Well then, I'm very sorry for the long hiatus on Silver Tears of the Blue Sky. I need some time for my writer's block to 'unblock' for it. Ironically, this came to mind when I began to have a writer's block for the other sequel. Since I know how much you guys liked my version of Shinn, I've decided to 'unkill' him here. Once again, it's a sequel to Twinned Souls but in a different light. This time, it's about the time both Cagalli and Shinn spent together right after the final battle until Twinned Souls. Hope you guys like this one better than the other sequel. I kind of regretted 'killing off' Shinn and decided to make it up to you guys who liked him. Also, very appreciate if you guys can help me along the way for this fanfic! (sometimes, I run out of ideas on what they should do..hehe)

By the way, from second paragraph onwards is the real story, or, you could say flashback! Also, I'll appreciate it if you guys give me a 'swift kick in the butt' if I tend to delay the updates. Sometimes, I need the 'push'!

The air surrounding was refreshing and peaceful. Smiling, she took in a breath of the air as she sat down under a huge old tree. Its branches loomed over her, creating cooling shade from the hot sun. Leaning her head back against the rough bark of the tree, she wondered about her life. Just the thought of it brought a smile to her face and a nostalgic gleam in her golden-amber eyes.

She looked around her, the place she had called home was no longer what she used to remember. Rubbles dirtied the area as she walked around in bewilderment. She felt cold inside while her whole body shook slightly. Thankful, no one was there to observe the silver tears trailing down her cheeks while she clenched her fists tightly. With a sudden, her whole body went still as she raised her golden head. Turning around slowly, she watched as a figure walked towards her from a far. Her eyes were narrowed with anger and her whole body bristled with it as a familiar face came to view. Swiftly, she brushed away her tears.

"What do you think you are doing here?" she asked coldly. She stared at him from amidst the damages that Orb had after the final war. She saw him winced as he walked up to her. She lifted her head slightly up to glare at him, him being slightly taller than her.

"Princess-" he called out as he raised a hand to her. She moved away from him swiftly.

"You have no right to call me that! You don't even want to be here, remember! You hate this place!" she cried out, her anger in full throttle as she gestured wildly at her surroundings. She could not believe the nerve he had to return to Orb when, in truth, it had been his fault that Orb had been reduced to this pitiful state. She could hear the cries and sadness of her people around as they mourned for their loved ones. Her mind told her that it was not entirely his fault. She too had some part in it, having decided for Orb to participate in the final battle. But her heart won over, telling her to use him as a scapegoat.

With a sudden, she felt despondent and tired. Once again, the heavy burden of her responsibility as a Princess weighed her down. She felt herself swayed and her knees buckled under her. Suddenly, she felt arms surrounding her and her hair being wet as he burrowed his head in her hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he cried, repeating his apology over and over again. She felt her own tears threatening to spill. It was then that she knew hope was not far from her grasp. She raised her arms and wrapped them around him. Together, they fell to the floor. She listened to him cry while she held him in her arms. Tiredly, she laid her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Her own tears spilled over silently.

It was after a while that he stopped crying. Her head still on his shoulder, she felt he pulled away from her. She looked up and saw him gazing intently down at her. She watched as those red eyes of his gleamed with unshed tears. Pulling away her arms from him, she lifted her hands to his face and gently wiped away those tears from his eyes.

"I'm really sor-" he started to say but she shook her head. Her hands fell away from his face as she looked over his shoulder and at the people who were down on their knees, crying out loud.

"I know it is not your fault. It's no one's fault actually. This is just a consequence of what power and hate could do," she simply said, her eyes watching and not seeing him at the same time. Blinking once, she looked at him again and sadly gave him a smile. "You are here now, alive. Make use of what life has to offer for you," she said as she slowly straightened herself up. With that said, she walked away from him, the one who had glared at her each time they met. Behind her, his red eyes watched her walked away before he stood up.

Ahead, she could two shadowy figures amidst the dust and rubble. The famous mobile suit, Strike Freedom, lay motionless behind them. One of the figures turned towards her, its long pink hair flowing with the motion. She watched as the pink-haired figure turned to its companion and pointed at her. The other figure turned and together, both began to make their way towards her. As they got closer, she could finally see who they were. Almost impulsively and hopefully, she glanced behind them. No third figure came out and her eyelids lowered with disappointment. She could feel her heart sank as tears threatened to fall once again.

She knew it was too good to be true. Hoping that he would be there was way out of the question, since she was the one who had walked away from him. She watched as the pink-haired girl walked towards her and stood by her side while the other figure stood before her, its helmet still on. She looked on as it raised its arms and removed the helmet, revealing brown hair and sad-looking deep amethyst eyes. She watched her brother's face as he let his helmet go with a soft thud on the ground. She watched her brother gave her a soft tired smile as he lifted his arms up.

With a soft sound, she moved into his arms and wrapped her own around his lithe body. Body trembling, she clenched her hands into tight fists, bunching his suit as well as she pushed her face deep into his chest. Pent-up emotions broke loose as smothered sobs could be heard from her. Behind them, the pink-haired girl smiled. "It's all right. It's all right. It's finally over," she heard her brother spoke to her in that soothing voice of his. Lifting her head up, she stared at her brother's tired, yet gentle amethyst eyes.

"But Orb -" she started. Her brother shook his head.

"We can rebuild Orb once again. You, me and Lacus. All of us. Together this time," he said, gesturing at the war-ravaged land around them. She looked around, taking note of Lacus smiling as she walked up to them.

"Your brother is right. Cagalli, Orb will be rebuild from the ground and you are not alone. We are here for you," she said as she placed a hand on Cagalli's shoulder. Moving away from her brother, Cagalli snaked an arm around her pink-haired friend and brought the two of them close to her in a hug.

"Thank you," she softly said.

"Don't forget about us," a feminine voice called out. All three looked up and found themselves staring at the members of the Clyne Faction grinning at them. Lowering her arms, she watched as the Clyne Faction made their way towards the three of them. And as the members of the Clyne Faction crowded around the three of them, Cagalli spied a unruly black-haired, red-eyed figure looking at her from a far.