problems figuring out how to set the tent up, so Kairi had to help him. (Her tent was already completely set up, thanks to Yuffie, whose excitement was starting to get annoying).

Cloud and Leon had absolutely no problems setting up their tent, but Axel and Ansem were getting absolutely nowhere. For one thing, they had raided Kairi's things and found the marshmallows, and were roasting them over a fire that Axel had conjured up.

After helping Sora successfully pitch his and Riku's tent, Kairi went over to set up Axel and Ansem's, since clearly they weren't going to do it themselves.

Finally, after the long and hard work of setting up, their home for the next week was completed.

"Yay! Kairi, I'm so excited! Aren't you excited? Lewis, do we get to go swimming tomorrow?" Yuffie was jumping up and down like a maniac and Kairi was sure she was going to collapse from hyperventilation.

"Yep, the lake here is open at all times! You don't even need a lifeguard. And there's a snack bar up in the main building, which is over there," Lewis pointed up a hill.

"THID BOO BUS PTHAY SCHNAK BWAR??!" Axel said with his mouth full of burnt marshmallow.

"Well, yeah…but it's not open at night. Only from 7AM – 7PM." Lewis said.

"What time is it now?" Kairi asked.

"8:15," Leon answered.

"Actually, it's 8:17," Sora corrected, looking at his cell-phone clock.

"Whatever," Leon rolled his eyes.

"Brrrr! It's super cold out here! I'm going in the tent to get into my pajamas. Then we can all sit by the fire! You comin too, Kairi?" Yuffie asked.

"Sure," Kairi agreed. The two girls went into the tent.

Sora sighed. "I'm pooped. I think I'll just go to bed," he said.

"What, no sitting by the warm fire with you're beloved Kairi?" Cloud teased. Sora blushed.

"No, I'm too tired! I think it might have been the amount of miles I had to run to get away from those Rabid Alligators," he said, yawning.

About 2 seconds later, Sora realized that what he said hadn't made any sense at all. "Whoa, I mean…I don't know. Today's all mixed up in my brain," he shook his chocolate brown spikes and stood up. "See you guys tomorrow morning!"

"Yeah, hopefully not at the crack of dawn," Leon said. Sora nodded lazily and crawled into his badly-set-up tent. The left side was sort of sagging, so he set up his sleeping bag on the right. He was just selfish like that. Plus, the right side was the one that Kairi had helped him set up.

Back outside, Axel and Ansem were having a marshmallow eating contest, and Cloud, Leon, Riku, and Lewis were just talking about random things. About five minutes later, Kairi and Yuffie came back out, looking really warm in their cozy pajamas.

"Where's Sora?" Kairi asked after noticing the energetic brunette was missing from the circle.

"He went to sleep, said he was too tired." Leon answered.

"Oh, okay." Kairi and Yuffie took a seat on one of the wooden benches surrounding the fire. The boys joined them soon after.

"Hey! You guys are in my way," Ansem complained.

"Oh, that's just too bad," Riku said. Ansem frowned. "You know what? I think I'll go sleep too. You people are boring anyway," Riku stood up and started toward his tent.

"Hey!" Yuffie said, offended. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Okay, Riku. See you tomorrow!" Kairi waved. Everyone else said quick 'good-nights' and Riku went off to sleep.

Kairi yawned. "So, what are we going to do tomorrow?" she asked the group.

"I vote swimming!" Yuffie raised her hand high for no particular reason. Axel squirmed around in the gravel (which he was sitting on) and raised his hand too.

"What, Axel? Why are we suddenly raising hands? This isn't school, you know." Kairi said, slightly annoyed.

"Well, I think we should NOT go swimming, seeing as that would be unfair. Because I know that I happen to hate swimming, because it involves water, which I also hate. So…yeah." Axel said. Kairi and the others all rolled their eyes.

"Okay, Axel, you don't have to go swimming. But the rest of us probably will, so if you feel left out, not my problem." Kairi said. Axel frowned unhappily, then stood up.

"I'm going to bed." He declared, and stomped off to his tent. Ansem shrugged and decided to follow.

"I'll go too," he said.

"Well, I guess we should just all go to sleep then. Even if it isn't that late, today's been a long day, for all of us." Kairi suggested.

Everyone seemed to think this was a great idea.

"Well, see you tomorrow then, Kairi. Night, Yuffie," Leon said.

"Nighty night, Squally!! Night night, Cloud!" Yuffie squealed. How she still had energy, nobody knows.

"Good night," Cloud said.

"See you guys all tomorrow!" Lewis said. Everyone waved goodbye and went to their separate tents to sleep, except for Kairi. She had to put Cuddles in her kennel, which was located next to Axel and Ansem's tent. She wasn't so sure that this was a good idea, but it was the only thing they could do.

She yawned once more, pet the actually-calm-for-once Cuddles, and went to her tent to get a good nights sleep.


A/N: Yay! I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter, it was fun! And I like how it turned out. I'm also super proud of myself for updating. Hehe!

This chapter, I guess, was mostly told in the perspective of Kairi, but still in 3rd person. If you know what I mean. Kairi is kind of the leader of their household, and I find it easiest to start and end the chapters with things that she does.

Anyway, please let me know what you thought of this chapter! I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

Hope you enjoyed it! Talk to you all later!